“a) To open, deposit, withdraw and operate in general Banking Accounts on behalf of the Corporation with any Bank or Credit Institution in [land] as well as in any foreign country.---
b) To buy, sell, mortgage and to dispose of the properties of the Corporation as well as to carry out all acts pertinent to the administration of same.---
c) To sign contracts in relation with the personal and real properties of the Corporation.---
g) To effect payment of taxes and other expenses of ordinary or extraordinary administration that this Corporation must pay.---
h) To make any banking operations, sign, accept, submit for collection or to protest Bills of Exchange or other commercial securities.- - To withdraw any mail correspondence including parcels, securities, bundles, goods from Post Office, railways, customhouses, and any other transportation office.---
i) To collect and receive all sums due to the Corporation, whether in payment of stocks certificates, interests, dividends, freights, reimbursements, commissions, rents of the corporations, companies or enterprises in which this Corporation may be a Shareholder or copartner, or of personal or real properties belonging to the Corporation.---
j) To represent the Corporation before any national or foreign authority, provincial or municipal, of any country, as well as before public or private agents, General Tax offices, Customhouse, Embassies and Consular Representations of any country, as well as before the Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations.---
k) To represent the Corporation in any proceedings whether contentious or not, judicial or extrajudicial, to sign agreements on damages, petitions, settlement of claims, protests, arbitrations and to take all the steps and do all acts legally necessary or convenient for the interests of the Corporation.---
l) To represent the Grantor before any corporations, Courts, employees or official of the judicial order or administrative or labor branches or of the Public Prosecution, in any law suits, actions, acts, proceedings or negotiations wherein the Grantor may have to intervene direct or indirectly, whether as Plaintiff or Defendant or as third party, with power to desist, receive transact and substitute.---
m) To attend general creditor meetings of judicial or extrajudicial nature, accept or dismiss therein all proposals made for settlements and to intervene in the appointments to be made therein.---
n) To submit to the decisions of arbitration tribunals constituted according to the law, lawsuits, doubts, or difference in regard to the rights and obligations of the Grantor.---
o) To acquire for the Grantor all kind of properties, and to sign the respective contracts.--- (…)”