2.1.Belanghebbende was tot 1 december 2006 werkzaam bij het private equity fonds [B.V. 1] (hierna: [B.V. 1] ). Hij heeft deel uitgemaakt van een team dat onderzoek heeft gedaan naar de wenselijkheid van de acquisitie van [N.V.] (hierna: [N.V.] ). [N.V.] is houdster van aandelen in vennootschappen die – kort gezegd – werkzaam zijn op het gebied van kinderopvang. Het onderzoek heeft in juni 2006 geresulteerd in een positieve aanbeveling, weergegeven in een rapport genaamd [rapport] (hierna: [rapport] ). In [rapport] is – onder meer – het volgende opgenomen:
Pricing and IRR[hof: Internal Rate of Return]
The gross purchase price is EUR 57.3 million debt and cash free. This implies an EBITDA multiple of 6.8x (2006). The investment in [N.V.] offers attractive IRRs of approximately 27.5%-30.0% in the management case, which is excluding acquisitions.
Investment Rationale - Investment Case
[N.V.] offers the opportunity to invest in:
▪ The clear market leader in childcare in the Netherlands;
▪ Operating in a sustainable and growing industry;
▪ Whereby further growth is spurred by i) current government initiatives to structurally increase the penetration of formal childcare and ii) the current phase of the economic cycle which has led to falling unemployment rates in the Netherlands;
▪ With the opportunity to improve its operations which, for specific reasons, the company has started to focus on only recently;
▪ With the opportunity to buy and improve underperforming childcare providers which, due to specific market circumstances, can be acquired at attractive prices;
▪ And the possibility to optimize the balance sheet through a sale and leaseback of around EUR 20 million in real estate.
[N.V.] 's strategy:
- Expansion: further expand its market position in the Netherlands through acquisitions and selectively setting up of new locations (mainly BSO's)
- Operational improvement: Further operational improvement can be realized in the existing business but also in the newly to be acquired companies.
Operational improvement
Empirical evidence points in the direction of privately run childcare providers achieving EBITDA margins of around 20%. There are a number of obvious measures, that will improve the margin of [N.V.] which have not yet been implemented.
Buy & Build opportunity
There are several drivers fuelling the buy and build opportunity:
- A large number of childcare foundations aim to merge or sell their operations as a solution to their problems (as a result of loss of income of subsidies)
- Prices that are paid in the market are low due to the inefficient operations of these companies
- Main goal of the foundations when selling their operation is to ensure continuity and not a maximum sales price (please note that 40% of all childcare providers are non profit driven foundations).
This is an exceptional situation and is therefore part of our investment case. However the financial upside is not reflected in the management case scenario due to the fact that unknown factors like timing and size make the opportunity difficult to quantify.
A Foundation will be set up for the investment of the Management Team members, who will hold depository receipts and will enter into the Depository Receipts Holders Agreement. It is expected that key management will invest an amount of EUR 450,000. This will be structured partially in ordinary shares and senior preference shares.
Looking at the management case (see financials chapter), assuming exit multiple equal to entry multiple (at 6.8x EBITDA) and no further acquisitions, will lead to an MOI of 3.0x and IRR of 31.5% in 2009. See underneath a scenario analysis of returns at different EBITDA levels and exit multiples in 2009.
Further upside can be found in. acquisitions, sale-and-leaseback of real estate, positive economical development, and additional leverage through mezzanine financing.