beschikking van 1 maart 2019
[naam] ,
NNIP Personeel B.V.,
Het geding
Beoordeling van het hoger beroep
De kantonrechter heeft in de bestreden beschikking een aantal feiten vastgesteld. Enkele van deze feiten zijn in hoger beroep in geschil. Het hof zal de feiten opnieuw vaststellen, waarbij rekening zal worden gehouden met grief 1, de grief tegen de feitenvaststelling. Bij die grief heeft [verzoekster] verder dan ook geen belang.
● Support local management in creating a culture of risk awareness.
Excellent communication skills
Honest, reliable and trustworthy with a professional approach to working with sensitive information”
Voorbeelden van privébelangen zijn financiële of niet-financiële voordelen (geschenken, uitnodigingen, enz.) of de mogelijkheid van een medewerker om anderen (bijvoorbeeld familieleden en vrienden) te bevoordelen.
Ҥ 11 Host Country Housing
§ 14 Termination
3. The Tenant hereby agrees with the Landlord as follows:
the obligation towards the upkeep of the apartment (…) still holds though you may have moved to alternative accommodation during the period from 30 June 2017 – 31 October 2017.”
texted me to say that she is aware that you have moved out and had asked for her keys and run through the inventory. Shall we do so now instead of waiting till oct?”
That is a great idea. Which day will the rental payments stop? Then we can plan to do the handover a day or two in advance.”
Have suggested to the LL[hof: Landlord, verhuurster van het appartement],
that if she wants the keys back now, we should do a handover now, pay the remaining rent till Oct and terminate the lease. Thereafter we will not have any obligations to the apartment and she is free to rent it out to others. She has suggested to do the handover in the last week of Jul or first week of Aug. which day is good for you?”
No, this is not ok. I am quite shocked you even suggested this to the landlord. We will keep the keys until the lease ends and will arrange handover with [de verhuurster van het appartement] end of October as agreed.”
[de verhuurster van het appartement] has messaged me over the weekend (…). Can I check with you so that I get the picture – Do I understand correctly that you have a relative (who is staying in your new apartment) who might be interested in the apartment at [het appartementencomplex] ? She had earlier mentioned that she wanted to arrange (…) for viewing of the apartment to a prospective tenant that she might have (…)”
I have not heard from you yet on the email below[de e-mail als bedoeld in 2.18, hof]
. I have received a couple of messages from the landlord and understood from her that your relative is now staying at [het appartementencomplex] . The landlord is trying to gain access to the unit for viewing and contractor works but was informed (…) that both of you are not in Sg[Singapore, hof]
until end of Aug. She has since cancelled all the appts. Can you advise what is going on? is the unit sublet to your relative, what about immigration status? how about the part that both of you are not in town until end of Aug? Please note that[NNIPS]
is the tenant and is responsible for all the obligations under the TA[huurovereenkomst, hof],
if there is any breach we are liable as a company.”
, We can discuss when I am back in the office.” In een e-mailbericht van
has asked you to provide copies of the immigration documents of your spouse’s niece. Kindly provide the original copy of her passport and EP (…) by Monday 21 Aug. (…) the lease at [het adres] is a corporate lease where[NNIPS]
is the contracted tenant. You and your spouse are the permitted occupants agreed between[NNIPS]
and the landlord. (…) Your spouse’s niece should not occupy the unit as she is (a) not a registered occupant and (b) not an employee of[NNIPS].
Also, you have not sought permission from the company for your spouse’s niece to stay at the [het adres].
Please note that assigning, subletting or parting with the premises without written consent of the landlord is a breach of the lease which can allow the landlord to terminate the lease immediately and if there should be any assignment or sublet[NNIPS]
should be the party seeking consent from the landlord. Please also note that[NNIPS]
I will hand you a copy of [een familielid van verzoekster] EP when I see you. (…) [een familielid van verzoekster] is our guest and as anyone in Singapore, we are allowed to have guests. Further, we have informed the landlord. We will happily return the apartment anytime we get written agreement of ending the lease which includes termination of the payments. If you make sure you get a written agreement with the landlord that includes a date of payments termination, we will make sure the apartment is empty.”
As mentioned, this is a company lease and the company has decided to terminate the lease soonest possible as we do not wish the company to be at risk and be liable to anything that may happen to the premises. Please let me remind you of what took place from the beginning:
On 6 Jul, the landlord (…) informed me that she is aware that you have moved out and wants the keys back, I then informed you of this on 6 and 14 Jul and suggested to you that we return the keys to the landlord, conduct a handover and terminate the lease before 31 Oct 2017 thereby eliminating any obligations on our part as tenant of the apartment. You disagreed, I walked over to you to understand why but you did not want to discuss further and told me that I don’t have to know.
On 7 Aug, the landlord forwarded a what’sapp message to me which was from you & spouse telling her that a family member of yours is now staying at the [het adres] apartment, is in the process of making arrangement with her work to stay in SG and if she likes to stay at [het adres] she could be potentially be the landlord’s future tenant. This message from the landlord was the trigger to seek clarification from you to understand if it was true that you have a relative staying at the apartment.
We have not yet received the information and the items that we have asked for which are 1) original passport and EP of the person staying at [het adres] ; 2) the keys and access cards to the unit of [het adres] (we have asked you to make arrangement for this to take place and return the keys and access cards). [de CEO van NNIPS] has spoken to you on 16 Aug to provide and return both items 1 & 2 as stated above however you have not complied. A subsequent email was sent to you on 18 Aug to revert to us by 21 Aug, you again did not comply with the request. [de CEO van NNIPS] has reminded you again to do so on 22 Aug. It has been more than a week and we have not yet receive the requested items. Please provide the original passport and EP and return the keys/access cards to the unit at [het adres] bytomorrow (25 Aug).(…)”
We spoke this morning and I’ve informed you that the landlord has given 7 Sept to conduct final inspection and handover of unit thereby terminating the lease earlier than 31 Oct 2017. Please make the necessary arrangements at your end to return the keys to me by 31 Aug to facilitate the termination. We will address in a letter to the landlord that following the handover, the lease will terminate on 7 Sept 2017 and we release all obligations we have as tenant of the unit; please note that we are still obliged to make good rental payments remaining on the lease till 31 Oct 2017. (…)”
permanent residence, heeft [de CEO van NNIPS] [verzoekster] op 7 september 2017 onder meer het volgende geschreven:
(…) The company has asked you to return the keys to the apartment which you have vacated and you have not followed-up. We take a serious view on this as your actions are detrimental to the company and you are putting the company at risk. We have explained this to you many times now but we are not getting your cooperation. (…)”
gross misconductaan de zijde van [verzoekster] .
the upkeep) ook als zij een ander appartement zou betrekken. Bedoelde verantwoordelijkheid hield volgens §11 van de IAA (slechts) in dat [verzoekster] bepaalde gebruiks- en verzekeringskosten zou moeten blijven betalen. Dat zij hoofdelijk aansprakelijk zou zijn voor (de staat van) het appartement en dat die aansprakelijkheid zou doorlopen als de huurovereenkomst voortijdig zou eindigen, kan in bedoeld e-mailbericht niet worden gelezen.
gross misconductkan in het midden blijven nu dit niet tot het oordeel kan leiden – gelet op de zware maatstaf die daaraan ten grondslag ligt – dat NNIP(S) door onder deze omstandigheden de IAA te beëindigen, ter zake ernstig verwijtbaar heeft gehandeld. Gelet daarop heeft [verzoekster] geen recht op een billijke vergoeding. Gelet op het ernstig verwijtbaar handelen van [verzoekster] lag herplaatsing niet in de rede en heeft zij evenmin aanspraak op een transitievergoeding. Als het einde van de arbeidsovereenkomst het gevolg is van ernstig verwijtbaar handelen of nalaten van de werknemer kan de rechter in zeer uitzonderlijke gevallen alsnog een transitievergoeding toekennen. Niet gesteld of gebleken is dat van een dergelijk uitzonderlijk geval sprake is. Het niet toekennen van een transitievergoeding is dan ook niet naar maatstaven van redelijkheid en billijkheid onaanvaardbaar. De omstandigheden op grond waarvan de arbeidsovereenkomst is ontbonden, leiden er ook toe dat er geen reden was om bij die ontbinding uit te gaan van de voor [verzoekster] geldende opzegtermijn. Een vergoeding voor het niet in achtnemen daarvan, wordt dan ook afgewezen.
.Gelet op vorenstaande moet de conclusie zijn dat waar de grieven falen dan wel het beoogde doel missen, de bestreden beschikking zal worden bekrachtigd, ook wat betreft de veroordeling van [verzoekster] in de kosten van de procedure in eerste aanleg. Daarnaast zal de vordering ter zake van de gevorderde vakantie-uren, welke vordering eerst in hoger beroep is ingesteld, worden toegewezen als na te melden.