1.Ontstaan en loop van het geding
As per August 31st the situation of receivables [A] shows a total outstanding amount of € 10.0 million (€ 7,205 loans and € 2.837 receivables) excluding the overdue interest invoices for the amount of € 101.000.
We like to point out that information is necessary to assess the need for a possible provision to be formed against these loans and receivables as per the coming balance sheet date (31 March 2010). The minimum position will be the 70% of the market value of the real estate given as guarantee (similar to the valuation as per March 31, 2009). (…)
However, products are still delivered to [A] , as important agent of [F-concern] . This is based on the faith by [F-concern] management that [A] will be able to repay her current debts and because of the strategic position of [F-concern] on the Spanish market. Because of this awareness the valuation of the receivables of [A] should not be based on mentioned minimum position, but on reliable information about the financial position and business plans of [A] . In this, we advise you to collect the following documentation (…).”
As you know, THQ and all subsidiaries with all employees are trying to make profit this fiscal year.
It seems that your proposal goes AGAINST this direction.
Please give us the details and background of your proposal.
Also please consider positive way to make profit regarding [A] .”
Obviously [A] / [G] was (…) an important topic and for the 1st time it was also revealed to me how [dochtervennootschap] / [XXX] thought to be able to release the current provision of 6.0 million.
At this moment we have three alternatives that [need] to be further studied (…):
1. Continue in the current state; (…) theoretically we still could be able to release a part of the Provision of 6.0 mio, although it might also be possible we have to increase this Provision.
(…) Your suggestion that this would result in an additional write off of 5.0 mio (11.0 -/- 6.0) is to my opinion not correct, because (1) [A] supposingly has 16.1 mio of assets (…) to be liquidated and (2) the real estates in [G] are still expected to give us a certain guarantee. (…)
[H] , I feel very uncomfortable with the current situation, because it seems that THQ believes I want to do things that would harm the interest of [FF] . If there is a way to release a part of the 6.0 mio provision I would strongly support (…) this (…), however we need to have the realistic evidence to defend this way.”
1. (…)
Try to convince [L] with minimum provision.
3. Please calculate financial impact roughly with pros/cons in case [A] is liquidated. As you know, bankruptcy is not good solution business stand point since we lose market in Spain.”
There is a possibility to go into black as [FF] consolidated this fiscal year.
However, there are also some negative factors, so reserve back of [A] is getting more important.
Please let me know the latest situation and pros/cons if [zustervennootschap] invests to [A] instead of [dochtervennootschap] .”
In our opinion, in order to agree to a release of the provision, we believe it necessary that:
1) the (…) full transfer of the shares in [A] to [zustervennootschap] , will be finalized on or before the balance sheet date (31 March 2010). (…) and,
2) given the poor financial situation of [A] (although we have not yet received any financial information re [A] this year we understand from you that the financial situation did not improve this year compared to last year) we also believe it is necessary that [zustervennootschap] (in the case of being the new shareholder of [A] ) will provide a written guarantee to [belanghebbende] / [dochtervennootschap] in which the management of [zustervennootschap] declares that it shall assume full liability for the payment of all liabilities, obligations and commitments of [A] towards [belanghebbende] / [dochtervennootschap] in the event of any shortage that [A] might have.”
(…) We agree to [L] [plaats 1] ’s conditions except issuing guarantee from THQ (I hope the guarantee from [zustervennootschap] is enough).”
As at March 31, 2010 the following amounts owed by [ [A] ] and [G] to [ [dochtervennootschap] ] are identified and are part of this guarantee:
[ [A] ]:
Trade receivables € 4,642,329.95
Loans € 4,905,905.70
Interest (not yet invoiced) € 9,318.78
Loans € 2,000,000.00
Interest (not yet invoiced) € 87,927.73
In 2008 bereikte de slechte berichten bij de Spaanse distributeur [A] de oren van [dochtervennootschap] (…). Er is toen een aktieplan opgesteld.
[dochtervennootschap] vond de stekker eruit trekken geen optie gezien de investeringen in het distributiekanaal en het in [A] geïnvesteerde vermogen. De directe opbrengstwaarde van de vordering/lening (…) werd als laag ingecalculeerd. Bij voortzetting van de onderneming (going concern) van [A] zou in de nabije toekomst wellicht meer kunnen worden terugontvangen op de vordering/lening van [dochtervennootschap] .
Hoe is het verder gegaan? [ [zustervennootschap] ] (…) heeft in maart 2010 (…) [A] overgenomen. [A] wordt momenteel door de [F-concern] VS gebruikt voor agriculturele activiteiten door te ontwikkelen en om deze in de Europese markt weg te zetten met tevens de functie van uitvalbasis voor Afrika (…). Voor deze alinea refereer ik aan een (…) news release (…) zoals ik dit van de website van [F Corporation] heb gehaald. Tevens kan ik [
hof: [E] ] bevestigen dat tot op heden [A] nog steeds de distributie van positioning producten in Spanje verzorgd voor [dochtervennootschap] .”
In addition to continuing to distribute [F] and [O] positioning products to the construction and survey markets in Spain and Portugal, [A] will become the headquarters for distribution and support for [F] precision agriculture products in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Established in 1987, [A] “has a deep knowledge of the positioning industry, starting with lasers, machine control and precision land levelling systems,” said (…) [zustervennootschap] president and CEO. “This acquisition reinforces [A] as a premiere [F-concern] (…) distributor in Spain and Portugal, and now provides the opportunity for rapid growth of [F-concern] ’s position in precision agricultural markets all across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.”
After further discussion it appeared that the release of the previously applied EUR 6 million impairment on the loan receivable of [dochtervennootschap] on the (at that time) third party [A] Spain for the 2008/2009 book year, would turn the expected 2009/2010 consolidated loss position of [FF] very likely into a consolidated profit position. This option resulted in a closer look at the financial position of [A] and identifying the business options available for the [F] group with respect to [A] .
It was found that a continuation of the current situation at that time would not resolve the issue, since the impairment would very likely remain in place or could even increase. The Dutch accountant of [dochtervennootschap] could not be convinced to (partly) release the impairment. After further communications it appeared that the only option to successfully release the impairment was to acquire the shares in [A] .
Given the remarks provided by the Dutch accountant, it appeared however that this transaction in itself would not solve the desired release of the impairment for [dochtervennootschap] . As such the Dutch accountant advised to have certain additional steps taken including a guarantee letter to [dochtervennootschap] that the guarantor would fully and unconditionally guarantee the [A] loan payable to [dochtervennootschap] . [FF] followed the advice and instructed to issue such guarantee letter on behalve of [zustervennootschap] , which Mr. [K] did accordingly. The guarantee letter was based on a template provided by the Dutch accountant.
The mentioned communications were mainly done through telephone conversations and email messages. During these communications no other arguments or reasons were brought forward or addressed to support the contemplated transactions, which were therefore in my view exclusively done to ‘solve’ the potential undesired 2009/2010 consolidated loss position of [F] .”
3.Geschil, alsmede standpunten en conclusies van partijen
welk deelaan de garantstelling vennootschappelijke motieven ten grondslag hebben gelegen, en derhalve de motieven aan een weging heeft onderworpen. Naar het hof de Hoge Raad begrijpt, verdraagt een dergelijke toets zich niet met het in de jurisprudentie ontwikkelde leerstuk van de informele kapitaalstorting, omdat ingevolge die leer slechts sprake kan zijn van een informele kapitaalstorting indien het motief voor het verstrekken van een voordeel binnen concernverhoudingen uitsluitend zijn oorzaak vindt in vennootschappelijke betrekkingen.
- a) if the other Party applies or creditors of that other Party apply for an adjudication in bankruptcy or a suspension of payments with respect to that other Party or any similar insolvency proceedings listed in Annex A to the European Community Council regulation in Insolvency Proceedings dated May 24, 200 (EC No. 1346/2000);
- b) the Distributor undergoes a substantial change in management which is active for the Products in the Territory;
- c) if the other Party is declared bankrupt or granted a (preliminary) suspension of payments;
- d) if any event analogous to the events in paragraphs (a) and (b) above occurs with respect to the other Party under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the other Party has its registered office;
- e) if the other Party dishonours a bill of exchange accepted or a promissory note drawn by it, if payment has not been made in a subsequent period of five (5) days; or
- f) if the other Party had breached any of its obligations under this Agreement, unless, provided such breach is capable of rectification, it is rectified within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of the written notice.
- a) any change occurs in the effective control of the Distributor;
- b) an attachment is made or execution levied on a substantial part of the Distributors assets and, in the event of a conservatory attachment, which is not released or discharged within thirty (30) days of such notice;
- c) the Distributor becomes in negotiations with one or more of its creditors or takes any other step with a view to the general readjustment or rescheduling of its indebtedness; or
- d) the Distributor is dissolved or its business is transferred in whole or in part, liquidated, wound up, discontinued, or relocated abroad, or a decision is taken in this respect.
faillissement”)or a (preliminary) suspension of payment (“(voorlopige)
surséance van betaling”)with regard to the purchaser;
(“failliet verklaard”)or granted (preliminary) suspension of payments ("(voorlopige)
surséance van betaling”);
beslag gelegd”)or execution levied on a substantial part of the purchaser's assets and, in the event of a conservatory attachment
(“conservatoir beslag”),which is not released or discharged within thirty (30) days;
(“schuldsanering”)under the (Natural Persons) Debt Relief Act (“
Wet schuldsanering (natuurlijke personen)”);
‘Award-winning European dealer of [F] and [O] positioning products expands to distribute [F] precision agriculture throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa’
(…) We agree to [L] [plaats 1] ’s conditions except issuing guarantee from THQ (I hope the guarantee from [zustervennootschap] is enough).” [27]
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- bevestigt de uitspraak van de rechtbank.
de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden via het webportaal van de Hoge Raadwww.hogeraad.nl.
de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (belastingkamer), postbus 20303, 2500 EH Den Haag.Alle andere personen en gemachtigden die beroepsmatig rechtsbijstand verlenen, zijn in beginsel verplicht digitaal te procederen (zie