1.Verder verloop van het geding in hoger beroep
- to approach, serve and assist (potential) clients and teams and to create (potential) income sources for and around these clients and teams;
- to scout international talents;
- to give technical advice to cyclists.
a) The payment of the monthly remuneration from SEG to The Contractor will only become due after SEG has received a correct invoice from The Contractor including (if applicable) VAT.
a) The Contractor is entitled to a percentage of the fee of SEG (excl. VAT), which SEG has generated from the cyclist that has been brought in by The Contractor at a Pro-Tour team or Pro-Conti team during the term of the agreement and as long the agreement between the cyclist and the Pro-Tour team or Pro-Conti team is valid. Twenty percentage (20%) of the SEG fee of a rider contract with a gross salary until € 100.000,-. Seventeen and a half percentage (17,5%) of the SEG fee from € 100.001 until € 200.000,- and Fifteen percentage (15%) of the SEG fee above € 200.001,-.
€ 17.850,53 aan hoofdsom, vermeerderd met buitengerechtelijke kosten, rente, administratiekosten en proceskosten. Zij legt aan deze vordering ten grondslag dat zij op grond van artikel 4 onder a van de overeenkomst recht heeft op voornoemd bedrag.