Initial meeting
B) In the EPE branch office in Khulna, a handwritten register is maintained with all the export of shrimps of HS code 0306 17. The register is classified by country of destination. The register includes the GSP reference number in sequential order, the date of issue, the Bangladeshi exporter, the EU consignee, the vessel, the net quantity, the amount invoiced in USD and the imprinted Form-A serial number.
C) In the EPE branch office in Chittagong, also a handwritten register is maintained
containing the same information. The difference is that it is not exclusive for shrimps but all goods except textiles.
D) From the comparison between the import data sets in the EU and the data contained in the EPB registers it was established that there are two types of fraud mechanism concerning the falsification of Form-A certificates:
1) No initial Form-A certificate is issued by EPB
There is no record in the import data set in the EU (based both in the GSP reference
number and the imprinted Form-A serial number) that matches records of the EPB
2) An initial Form-A certificate is issued by EPB but the Form-A certificate presented for the release of the goods in the FU is falsified
The falsified certificates contain a different Form-A imprinted serial number but the GSP reference numbers are the same. The other differences between the two Form-A certificates are on the quantity exported or the quality specifications of the products concerned. It is consequently possible to match the GSP reference number available in the EU with a record in the EPB register and verify that the Form-A imprinted serial number is different.
E) The explanation that EFFEA and its members provided for the falsification of the Form
A certificates can be summarised in the following manner:
The exporters agree a contract with an EU buyer and initiate the procedures for getting health (veterinary) certificates issued. At reception by the exporter of the letter of credit from the EU buyer’s bank agency, there could be changes concerning the description and quantity of goods. The bank only pays the invoice in case there is a complete identity between the content of the documents made available by the EU buyer and the content of the documents issued in Bangladesh. Consequently, a new health certificate should be obtained in case of differences.
It was explained that, in 2012 and 2013, the procedure for taking samples for antibiotic testing took around 7-8 days and the results were only available after 25-30 days, due to capacity reasons. The European buyers used to give them a delay of delivery of 15-20 for the shipment of the goods. They were obliged to anticipate the initiation of the procedures for getting the health certificate issued on the basis of the information available in the client’s order.
If later there would be subsequent changes they would not be in time to get new health certificates reissued. Consequently, the health certificates were issued according to the quantities and the qualities initially commanded. The Form-A certificates issued by EPB were based on the specifications contained in those health certificates.
The health certificates and the Form-A certificates presented to the agent of the bank of the EU buyer and, consequently, presented to customs authorities for the release of the goods in the EU, were falsified to meet the changes in the command by the EU buyer.
The content of both Form-A certificates was identical, including signatures and stamps, except for the changing quantities or description of the product and the different Form-A imprinted serial number.
2. Background
OLAF examined the quantity of shrimps imported and the potential applicability of the forgeries to other EU Member States and, as a result, an investigation was opened (reference OF/2015/0412).
From EU databases, OLAF has recorded between 01/01/2013 and 02/11/2015, 6.300 consignments of shrimps (HS codes 0306 17, 1605 21 and 1605 29) for a net approximate quantity of 100.000 tonnes imported in the EU. It has been detected that the tampered certificates contained the same Form A reference number than the original. The Form A serial number imprinted in the form is however necessarily different.