De vaststaande feiten
2. De rechtbank heeft in haar vonnis van 18 februari 2009 onder 3.1 tot en met 3.17 de feiten vastgesteld. Daarover bestaat tussen partijen geen geschil, zodat ook het hof van die feiten zal uitgaan. In dit hoger beroep kan, mede gelet op hetgeen overigens in deze procedure is gesteld en onweersproken is gebleven, van het volgende worden uitgegaan.
2.1 Nano-C is sinds 2001 onder meer actief op het gebied van de productie van koolstof allotrope materialen (fullerenen) waaronder koolstof nanobuizen. Nano-C geeft haar technologie in licentie aan andere bedrijven en heeft daarnaast technologieën van andere bedrijven in licentie om producten te maken en te verkopen die onder een dergelijke licentie vallen.
2.2 RUG is de aanvraagster van de internationale octrooiaanvrage nr. PCT/NL2004/00116, getiteld “Photodiode” (hierna: de octrooiaanvraag). De octrooiaanvraag beschrijft onder meer de productie van fotodiodes die gebaseerd zijn op zogenaamde PCBM’s, alsmede (de synthese van) de materialen daarvoor. De in de octrooiaanvraag omschreven PCBM’s zijn chemische derivaten van het fullereenmolecuul C70 en de hogere fullereenmoleculen (C76, C78, C84 enzovoort). Uit de verklaringen van de advocaten van RUG en Nano-C ter zitting begrijpt het hof dat de internationale octrooiaanvraag nr. PCT/NL2004/00116 op
15 maart 2011 in de Verenigde Staten is verleend.
2.3 Solenne B.V. (hierna: Solenne) is opgericht op 23 augustus 2005 door
[appellant 1] (hierna: [appellant 1]), [appellant 2] (hierna: [appellant 2]) en RUG Houdstermaatschappij B.V. Solenne is actief op het gebied van PCBM’s en aanverwante chemische stoffen, een groep koolstofverbindingen afgeleid van fulleneren, die onder meer wordt toegepast in zonnecellen en cosmetica.
2.4 [appellant 1], medewerker bij RUG en van mei 2003 tot 1 april 2005 parttime consultant voor Nano-C, is de ontdekker van onder meer PCBM en is één van de onderzoekers die de uitvinding hebben gedaan die het onderwerp is van een (hierna onder 2.7 nader aan te duiden) licentieovereenkomst.
2.5 [appellant 2] is van 2001 tot 1 april 2005 als Vice President for Research & Development werkzaam geweest bij Nano-C en hield toezicht op de PCBM activiteiten bij Nano-C.
2.6 [medewerker appellant 1] (hierna: [medewerker appellant 1]), voormalig postdocmedewerker van [appellant 1], is van
1 juni 2004 tot 1 april 2005 bij Nano-C in dienst geweest om de commerciële productie van PCBM’s zoals [70]PCBM te ontwikkelen en ter hand te nemen.
2.7 Na bemiddeling door [appellant 1] hebben Nano-C en RUG op 11 mei 2004 een licentieovereenkomst gesloten uit hoofde waarvan Nano-C het wereldwijde exclusieve recht verkreeg om materialen volgens de octrooiaanvraag te vervaardigen en op de markt te brengen (hierna: de licentieovereenkomst).
2.8 In de licentieovereenkomst zijn onder meer de volgende bepalingen opgenomen:
“Article 1 definitions
"Material Breach" shall mean (a) a violation or non-performance by a Party of a Material term, condition, covenant or warranty herein, or (…)
"Material" with respect to a particular matter (e.g. a Material Breach), shall mean that the matter is shown to effect adversely (a) the rights and benefits of the other Party under this Agreement; or (b) the ability of the other party to perform its obligations hereunder; and in either case, to such a degree that a reasonable person in the management of his or her own affairs would be more likely than not to decline to enter into this Agreement in view of the matter in question. (…)
"Practical use": shall mean with respect to the Licensed Invention, to reduce it to practice and commercialize it, i.e. to manufacture it in the case of a composition or product, to practice it in the case of a process or method, or to operate it in the case of a machine or system; and in each case, under such conditions as to establish; i) that a market for the Licensed Invention has been created.
Article 5. Practical Use
1. Nano-C shall achieve at least one Practical Use of the Licensed Invention within 24 (twenty four) months of the License Commencement Date. Nano-C shall notify RUG within 30 (thirty) days of achieving Practical Use that Practical Use has been achieved. Nano-C shall also provide evidence to verify the achievement.
2. Nano-C, one Practical Use of the Licensed Invention is achieved, shall thereafter maintain at least one Practical Use throughout the License Term.
Article 6. Best Endeavors
Nano-C shall use its best endeavors (i) to introduce the Licensed Products into the commercial market of the Territory as soon as practical, (ii) to exploit the Licensed Invention by manufacture and sale of the Licensed Products throughout the Territory during the License Term, (iii) to control the quality of the Licensed Products, and (iv) properly, safely, fairly and lawfully to develop and exploit the market in the Territory for the Licensed Products.
Article 19. Term and Termination
1. Except as is expressly provided herein with respect to earlier termination, the right and license granted in article 2 will be in effect for a License Term that is equal to the unexpired term of the last patent to be in effect of the patent(s) encompassed under the definition of Licensed Patent. Except as may be expressly provided otherwise herein or agreed to in writing by RUG, the license shall expire automatically at the end of the License Term without notice to Nano-C.
2. Notwithstanding the aforesaid in article 19.1, Parties may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the License Term by mutual consent upon such terms as they may agree in writing.
3. Notwithstanding the aforesaid in articles 19.1 and 19.2, RUG shall have just cause to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect upon written notice by registered letter to Nano-C, in the following cases:
a) If Nano-C has been granted provisional or definite suspension of payment of its debts, or has been adjudicated bankrupt;
b) If Nano-C is in Material Breach and Nano-C fails to cure such breach within 60 (sixty) days after being given notice by RUG of such breach by registered letter;
c) If Nano-C claims force majeure and the period of force majeure has exceeded 3 (three) months or as soon as it has been established that it will exceed 3 (three) months
Article 25. Entire agreement
1. Except as may be expressly provided otherwise herein, this Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter thereof. No prior or contemporaneous representations, inducements, promises or agreements, oral or otherwise between the Parties with reference thereto will be of any force or effect. This Agreement may only be modified by written agreement of the parties".
2.9 Nano-C heeft tot april 2005 aan haar verplichtingen uit de licentieovereenkomst terzake van de productie en de verkoop van [70]PCBM voldaan.
2.10 Bij e-mail van 2 april 2005 heeft Nano-C [appellant 1] het volgende meegedeeld:
“I hope things are going well with you. There are not the best of times for me as you will see from this message, which is difficult for me to write. Nano-C is having to deal with the realities of our financial situation which, as I believe you know, as been as ongoing concern that has constrained our flexibility to proceed in what would otherwise be the most desirable way. Now, with much regret and sadness, I need to inform you that, effective April 1, we had to terminate the employment of several people including you and Alex [medewerker appellant 1]. This action was yesterday [taken] by our Board of Directors when it became clear we do not have the money to do otherwise.
This change of course automatically means, again very regretfully, our PCBM activities are also terminated. Hopefully the production and sale of PCBM, which is growing very nicely, can be continued in Groningen or in whatever way you will decide to handle it. We will look to you and [appellant 2] for guidance in transferring the business back to you.
Although Nano-C, with your help, made what to me is impressive progress in the production and sale of PCMB, we have not found a financially viable way to continue this activity. I am very optimistic about the future for PCMB appliances and I will follow the development with much interest as well as regret that Nano-C did not find a way to be part of it.
This action is especially difficult to me because I have great admiration for you and your work, and I value very highly your role in Nano-C. I kept hoping we could keep your involvement and the PCBM activities of the company, and to help in that direction I continued to put my own money in the company. I wish I could have done more."
2.11 Bij e-mail van 3 april 2005 heeft Nano-C [medewerker appellant 1] het volgende meegedeeld:
“I hope you are doing well. Unfortunately I have to tell you about some difficult changes we have had to make at Nano-C. Our financial situation has weakened to the point of forcing cuts in our activities. With much regret and sadness, I must inform you that on April 1 we, we had to terminate the employment of several people including you. This action was taken by our Board of Directors when it became clear we do not have the money to do otherwise.
This change automatically means, again very regretfully, our PCBM activities are also terminated. I have also informed [appellant 1] [hof: [appellant 1]] in a separate message. Hopefully the production and sale of PCBM, which is growing very nicely, can be continued in Groningen or in whatever way will be decided there. I understand that [appellant 2] [hof: [appellant 2]] will be discussing this matter with [appellant 1] and you (…)".
2.12 [appellant 1] en [medewerker appellant 1] hebben RUG op de hoogte gesteld van de inhoud van de hiervoor onder 2.10 en 2.11 geciteerde e-mails.
2.13 Bij e-mail/brief van 12 april 2005 van de zijde van RUG aan Nano-C heeft RUG de licentieovereenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang beëindigd. In de brief wordt de reden voor de beëindiging als volgt omschreven:
“This implies that Nano-C is no longer in a position to fulfill its obligations under said license agreement, among which, but not limited to, its obligations under article 6 of the agreement. For this reason Rijksuniversiteit Groningen herewith terminates said license agreement with immediate effect on account of article 19 of the agreement.”
2.14 Naar aanleiding van haar (hiervoor onder 2.10 en 2.11 deels geciteerde) e-mails van 2 en 3 april 2005 is van de zijde van Nano-C bij brief van 5 mei 2005 aan RUG onder meer het volgende meegedeeld:
“The e-mail Dr. [X] sent to the two employees terminating their services was accurate as to their termination but not accurate regarding PCMBs no longer being part of Nano-C business plan. Nano-C is an ongoing business concern. It is true that Nano-C underwent some business and staff changes, but these changes, among other things, were made so Nano-C could continue to meet the requirements of the license.
If Groningen had questions regarding a believed breach of Article 6, it should have notified
Nano-C of these questions. As you must be aware, Article 19 provides for a 60 days cure period to clarify any misunderstanding between the parties. Therefore, Nano-C by this letter cures, within the stated 60 day period, any misunderstandings that there may have been regarding Nano-C continuing with the license. Accordingly, we anticipate return correspondence acknowledging that the license is not terminated and remains in full force and effect. Since the license is not terminated, Nano-C has and will continue to act under its terms”.
2.15 Bij brief van 16 augustus 2005 heeft (de advocaat van) RUG Nano-C meegedeeld dat zij haar standpunt ter zake van de beëindiging van de licentieovereenkomst handhaafde en haar meegedeeld:
“Without prejudicing the above our client is nevertheless prepared to consider the termination of the license agreement undone, provided that your client confirms within two weeks after today that it shall fully meet the provisions of the license agreement and is also able to meet its obligations pursuant to the agreement, which includes that it disposes of adequate financial means and sufficient personnel that is competent in the area pertaining to the license agreement. The written confirmation of your client will have to include valid and adequate evidence.”
2.16 In haar schriftelijke reactie van 29 augustus 2005 op de brief namens RUG van
16 augustus 2005 heeft Nano-C RUG onder meer het volgende meegedeeld:
“(…) we would like to make it clear that Nano-C is continuing operations as per its original business directive. We are currently in the process of arranging larger scale production of our current products. We do not plan to disclose to you the details of our sales, but we are willing to discuss this issue with you in a future meeting.
(…) We have attached two documents supporting the fact that Nano-C (…) is a viable business concern. (…) The other document is recent payroll and federal tax information which gives evidence of our current business operation. (…)”.
2.17 Op 3 oktober 2005 heeft (de advocaat van) RUG Nano-C schriftelijk onder meer het volgende meegedeeld:
In your response letter of 28 (29) August 2005 Nano-C has not provided the requested statements, nor the requested information. The grant that Nano-C has been rewarded pertains to the field of Nanotubes and not to 70-PCBM. With regard to the personnel Nano-C has not given any information. Knowing that all personnel that was working in the field of 70-PCBM has been fired by Nano-C, combined with the refusal to provide information as to the personnel, confirms the opinion of the RUG that as of 1 April 2005 Nano-C has no competent personnel to conduct the work necessary to meet its obligations under the License Agreement.
The refusal to provide the other requested information, such as reports and information regarding sales, which information was obligatory under the License Agreement, is another proof of the fact that Nano-C is neither willing nor has the capacity to live up to the obligations under the (already terminated) License Agreement.
It may be clear that given the above, my client has decided not to reconsider the termination of the agreement. This means that the License remains terminated as of 12 April 2005. (…)"