3.5.Bij brieven van 19 januari 2018 en 30 januari 2018 heeft DMO aan alle inschrijvers vragen over hun inschrijving gesteld. Alle inschrijvers hebben deze vragen beantwoord. Aan Marshall zijn, voor zover nu relevant, de volgende vragen gesteld:
- in de brief van 19 januari 2018:
“Annex C2 - Execution of work by third parties format
The Contracting Authority is not able, based on the technical specifications as submitted as part of ANNEX Dl: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, to identify your third party for the delivery of the Expandable D3 container.
Furthermore, the Contracting Authority has noticed some of the third parties as described in the technical specifications submitted as part of ANNEX D1:
- C41;
- Furnishings.
To conclude, the Contracting Authority is not able based on ANNEX E2: ILS APPROACH to identity your third parties for:
- Workplace Training Registration and Reporting.
Q2:MLS is requested to resubmit ANNEX C2-I and/or ANNEX C2-II to include:
a. The Expandable D3 container supplier.
b. The abovementioned third party suppliers.
Annex D2 - Compliancy matrix
With regard to ANNEX D2: COMPLIANCY MATRIX, the Contracting Authority has
noticed that the document
MLS_13637065_AnnexD2_SS_P0R402600_Reqt_2.56.pdf is missing.
Q3:MLS is requested to inform where the following document can be found in the tender: MLS_13637065_AnnexD2_SS_P0R402600_Reqt_2.56.pdf or provide the missing document.
Annex E2 — ILS Proposal
The Contracting Authority is unable to fully review ANNEX E2:ILS APPROACH as submitted by MLS.
Q5:MLS is requested to clarify the following questions (max. 2 pages A4 in total for all questions and answers combined).
ILS_1_1: MLS is requested to confirm that MLS will be able to provide support in Selected Countries when requested by the State (as this is a knock-out requirement).
ILS_1_2: MLS is requested to further clarify how MLS guarantees the requited delivery times with regard to Spare Parts and Special Tools in Selected Countries, with regard to unplanned maintenance activities (and taking into account possible export licences).
ILS_1_2: MLS is requested to clarify what standards are used for applying FMECA and RCM.
ILS_f_2: MLS is requested to advise what packages of Spare Parts and Special Tools are requited for the State with regard to maintenance activities on the location ii (Exercises).
ILS_1_3: MLS is requested to describe what monitoring information will be used (in what frequency) to determine required PM to maintain the subsystems at full readiness and/or rotate Subsystems with non-installed Subsystems from the pool to prevent unequal wear and tear and minimize downtime.
ILS_1_3: MLS is requested to describe their processes (step by step) for the delivery of Subsystems, the swap of Subsystems and the return of Subsystems in the Pool. What procedures and interaction with the State does MLS foresee.
ILS_1_5: What will be the update frequency of any documentation in general (critical errors and feedback) and what 1f t concerns a safety issue?
ILS_1_5: What process initiates updating of the documentation and how will the documentation be updated during maintenance (if needed)?
ILS_1_6: MLS is requested to confirm the availability of the helpdesk during exercises in the Rest of the World and during missions in Unsafe Areas.”
In de brief van 30 januari 2018
“Annex D2 — Compliancy matrix
With regard to ANNEX D2: COMPLIANCY MATRIX, MLS is requested to provide clarification with regard to the following PoR requirements.
Q1:PoR 406200, requirements 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. Some furnishings in C1 and U1 (e.g. pedestal, wall mounted coat rack, wallboard, cupboard) are missing in drawings “MLS_13637065_ANNEXD2_DW_K559536.pdf” and “MLS_13637065_ANNEXD2_ DW_K559549.pdf”. MLS is requested to confirm that the amount and types of furnishings as described in Annex 7E of the PoR are positioned as described in Annex 7F of the PoR.
Q2:PoR 406200, requirement 2.10.1. The document “MLS_13637065_AnnexD2_SS_P0R402600_Reqt_2. 10” describes a ESD workbench with a height of 930 mm. This is not compliant to the requirement since a max height is 760 mm is required. MLS is requested to confirm compliancy with the height requirement for ‘sitting only’ as described in NEN-EN 527, table 1.
Q4:PoR 402000, requirements 3.16.25 - 3.16.29. These requirements must be substantiated with a specification. MLS is requested to provide the missing specification sheet.
Annex E2 — ILS Proposal
With regard to question 5B of the previous request for clarification, MLS has described the following:
“MLS guarantees that Spare Parts or Special tools required for unplanned maintenance in Selected Countries will be delivered within the required 15 workdays. MLS will position a Priming Equipment Pack at the designated NL location which will be designed to meet 95% of unexpected arisings and will be re-stocked on any use within 15 days. The remaining 5% will be fulfilled by direct delivery, also within 15 days.”
Q5:MLS is requested to confirm that replenishment of spare parts and special tools are within the requested 5 working days (and not 15 days).”
In de brief van 30 januari 2018 zijn daarnaast nog vraag 6 en 7 (Q6 en Q7) gesteld over Annex C1 – Tenderform.