3.2.1.The parental responsibilities and rights with regard to guardianship of the Children as contemplated in section 18(2)(C) and 18(3) of the Children’s Act, are awarded to the Plaintiff (toevoeging rechtbank: [verzoeker1] ).”
- Verzoeker is op [datum huwelijk 2] 2019 te [huwelijksplaats] , Zuid-Afrika , gehuwd met [naam11] .
- Sinds november 2019 wonen verzoeker, [naam11] en de kinderen in Nederland.
- Verzoeker en de kinderen bezitten volgens de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) de Zuid-Afrikaanse nationaliteit.
- [naam12] heeft op [datum 6] 2020 – voor zover hier van belang – onder ede bij [naam13] , Notary public in [plaats 1] , [plaats 3] , het volgende verklaard:
“3. I confirm that I acted as an egg donor for my good friend, [verzoeker1] ( “[verzoeker1]”) and his husband at the time, [naam 1] (“[naam 1]”), in order to enable them to conceive children by means of in vitro fertilization in terms of a Surrogate Motherhood Agreement concluded with [naam] (“[naam4]”).
4. Due to our close friendship no written agreement regarding the egg donation was concluded between myself and [verzoeker1] and/or [naam 1] .
(…) 6. I am still in contact with [verzoeker1] . Should the children wish to contact me in the future, I am open to such contact.”
- Blijkens de deskundigenrapportage van [organisatie] van [datum 7] 2022 is het praktisch bewezen dat verzoeker de biologische vader is van zowel [voornaam minderjarige 1] en [voornaam minderjarige 2] .
- Dr. [naam15] , arts bij de [kliniek] in [plaats 1] in Zuid-Afrika , heeft op [datum 8] 2022 – voor zover hier van belang – onder ede bij [naam16] , Notary public in [provincie] , verklaard:
“2. That on [datum 10] 2015, I transferred into the uterus of [naam] , residing at [adres 1] , [plaats 4] , [plaats 2] , [plaats 5] , [plaats 2] , [provincie] , South-Africa, 1 embryo formed by the in virto fertilization of the ova retrieved from an ovum donor ( [naam12] ) with the sperm provided by ( [verzoeker1] , born on [geboortedatum 2] 1974) for the female child named [minderjarige 1] , born on [geboortedatum1] 2016.
3. That said transfer was performed at the [kliniek] , [adres 2] , [plaats 6] , [plaats 1] , [postcode] , South-Africa on [datum 10] 2015.
4. That in my professional and medical opinion, [naam] became pregnant as the result of said transfer of the embryo which was performed on [datum 10] 2015 and the delivery of [minderjarige 1] Born on [geboortedatum1] 2016, that resulted form the transfer.
5. That on [datum 11] 2017, I transferred into the uterus of [naam] , residing at [adres 1] , [plaats 4] , [plaats 2] , [plaats 5] , [plaats 2] , [provincie] , South Africa 1 embryo formed by the in virto fertilization of the ova retrieved from an ovum donor ( [naam12] ) with sperm provided by ( [verzoeker1] , born on [geboortedatum 2] 1974) for the male child named [minderjarige 2] , born on [geboortedatum 1] 2017.
6. That said transfer was performed at the [kliniek] , [adres 2] , [plaats 6] , [plaats 1] , [postcode] , South-Africa on [datum 11] 2017.
7. That in my professional and medical opinion, [naam] became pregnant as the result of said transfer of the embryo which was performed on [datum 11] 2017 and the delivery of [minderjarige 2] born on [geboortedatum 1] 2017 that resulted from the transfer.
- [naam] heeft op [datum 12] 2023 – voor zover hier van belang – onder ede bij [naam16] , Notary public in [provincie] , verklaard:
“3. On [datum 13] 2015, I entered into a written gestational surrogacy contract (…) with [verzoeker1] and [naam 1] .
4. Pursuant to the contract, on or about [datum 10] 2015, 1 embryo was medically transferred to my uterus by a licensed physician. An ongoing and singleton pregnancy has been confirmed.
5. My genetic material was not used in the creation of the embryo which was transferred to me and resulted in the pregnancy of this child. This embryo was created by combining an egg retrieved form a known third-party egg donor ( [naam12] ) with de sperm of ( [verzoeker1] ) .
6. On [geboortedatum1] 2016 I gave birth to [minderjarige 1] . After the birth, the child went under the care of their fathers.
7. After the birth of [minderjarige 1] , another embryo was medically transferred to my uterus by a licensed physician. An ongoing and singleton pregnancy has been confirmed. This embryo was created by combining an egg retrieved from a known third-party egg donor ( [naam12] ) with the sperm of ( [verzoeker1] ) .”