De officier van justitie heeft naar aanleiding van de tussenuitspraak aanvullende vragen gesteld aan de Letse autoriteiten. De Letse autoriteiten hebben bij aanvullende informatie van 10 juni 2024 onder meer het volgende meegedeeld op die vragen:
“Further information in respect of [opgeëiste persoon] extradition
The Department of Imprisonment Institutions (further referred as "Department") on 3 June 2024 received the request of the International Cooperation Division of the Department for Supervision of Operation and International Cooperation of the Prosecutor General' s Office of 3 June 2024 No.S-100-2023-11991 "On extradition of [opgeëiste persoon]" (reg. No.S-1-2024-05705) with the request to provide the further information.
The Department, having reviewed your request, referring to the information being at its disposal and according to the provisions of the legal acts pro vides the following information:
In reply to the question "[..] What protection can specifically be offered to the wanted person?" the Department informs that in case of serious endangerment the imprisoned person may be isolated from the "source" of endangerment, for example, by relocating to another cell or unit, by relocating to another block, by relocating to another prison. If first three relocation options are not possible or are inefficient (inexpedient), then the officials of prison may conduct the reinforced supervision (monitoring) of the cell or unit where prisoner is deployed into. In addition, the prisoner, who is endangered, may at any time within 24 hours apply to the officials conducting the supervision. It shall be noted that any case in the prisons is evaluated individually for choosing the most appropriate protective measures for a prisoner.
In reply to the question "[..]} Is there any possible of placing the wanted person in a ward where he will not be exposed to (the negative consequences of) the caste system? Is it possible to guarantee (in any way) that the wanted person will not be in contact with leaders of the informal hierarchy or other prisoners who display violent or degrading behavior?" the Department shall inform that likewise in the freedom it is not possible to deploy one police officer to each human being, who would safeguard the health and life of a person, also in prisons it is not possible to ensure the uninterrupted attaching of prison's official to any individual prisoner for ongoing supervision. Nevertheless, the administration and officials of prisons are flexible and are trying to find the most appropriate solutions in each case of the specific endangerment, violence or other degrading situations which prisoners may be exposed to
In relation with placing a prisoner into cell (including remanding into any specific prison) the legal acts of the Republic of Latvia provide for that placing of prisoner into any specific prison shall be decided by Head of the Department, taking into the account several factors (for example, the criteria of security and crime prevention, as well as the personal qualities ( as far as possible) and psychological compatibility, including the restrictions laid down by a person directing the proceedings).
In addition, it shall be noted that the commission for remanding the prisoners set up by the order of Head of a prison shall lay down in which specific unit, ward and cell the prisoner shall be placed. Also in this case the members of the commission shall take into account several factors laid down by the legal acts (for example, vacant places in cells, the psychological compatibility of prisoners, health condition, previous criminal experience). Namely, the deciding on placing of a prisoner into the cell falls within the competence of the commission for remanding the prisoners, the commission may place prisoner into the cell intended for one person, and also into the cell intended for several persons on the basis of the identified factors (including the risks, security considerations). Head of the Department and the remanding commission upon deciding on placing of prisoners shall take into account only those factors which are provided for by the legal acts, any other factors (for example, the self-declared laws of prisoners) shall not be taken into account.
In reply to the question "[..] Has any plan been adopted to reduce the influence of the informal hierarchy/caste-system in Latvian prisons?" the Department informs that such plan is not adopted.
In reply to the question "[..] Is the psychological climate among prisoners also monitored? If yes, in what ways?" the Department informs that staff of prisons shall supervise and control, for example, any bodily injuries, daily traumas, as well as the bodily injuries inflicted in the result of the mutual conflicts of prisoners. The officials of prisons during daily check-up of cells (units) shall monitor not only the visual appearance of prisoners (any inflicted traumas, bodily injuries ), but also the psychological climate in the cell. In case of necessity the officials shall take the required steps for solving any situations. It shall be noted that prisoners, for example, in case of worries, stress, psychological or emotional hardships may apply to the prison administration, officials, employees (including the medical practitioners and psychologist of a prison), to inform about any specific situation and to ask for a solution of any stress situation. Namely, each prisoner is entitled to apply to the prison administration and to request the assistance, the protection against a person who may endanger or is endangering the health in any form.”