1.de maatschap [naam1]
2. [appellant2]
3. [appellante3]
4. [appellant4]
5. [appellant5]
en [geïntimeerde3]
[naam3] , [naam4]en
6.[geïntimeerde12] [geïntimeerde13]
en [geïntimeerde3]
[naam3] , [naam4]en
6.[geïntimeerde12] [geïntimeerde13]
1.Het verloop van de procedure in hoger beroep
- de dagvaarding in hoger beroep van 30 juni 2023, met grieven
- de akte overlegging producties van de maatschap
- de memorie van antwoord met producties van de omwonenden die afstand hebben gedaan
- de akte overlegging extra productie van de omwonenden die afstand hebben gedaan
- de incidente conclusie tot voeging met bijlagen
- de memorie van antwoord met producties van de omwonenden
- de conclusie van antwoord in het voegingsincident van de omwonenden
- de aanvullende bijlage van de KAVB
- de toelichting van partijen op de mondelinge behandeling van 6 juli 2023, waarbij advocaten in de hoofdzaak spreekaantekeningen hebben overgelegd.
2.De kern van de zaak
3.Het oordeel van dit hof
“(…) We therefore request EFSA to specifically screen the currently approved active substances for a possible association with Parkinson’s disease (e.g. based on chemical structure and toxicological profile). (…) The next step could be to perform dedicated tests on active substances earmarked on the basis of the initial screening for their specific toxic effects on the substantia nigra. In our view, such experiments would have to be performed in ageing animals that are known to be more vulnerable to the toxic effects of pesticides. These experiments should also consider the possibility that combined exposure to multiple pesticides (that are often used in combination in agriculture) lead to greater neurotoxicity and a further enhances risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. (…) We hope that EFSA will be open to the suggestions above in order to gain more insight into a possible relationship of currently approved active substances in pesticides and the development of Parkinson’s disease.”
“(…) Our aim is to identify the gaps in research, collect feedback on the availability of suitable test methods and test systems to be used in the screening programme, and estimate the policy implications for environmental neuroscience. We are therefore considering the organization of a scientific event that would have the aim of exploring the current knowledge landscape and future opportunities in neurotoxicology, and would create the basis for a series of scientific projects with the collaboration of the Member States. The debate should also focus on the need to prioritize chemicals to be tested, and to develop higher throughput methods using molecular or cellular approaches. Testing pesticides through these tools would represent a first step towards understanding the complexity of the mechanisms that regulate neurological functions, and, subsequently, towards developing regulatory action. (…)”
“(…) The Netherlands considers that, as already is in the process for the assessment of biocides, all active substances should be tested for neurological disorders, in order to meet concerns about neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. (…) The Netherlands welcomes the action to continue the development of a methodology for cumulative risk assessment in order to further strengthen consumer protection. (…)”