the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Latvia(Letland) (hierna: de uitvaardigende justitiële autoriteit) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
judgment by the Aizkraukle District Courtvan 17 februari 2016, waarbij aan de opgeëiste persoon een voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf voor de duur van 5 jaren is opgelegd;
punishment agreement by the Prosecutor of Aizkraukle District Prosecution Officevan 15 februari 2021, waarbij aan de opgeëiste person een
community servicevan 100 uren is opgelegd;
decision by the Zemgale District Courtvan 25 maart 2021, waarbij is besloten de onder 1) en 2) genoemde straffen ten uitvoer te leggen tot in totaal een onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf voor de duur van 5 jaren en 12 dagen;
decision by the Zemgale District Courtvan 17 mei 2021, waarbij het vonnis onder 3) is vernietigd met betrekking tot de opgelegde straf, waarna aan de opgeëiste persoon een gevangenisstraf voor de duur van 5 jaren en 9 dagen is opgelegd.
4.Tussenuitspraak 30 mei 2024
5.Artikel 11 OLW: detentieomstandigheden
concretebescherming van de opgeëiste persoon tegen geweld en andere negatieve gevolgen van het kastenstelsel.
What protection can specifically be offered to the
"[.} Is there any possible of placing the wanted person in a ward where he will not be exposed to (the negative consequences of) the caste system? Is it possible to guarantee (in any way) that the wanted person will not be in contact with leaders of the informal hierarchy or other prisoners who display violent or degrading behaviour?"the Administration informs that, just like in freedom - where it is not possible to assign to each human being a police officer, who would safeguard the health and life of a specific person - in places of imprisonment it also is not possible to ensure the uninterrupted attaching of prison's official to any individual prisoner for constant supervision. Nevertheless, the administration and officials of places of imprisonment are flexible and are trying to find the most appropriate solutions in each case of the specific situations related to endangerment, violence or other degrading incident which a prisoner may be exposed to.
Has any plan been adopted to reduce the influence of the informal hierarchy/
caste-system in Latvian prisons?"the Administration informs that no such plan has been developed.
Is the psychological climate among prisoners also monitored? If yes, in what ways?"the Administration informs that prison staff carry out supervision and control over, for example, any bodily injuries, daily traumas, and also those bodily injuries inflicted as a result of the mutual conflicts between prisoners. The officials of prisons, during their daily check-up of cells (units), carry out the monitoring of not only the visual appearance of prisoners (traumas, bodily injuries), but also the psychological climate in the cell. In case of necessity the officials can take the required steps for solving the situation at hand. It shall be noted that prisoners, for example, in case of worries, stress, psychological or emotional hardships may apply to the prison administration, officials, employees (including the medical practitioners and psychologist of the place of imprisonment), to inform about any specific situation at hand, and to ask for a solution to a stress situation. Namely, any prisoner is entitled to apply to the administration of a place of imprisonment, and to request their assistance, protection against a person who in any form of expression may endanger or is endangering one's health.
Whether the leaders of the informal hierarchy, when identified, can be isolated from the general prison population to put an end to their influence?"the Administration would like to inform that the Administration categorically does not support or promote any hierarchy among prisoners, it is only a matter of following the subcultural customs carried out by the prisoners themselves, therefore the Administration has no information about the informal leaders in places of imprisonment.
Are any other concrete steps or measures taken to improve the situation as described by the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in the case D v. Latvia of 11 January 2024?"the Administration informs that in order to eliminate the informal hierarchy, the Administration uses all possible resources within its capabilities, thus:
- there have been established commissions responsible for the distribution of imprisoned persons, which place the imprisoned persons in compliance with specific medical, security and crime prevention criteria;
- premises are being renovated and repaired as much as it is possible; as a result of the renovations and repairs, the number of imprisoned persons located in one cell is being reduced;
- during the renovation both living conditions are improved and security risks of any prohibited objects and substances being brought into the cells are eliminated, which, conversely, reduces both the amount of violence in prisons and the supporting of the prisoners' subculture;
- there is a separate place for serving the sentence of imprisonment intended specifically for former employees of the law enforcement institutions, namely the Special Department of the Riga Central Prison, where they serve their sentences separately from other convicted persons;
- in case of any danger, the relevant person is immediately transferred to another cell, but if the danger is very significant, then the relevant person can also be transferred to another prison. In special cases, when a person provides his / her testimony in a criminal trial, there may be also applied measures of special procedural protection by placing the relevant person separately from other convicted persons.
concretebescherming van de opgeëiste persoon tegen geweld en andere negatieve gevolgen van het kastenstelsel. De Letse autoriteiten hebben voldoende mogelijkheden gehad om informatie te verstrekken over de detentieomstandigheden. De in artikel 11, vierde lid, OLW bedoelde redelijke termijn die de rechtbank bij tussenuitspraak van 30 mei 2024 op 30 dagen heeft gesteld loopt af, hetgeen ertoe leidt dat de rechtbank ingevolge artikel 11, eerste lid, OLW geen gevolg zal geven aan het EAB.