2. Indictment
foreign fighters’. In June 2014, the group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (hereinafter: ISIL) controlled several parts of Syria and Iraq and renamed itself on 29 June 2014 as Islamic State (hereinafter: IS). After 2016, IS started to lose more and more territory and at the end of 2018, the IS stronghold finally fell.
mr.N. Vogelenzang and
mr.L.B. Haneveld (hereinafter: the Public Prosecutors) and of what the suspect and his defence counsel
mr.Y. Özdemir put forward.
Leidraad voor juridische auteurs.
2.The Indictment
3.Admissibility of the Public Prosecutor’s Office
ne bis in idemprinciple has been violated can merely relate to the charged participation in a terrorist organisation (Count 1 of Indictment I, first cumulative /alternative), since the suspect merely was convicted in Turkey for participation in a armed terrorist organisation.
ne bis in idemprinciple or the prohibition of double prosecution, as laid down in, inter alia, Article 68 of the Dutch Criminal Code, means that a person can not be prosecuted and sentenced for having committed the same offence. The principle only applies if there is a
criminal charge,as laid down in Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the ECHR. The District Court determines that the suspect was convicted by the Full Court of the District Court in Kĭlĭs (Turkey) on 17 May 2018 and sentenced to a term of imprisonment of six years and three months for participation in an armed terrorist organisation. Thus, the requirement of
criminal chargehas simply been met.
ne bis in idemis at stake, it needs to be examined in the present case to what extent we are dealing with the same offence, whether we are dealing with an irrevocable conviction and whether the imposed sanction was followed by full execution, pardon or prescription.
shariacourse, registered in Raqqa and then left to Kobani, where IS members were in order to fight the PKK/PYD. The conclusion of the full court in said verdict is that the suspect went to Syria in order to join the terrorist organisation IS. Given the complex of offences, on which the Turkish verdict is based, the District Court is of opinion that it is inevitable that this complex of offences falls under the conduct that the Public Prosecutor’s Office accused the suspect of in Count 1 of Indictment I first cumulative/alternative. The fact that the verdict mentions
ne bis in idemprinciple could be the case; which, in the present case, is not an issue.
‘to assert their presence after taking control of an area and to instil fear among the population’.
foreign fightersof IS. On this IS payroll, details are listed that seem to correspond with those of the suspect, i.e. his full name, ‘
kunya’, nationality and date of birth. Furthermore, under the heading ‘
Assignment’ it reeds ‘
Sniper Battalion’, next to the ‘
Mu’atah Division’. [6] At the trial, the suspect stated that these are effectively his details [7] but the mention ‘
Sniper Battalion’ is wrong.
Tawhidgesture. [11] At the trial, the suspect stated that during his stay in Syria and Iraq he in fact had his photograph taken with arms, [12] but that this was done in order to show off and be tough.
Kuffaar’ during his stay on the front;
istishadie’ and wants to become saheed in ribaat;
ribaat’ is the front line is and that the beginning is terribly difficult when attacking/when under attack;
riba’. [16]
lex specialisin comparison with Article 46 of the Dutch Criminal Code.
Tawhidgesture, the fact that he was in places that were under the control of IS and managed by IS, as well as the fact that his position was mentioned on the payroll do not allow any other conclusion than that the suspect did link up with IS, actually made a contribution to the armed fight and, thus, participated in IS. The District Court rejects the statement of the suspect that the chat conversations and photographs were simply meant to act tough; the same goes for his statement, in which he claims that he merely worked as a car-park attendant or a humanitarian relief worker all the time.
sniper’-battalion’ he provided information to others and tried to create the possibility for himself to commit terrorist crimes. [33]
24 October 2014to
3 September 2016
3 September 2016
heknew that they were meant to commit the serious offence
5.War crimes
Elements of Crimeof the International Criminal Court (hereinafter: ICC), since the legislator considered, in the context of the creation of the WIM, that a Dutch judge may orient himself towards this. Under the
Elements of Crimeconclusive evidence must satisfy five elements. First of all, it must be established that the suspect humiliated, dishonoured or otherwise violated the dignity of one or more persons. The seriousness of that humiliation, dishonouring or other violation must be of such a nature that they are generally considered to be an outrage upon personal dignity. The person(s) who gave become a victim of (one of) these acts, were either
hors de combator citizens, medical staff or religious staff no longer taking part in the hostilities, and the suspect must have been aware of the factual circumstances that had led to the coming about of that status. In 5.3.4, the District Court will elaborate on these elements. In 5.3.5, the District Court will, finally, assess whether it can be established that the events took place in the context of and are associated with the armed conflict, plus whether the suspect was aware of the factual circumstances that made the armed conflict come into existence.
‘not of an international character’. [51] The latter are generally called non-international armed conflicts. In the Tadić case, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (hereinafter: ICTY) gave a generally accepted definition of an armed conflict:
the whole territory of the warring States or, in the case of internal conflicts, the whole territory under the control of a party, whether or not actual combat takes place there.’ [54]
protracted armed violence’, plus, the armed group(s) involved must be sufficiently organised. [56] These criteria were further developed in this and later case law. The criteria distinguish situations of non-international armed conflicts from situations of, for instance, internal unrest and riots.
protracted armed violence’refers more to the intensity than the duration of the conflict. Also, it listed the relevant factors in that case, with which the intensity of the armed violence can be tested:
barrel bombs’. And also, in the course of 2014 and the first half of 2015, air strikes and attacks with
barrel bombscarried out by the Syrian regime in several parts of Syria, caused many casualties, in particular among the citizens. The armed oppositions were, inter alia, guilty of summary executions, kidnapping, torture of captured government soldiers, members of pro-Assad militias and people who were considered to be informants of the Assad regime. IS, JaN and other armed forces are believed to be guilty of illegally keeping large number detainees in captivity, torturing them and regularly carrying out executions.
majlis al-shura(advisory council) a legal council, a security council, a military council, an intelligence council, a support council for fighters, a council for the media and a financial division. The support council for fighters would make the arrangements for foreign fighters to come to IS and to, inter alia, help them to find accommodation. The
majlis al-shurawould consist of nine to eleven members and be responsible for passing on the orders of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to the lower command structures and for checking whether these orders were being obeyed. In addition, it makes decision on legislation and its application and, by doing so, has tasks that have an overlap with those of the
shariacouncil (that makes decision on religious matters). By establishing the caliphate and conquering territory in 2014, IS converted parts of the organisation, so it seems, into ministries or committees, which also had to manage territories conquered by IS. In different locations in Syria and Iraq, there are IS training camps, where lessons are being taught in knowledge of legal rules and the Islamic doctrine, and where the recruit is also trained in fighting techniques and handling weapons. The army of IS would consist of, inter alia, special units, air defence forces, a sniper brigade and an administration. [65]
protracted armed violencewas satisfied - in any case for that period of time. Frequently, there were largescale military operations between the parties involved, in which context military arms and vehicles, such as tanks and artillery, were deployed. By the end of 2015, the number of fatal was over 250,000 people and 4.3 million people fled from Syria and Iraq. A very considerable number of people needs humanitarian aid and several towns and villages in Syria and Iraq were destroyed. Also, a peace plan was negotiated; the Security Council of the United Nations convicted the Syrian regime and the conducts of IS. Therefore, the requirement of a certain level of intensity of the conflict has been met.
hors de combatby sickness, wounds, detention or any other cause.
Elements of Crimeof the ICC, it is stated that dead people may also be victims of this crime. [67]
severe humiliation’ instead of ‘
serious humiliation’.
suspect- i.e. posing for the photograph with the deceased and the distributing the photograph – entails an outrage upon personal dignity. By posing next to the deceased while he smiles and taking a photograph (or having it made), the suspect contributed to further deepening the humiliation and/or dishonouring of the deceased. Thus, the suspect expressed that the body of the deceased had to be considered a trophy and that he is superior compared to the deceased. This humiliating and/or dishonouring conduct is of such gravity that it is simply considered to be an outrage upon personal dignity of the deceased person.
forwardingthe photograph, the suspect violated the dignity of the deceased woman. The District Court is of the opinion that, although the suspect further continued the humiliation and/or dishonouring but his conduct is, under the circumstances, - meaning that it has not been proven that he sent the photograph to more than one person nor that he took the photograph himself and that he is not in the photograph himself – this is in itself not of such a nature and gravity that this can simply be viewed as an outrage upon personal dignity of the deceased person.
the crimes were closeley related to the hostilities’. [76]
‘a policy or of a practice officially endorsed or tolerated by one of the parties to the conflict, or that the act be in actual furtherance of a policy associated with the conduct of war of in the actual interest of a party to the conflict’.
Appeals Chamberof The ICTY considered in the Kunarac case in 2002:
in furtherance or under the guise of the armed conflict’:
under the guise of the armed conflict’. The following considerations were made:
the suspect– i.e. posing next to a deceased person, having a photograph made of this and subsequently dispersing this photograph via Facebook - and the armed conflict in Syria.
6.Criminality of the conclusive evidence
7.Criminality of the suspect
pro justitiatriple report of 20 May 2019 regarding the suspect. The suspect collaborated in a limited way with the study, in the sense that he did not want to comment on the charges. The reporters came to the conclusion – insofar as relevant – that the suspect has an average level of intelligence. The suspect has a faulty development of his intellectual abilities in the form of a personality disorder with narcistic and antisocial characteristics. This personality disorder was also present when the offences were committed. Although they were not able to fully understand the considerations and choices of the suspect prior to and during the charged offences, they do believe that the impulsivity, suggestibility, indigence and little empathic power of the suspect, in connection with his personality disorder, restrained him from consideration and comprehension of the consequences of his acts. Therefore, the reporters advise to attribute the charged offences to a (somewhat) lesser extent to him. The psychiatrist has come to a slightly reduced attribution because he feels that situational factors also had a relevant influential affect and the suspect did also make conscious choices. The psychologist has come to reduced attribution because he believes that the personality problems played a slightly more prominent role, since narcistic characteristics had been triggered prior to his decision to leave.
pro justitiareport about the influence of the situational factors combined with the conscious choices of the suspect for his acts and the way the suspect presented himself at the trial is of crucial importance.
9.Applicable articles of law
mr.M.R. Ekkart and
mr.M. Sepmeijer-Kovacevic, Clerks,
hors de combatby sickness and/wounds and/or detention and/or by any other cause, in his personal dignity (and/or) (in particular) treated him humiliating and/or dishonouring,
hors de combatby sickness and/wounds and/or detention and/or by any other cause, in his personal dignity (and/or) (in particular) treated him humiliating and/or dishonouring,