1.De procedure
- het verzoekschrift van de moeder (met bijlagen) binnengekomen op 23 april 2022;
- de brief van de vader (met bijlagen) van 11 mei 2022;
- de brief van de moeder van 17 mei 2022;
- de brief van de moeder van 28 juni 2022;
- de brief van de moeder van 30 juni 2022.
- het verweerschrift van de vader (met bijlagen) van 1 juli 2022, binnengekomen op
- het bericht (met bijlagen) van de moeder van 4 juli 2022.
2.Waar de procedure over gaat
[minderjarige], geboren op [geboortedatum] 2013 in [geboorteplaats] in Canada.
3.De beoordeling
[verzoekster (voornaam)] , some changes, in brief:
- I want the travel approvals signed vice versa, as requested.
- I will sign travel approval, if you decide to leave to Canada.
- Shipping belongings to Canada will be subject to financial and logistical possibilities on a later date.
- For work purposes I keep the laptop.
- Parenting plan / agreement / (in Dutch: “omgangsregeling) again, we have to sign. For now I only need guarantees for seeing him in person an also be able to ‘talk’ to him when I want and he wants. Send me in your words to agree upon.
For ANY financial support, I will give them signed and on paper as soon as I have them.”
I would like to apply for an urgent approval of a PRTD document to be able to board a plane to Toronto out of [eiland] . My wife and son are both Canadian, and I am a Permanent Resident (expired) and can only board a plane to Toronto if I have a PRTD document. We (our family) have decided to relocate back to Canada as soon as possible due to the economic and safety situation in [eiland] (urgency), on top of the Covid19 (more) problems which have occurred here. I need to travel from [eiland] to Toronto, Canada as soon as the first flight is available or possible.”.
You are going to Canada. Period. And leaves us with ONLY two choices: 1. Go alone and come back after a recharge period for yourself. And then leave with him. 2. Go alone and we decide on a date I bring him to Canada. There will be NO other ways or options to discuss with me.”
bcs when you still think [minderjarige (voornaam)] will leave me and will leave NL without having a stabile base and social environment (which he has here, YES!!!!!) that will NOT happen. And as stated also: you can go, set it all up, job and house / his own bedroom, then I am okay with him “going there”, and being where in the end I also will end up being. I.e.; Canada or North America somewhere.”
Just let me know your details and plan. I have 2 (so far) on the list: Joint account, mandatory, where we both deposit money. Other: he is and will NOT be living at your parents. Period. Mutual point: departure anywhere in February. In the mean time my plan regarding housing: I cancel next week, but before end of November the apartment. Sorry, December. Moving in January for sure. You’re on deck.” De vader heeft tijdens de mondelinge behandeling gezegd dat de mogelijkheid dat de moeder met [minderjarige (voornaam)] terug naar Canada zou verhuizen op het moment van dit gesprek nog als reële optie werd besproken.