2.6Aan belanghebbende zijn op 4 mei 2016 over het jaar 2011 naheffingsaanslagen loonbelasting en premie AVBZ opgelegd voor respectievelijk NAf 391.483 en NAf 5.076. Gelijktijdig met de naheffingsaanslagen heeft de Inspecteur vergrijpboetes (50% voor de loonbelasting en 25% voor de premie AVBZ) opgelegd.
2. 7 De jaarrekeningen en aangiften winstbelasting over de jaren 2010 en 2011 zijn verzorgd door het kantoor KPMG (KPMG Accounting Advisory Services BV en KPMG Meijburg Caribbean). De loonadministratie is door het kantoor Admico Accounting Services NV verzorgd. De aangiften loonbelasting zijn intern verzorgd.
In aanvulling op deze feiten neemt het Hof de volgende feiten op.
2.2.Tot de gedingstukken behoort een advies van 29 november 2011 van KPMG met de aanhef “Pension rights to [de directeur]/Pension provision [belanghebbende] per December 31st, 2010”.
In dit advies is, voor zover van belang, het volgende vermeld:
A. Request
On October 28th, 2011 you requested us to verify from Curacao tax point of view whether [belanghebbende] (hereinafter: 'the N.V.') is allowed to form a pension provision for [de directeur] (hereinafter: ' "[de directeur]"). lf so, which amount can be provided for this obligation on the balance sheet of [belanghebbende] as per December 31st, 2010.
B. Pension Rights as per December 31,2010
Based on information provided by you in above-mentioned e-mail message, subsequent telephone conversations and your e-mail message of November 22nd , 2011, we understood that:
-The N.V. is expected to realize a profit for book purposes (prior to profit taxes) of ANG 532.000 for fiscal year 2010;
-The N.V. has unsettled losses approximately ANG 80.000 as per December 31, 2010;
-[de directeur] has been employed as Managing-director of the N.V. since January 1987;
-[de directeur] became 73 years old in 2010 and currently he owns 25% of the shares of the N.V.;
-The N.V. has never granted pension rights to [de directeur]. The annual income of [de directeur] for 2010 was ANG 165.000;
-The N.V. is considering to grant pension rights to [de directeur] as per December 31, 2010.
C. Administration of obligation under own control
Since [de directeur] was owner of 25% of the shares of the N.V. as per December 31, 2010, the N.V. is legally allowed to administrate the pension provision towards [de directeur] under its own control. Consequently, the N.V. does not have to deposit the funds which are intended to cover the pension rights of [de directeur] in the account of a third party. The N.V. may keep using the funds for its (daily) operations. Please be aware that this will be at [de directeur] risk of losing his pension rights if the N.V. may become insolvent prior to payments of all the amount to which [de directeur] is entitled to.
D. Retiring age and annual dotations
The Ministerial Decree regarding Pensions (PB.2002, nr.35) dictates that an employee is eligible for old age pension income at 60 years. However, an employee is allowed to keep working and building up of pension rights up to 65 years, without having to make any additional payments.
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As said before, the N.V. intends to grant pension rights to [de directeur] as per December 31,2010, wheareas [de directeur] already became 73 years in 2010. Please be informed that we do not have any experience with any case like this in which pension rights were granted to an employee after he became 65 years. One important question in this respect is which annual income of the employee has to serve as basis for calculation of the pension rights:
The annual income at 65 years but adjusted to the price index figures at payment due date (i.e 73 years) or the annual income at 73 years? To obtain certainty regarding amongst other this issue, we will have to enter into negotiations with the Tax lnspectorate.
( ... )
E. Calculation of Pension Provision as per December 31, 2010
1.The N.V. has consulted another Tax Adviser's office prior to us. This Tax Adviser's office made calculations which were based on the following premises:
- retiring age of [de directeur] is 73 years (i.e. December 31st, 2010).
- donations to pension reserve: 2 % for each fiscal year,
- annual salary to be considered for calculation pension provision: annual salary of 2010;
Based on this premises the total pension provision as per December 31, 2010 should amount to
approximately: ANG 1.164.535. However, in case the retiring age of [de directeur] has to be set at 65 years and it has to be assumed that [de directeur] has been receiving old age pension income from the N.V. as that date, up to and including fiscal year 2010, then the total pension provision as per December 31, 2010, should amount to ANG 449.363 (i.e. ANG 1.164.535 minus ANG 665.172).
Finally, [directeur] is entitled to a pension income of ANG. 73.908 as per fiscal year 2011.
Based on our considerations, as mentioned in paragraph D, we requested an Actuary to make some new calculations, as in our opinion the Tax lnspector may not agree with the retiring age years of 73 years. The new calculations were made taking into account the following premises:
- retiring age of [de directeur] is 65 years;
- dotations up to January 1, 2002: 2,33% and for the following years: 2%;
- annual salary to be considered for calculation pension provision: annual salary of 2010;
- first payment of old age pension income: January, 2011.
According to these new calculations the pension provision as per December 31, 2010, should amount to ANG 747,948, whereas the annual old age pension income payable to [de directeur] as per January 1, 2011 will be ANG 56.201.
Based on the above, the N.V. will have an operational loss as per December 31,2010, as a result of which no profit taxes will be due by N.V. in 2010. Consequently, the total losses to be settled with future profits of the N.V. will approximately be:
ANG 295,000 (i.e ANG 80.000 + (747.000 -/- 532.000)).”