1.Het verloop van de procedure in hoger beroep
2.De kern van de zaak
loan notes’met de bedoeling om de aandeelhouders uiteindelijk, als daarvoor voldoende middelen zouden zijn, hun ingelegde gelden terug te betalen. Het voorstel is op 4 juli 2017 in stemming gebracht. Fuseki heeft zich onthouden van stemming, want zij wilde liever direct haar inleg terug.
Fuseki owns 31,017 shares A and 5 shares E in Genalice Holding BV (Genalice).
It is intended that Genalice shares are transferred into a loan note held by Genalice Norlin Limited (GNL), partly owned by and registered at the same address as Norlin.
Fuseki's security in the new situation will be no less than the existing shareholding in Genalice.
Norlin at all times will act in good faith to maintain value in GNL and protect Fuseki's loan notes.
Norlin will buy all the Genalice Norlin Limited loan notes ("the Loan Note") from Fuseki.
All parties will co-operate to transfer the Genalice shares to this loan note as soon as possible after closing of this agreement.
The purchase price is 135,0[0]
0.00 euro (one hundred and thirty five thousand euro).
Payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than July 10th 2018.
Interest will be paid at 0.4% per month.
If for any reason Norlin fails to pay the full purchase price and interest by July 10th 2018 then [geïntimeerde] will personally guarantee Fuseki payment of:
Any outstanding part of the payment price.
Any outstanding interest.
Any legal costs that Fuseki has to make to collect these.
This agreement is covered by Dutch law only.”