1.De procedure
- de dagvaarding van 25 april 2023, met bijlagen;
- het antwoord met eis in reconventie (tegeneis), met bijlagen
- de repliek in conventie met antwoord in reconventie, met bijlagen;
- de dupliek in conventie met repliek in reconventie, met bijlagen;
- de dupliek in reconventie, met bijlagen.
- de e-mail van mr. Hoekstra van 27 juni 2023, met bijlage;
- de nadere productie van Brunel;
- de spreekaantekeningen van de gemachtigden van [persoon01] en Brunel;
2.De beoordeling
Over the last month we have discussed your pension scheme on numerous occasions. According to the agreement between Brunel and yourself (article 1.4) regarding your assignment in Singapore your pension was going to be continued on the same basis in the Netherlands. This means that your pension has been build up on the basis of your annual salary of 1996. Enclosed you will find a summary of your pension rights with Nationale Nederlanden[…]”. In een memo van 15 januari 2002 schrijft Brunel aan [persoon01] : “[…]
Your agreement with Brunel provided for pension contributions from Brunel based on your salary in 1997. We agree with you that the level of these contributions does not reflect your current position and role within the Brunel group. In order to repair this we have made an estimate of the annual salary of an employee with similar tasks and responsibilities over the year 1998-2001. From these amounts we deducted the basis of your pension (pensioengrondslag) as it has actual served to determine the payments. We propose to contribute 6 or 7 percent of the difference (depending on your age at the time) to your pension. […] For the year 2002 we will also determine a reasonable comparable annual salary to serve as the basis of your pension Contributions.[…]”
:“[…]For the year 2002 we will also determine a reasonable comparable annual salary to serve as the basis of your pension Contributions. […] This new pension will be hosted by Achmea. The details of this pension scheme will be sent to you by email. With regard to the question whether or not to transfer the existing funds with Nationale Nederlanden to Achmea I suggest you ask advice from I&I. If you need any assistance with this feel free to contact me.”
in de plaats tradvan de eindloonregeling en wat het verschil voor hem was tussen deze regeling en de eindloonregeling.
3.De beslissing
5 december 2023schriftelijk kan uitlaten over de vraag of en, zo ja, hoe zij bewijs wil leveren;