uitspraak van de meervoudige kamer in de zaak tussen
[naam] , geboren op [geboortedag] 2001 en van Soedanese nationaliteit, eiser,
de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid, verweerder
Waves of impunity: Malta's human rights violations Europe's responsibilities in the Central Mediterranean” (https://www.amnesty.org/download/Documents/EUR3329672020ENGLISH.PDF) wordt op pagina 7 melding gemaakt van de zogeheten Paasmaandag Pushback: “
The Easter Monday Pushback”, april 2020: A recent case of pushback by Malta towards Libya unfolded between 10 and 15 april 2020 and was widely reported in the media as the “Easter Monday pushback”. The case illustrates the determination of the Maltese authorities to prevent the arrival of people to the island even at the cost of exposing them to further risks to their life.”. Verder zijn in dit rapport van AI eerdere vermeende pushback incidenten door de Maltese autoriteiten in het recente verleden gedocumenteerd die plaatsvonden op 14-15 maart 2019 en 18-19 oktober 2019 (pagina 10).
In September and October 2002, a group of 220 Eritreans were controversially deported from Malta. According to a damning report issued in 2004 (Malta deportees tortured in Eritrea, AI says (timesofmalta.com)), many ended up tortured at the hands of a brutal regime upon their return to Eritrea. (…) In April 2020, five migrants who were among those stranded on a boat in Maltese waters were found dead, with survivors saying another seven people were missing, presumed dead. In 2002, we witnessed a sin of commission. In 2020, it is a sin of omission. Both are terrible crimes, bron: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/we-have-blood-on-our-hands.785993).”
Aconstitutional case has been filed(https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/migrants-demand-payment-of-damages-after-pushback-to-libya.829552) by 50 people over breach of rights by Maltese authorities in pushback operation to Libya in April. After a series of shipwrecks, the death-toll rapidly climbs on the Med and returns to Libya continue.
Notorious government official Neville Gafà has said under oath that he had coordinated the pushback to Libya of 51 migrants involved in a tragedy over Easter following the instructions of the Office of the Prime Minister. (bron: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/neville-gafa-says-he-coordinated-libya-pushback-on-opm-orders.788951)” en “
Civil society group Republika on Wednesday began court action against cabinet, saying ministers should face criminal action for their decision to close the country's ports and ignore people in distress at sea. (…) The decision, the group said, lacked humanity, did not respect human rights or Malta's national and international obligations.
We are also concerned that humanitarian search and rescue vessels, which usually patrol the central Mediterranean area, are being prevented from supporting migrants in distress, at a time when the numbers attempting to make the perilous journey from Libya to Europe has increased sharply”, aldus Rupert Colville, woordvoerder van de Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights op 8 mei 2020. De OHCHR geeft daarbij aan dat, ondanks de Covid19 pandemie, het internationaal recht migranten beschermt tegen het terugsturen naar een gevaarlijke omgeving (https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=25875&LangID=E): “
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is also calling for a moratorium on all interceptions and returns to Libya, in accordance with its recent guidelines on COVID-19 and migrants, https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Migration/OHCHRGuidance_COVID19_Migrants.pdf.
B. Concluding remarks
85. The CPT has repeatedly underlined at least since its 2004 visit to Malta the need to address the structural deficiencies in Malta’s immigration detention policy and has attempted to exercise its preventive function by recommending practical measures to ensure that all migrants in an irregular situation deprived of their liberty are held in decent humane conditions. The 2015 Reception Strategy represented a positive review of the way in which immigration detention should be approached.
90. Overall, there is an urgent need for Malta to reconsider its immigration detention policy, to one better steered by its duty of care to treat all persons deprived of their liberty with dignity. Equally, the length, and legal basis, of all three grounds governing the detention of migrants in Malta need review and reform, most notably the system of public health restriction of movement and detention.
91. The problem of migration into Malta is not new and will almost certainly continue given the push factors that exist in those countries from which the vast majority of migrants come. Therefore, Malta together with the support of the European Union and other member states must put in place an immigration detention system which abides by European values and norms. No persons held in immigration detention in Europe should ever be subjected to treatment or conditions which amount to inhuman and degrading treatment according to Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
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