De ouders hebben op 16 november 1994 een ‘Letter of Wishes’ ondertekend, waarin hun wensen met betrekking tot het in de stichting ingebrachte vermogen zijn opgenomen. Daarin geven zij hun visie op de besteding van het vermogen en wordt aan het bestuur van de stichting de vrijheid gegeven om af te wijken van hun wensen:
“This letter of wishes is not meant to create any obligation for the Foundation Council. In a period of thirty years so many things can and will change that it will be unwise for us to dictate now what will be in the best interest of the beneficiaries. So, the Foundation Council will have to act according to its opinion at the moment of appointment or distribution.
Having stated this emphatically, we can nevertheless give our view about distribution.
At this moment we think it wise and reasonable and, therefore, the best policy to make distributions to our grandchildren in equal parts, unless one or more of them are in serious financial difficulties, in which case priority should be given to help those grandchildren out and consequently they should be entitled to receive more than the others.
As Protestant institution in the Netherlands we suggest to appoint the “ [erflaatster] Stichting”. This “Stichting” should not get more than ten and not less than four percent of the foundation fund.
If there is no special reason to liquidate at an earlier date we have a preference for the liquidation after thirty years.
We give this view to the best of our knowledge but without the purpose of creating an obligation for the Foundation Council to follow that view.”