5.1Inhoud van de garantie
De opgeëiste persoon heeft de Nederlandse nationaliteit. Zijn overlevering kan daarom alleen worden toegestaan, indien naar het oordeel van de rechtbank is gewaarborgd dat, zo hij ter zake van de feiten waarvoor de overlevering kan worden toegestaan in de uitvaardigende lidstaat tot een onvoorwaardelijke vrijheidsstraf wordt veroordeeld, hij deze straf in Nederland zal mogen ondergaan.
Bij brief van 9 september 2013 heeft de officier van justitie de in artikel 6, eerste lid, OLW bedoelde garantie opgevraagd. Deze brief houdt verder het volgende in:
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that, in accordance, with the Dutch implementation of the Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA, this means that an unconditional prison sentence imposed on the wanted person in Great Britain can be adjusted to Dutch standards when the wanted person is returned to the Netherlands.
Head, Extradition Policy and Legislation,van het
Home Officeheeft op 2 oktober 2013 de volgende garantie gegeven:
In accordance with article 5(3) of the Council Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States of 13 June 2002, you have requested that[opgeëiste persoon]will be returned to the Netherlands to serve any custodial sentence which is imposed by a UK court in relation to the conduct for which we have sought his return to the United Kingdom from the Netherlands.
I am able to confirm that should[opgeëiste persoon]receive a custodial sentence in the United Kingdom, he will, in accordance with section 153C of the Extradition Act 2003, be returned to the Netherlands as soon as is reasonably practicable after the sentencing process in this country has been completed and any other proceedings in respect of the offence for which extradition was sought are concluded. This process may include:
Consideration of confiscation;
The procedure for setting any period of imprisonment which will fall to be
served in default of payment of any financial penalty;
The exhaustion of any available avenues of appeal; and
The expiry of any period for payment of a confiscation order of financial
We do not consider that a transfer under the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant of 13 June 2002 allows you to alter the duration of any sentence imposed by a UK court under Dutch national law.
Op 20 februari 2014 heeft het
Head, Extradition Policy and Legislation,van het
Home Officede volgende garantie gegeven:
You have asked for an assurance that, should[opgeëiste persoon]receive a custodial sentence in a UK court following his extradition here, he will be transferred back to the Netherlands to serve his sentence there. You have requested that his transfer takes place under Council Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA, and have advised that Dutch law allows you to amend any sentence imposed by a UK court.
The UK authorities, therefore, give the following undertaking under the Council Framework Decision: -in the event that[opgeëiste persoon]is extradited to the United Kingdom and a prison sentence is imposed on him in the United Kingdom, following that transfer, the United Kingdom will allow the sentence to be adaptedonlyaccording to the procedure laid down in the Article 8 of the Council Framework Decision.
Nothing in this undertaking will allow the Netherlands’ authorities to alter any sentence imposed by the UK beyond the terms allowed by Article 8 of the Council Framework Decision. This undertaking is subject to those terms being agreed in writing.
It should be noted that the sentence process may include:
Consideration of confiscation;
The procedure for setting any period of imprisonment which will fall to be
served in default of payment of any financial penalty;
The exhaustion of any available avenues of appeal; and
The expiry of any period for payment of a confiscation order of financial
Uit artikel 2:13, eerste lid, aanhef en onder f, van de Wet wederzijdse erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging vrijheidsbenemende en voorwaardelijke sancties volgt dat deze garantie alleen kan worden geëffectueerd, indien het feit ook naar Nederlands recht een strafbaar feit oplevert.
Het onder 4 bedoelde feit is inderdaad naar Nederlands recht strafbaar en levert op:
opzettelijk handelen in strijd met het in artikel 2 onder A van de Opiumwet gegeven verbod.