Bij note verbale van 4 mei 2020 heeft Egypte naar aanleiding van het gelegde beslag als volgt aan de Staat bericht, voor zover nu relevant:
1- In 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt decided a renovation process of the building, [adres] , will commence, in order for the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, to move back to the building, as soon as it is restored to its original status.
2- Hence, a renovation contract was signed on 13" July 2015 between the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt and Royal Haskoning company, as a consultancy responsible for the renovation project. The responsibilities included the preparation of the designs for the renovations, issuance of the necessary restoration permits, the preparation of all necessary procedures and documentation to offer the project in a tender, assisting in choosing the contractor that will take responsibility for the restoration process, and ending in with supervising the construction phase (the final phase).
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5- After concluding the design phase and the issuance of the necessary permits obtained from the competent dutch authorities (which required much efforts due to the special cultural status of the building), we are now in the tender phase that has commenced since many months, and accordingly Royal Haskoning has finalized all necessary documents and designs in order to make a tender, that will allow different dutch construction companies, to provide an offer, in order to choose among these bidding companies, the company that will undertake the construction phase (final phase) of the project (attached is a sample of the tender documents that will be distributed to Dutch construction companies e.g: werkbeschrijving bouwkundige werken "work description of construction work") In case any technical information is required, the Esteemed Ministry is requested to contact the project manager [project manager] , Royal Haskoning. mob: +316(…).
6- Once the construction work is finalized, it is decided that H.E. the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt will move to [adres] building, in order for the building to continue the official role it has played since the 1920s.