De rechtbank heeft in haar uitspraak de volgende feiten vastgesteld. Belanghebbende wordt daarin aangeduid als ‘eiseres’.
“1. Op naam en voor rekening van eiseres zijn aangiften gedaan voor goederen met aangegeven oorsprong Maleisië. De aangegeven oorsprong is gebaseerd op een Form A. Op de factuur van leverancier [leverancier] te Hong Kong worden de goederen nader omschreven. De exporteur van de goederen is [exporteur] te Maleisië.
2. De Commissie heeft op 22 februari 2010 informatie gevraagd aan de lidstaten over de invoer van stalen bevestigingsmiddelen met aangegeven oorsprong Maleisië (AM-melding 2010/002). Naar aanleiding van de ontvangen informatie heeft de Commissie op 26 augustus 2010 een verzoek om bijstand gestuurd aan het Maleise Ministry of International Trade and Industry (hierna: MITI). In de brief staat onder meer het volgende:
EU professional trade and several Member States (Germany, Spain, Netherlands) informed OLAF about suspected imports into the EU of Chinese steel fasteners liable to antidumping duties, under cover of Malaysian certificates of preferential origin.
According to the information received, Chinese providers had offered to different European importers the possibility to evade the antidumping duties by transhipping the bolts through Malaysia. This has been confirmed by a Chinese exporter, according to whom several containers have already been imported without paying the anti-dumping duties in question, and by the investigation carried out in Germany which identified apparent transhipment in Penang.
Council Regulation 91/2009 of 26 January 2009 imposed antidumping duties at rates between 26.5% and 85.0% on certain iron or steel fasteners other than of stainless steel, originating in the People’s Republic of China, falling within CN codes 7318 12 90, 7318 14 91, 7318 1499,7318 1559, 7518 1569,7318 15 81, 7318 1589, ex7318 1590 (TC 7318 15 90 19, 7318 159069 and 7318 159089), ex7318 21 00 (TC 7318 210029 and 731821 00 99) and ex7318 2200 (TC 7318220029 and 73182200 99).
Moreover the preferential origin certificates form A used in many imports into the EU, entitle the goods to enter the EU within the preferential regime, a zero duty rate, instead of 3,7% third country duty but there are grave suspicions concerning the accuracy of the information provided to the Malaysian authorities regarding the true origin of the products in question.
OLAF verified Chinese export statistics to Malaysia and Malaysian import statistics into the EU.
Following the introduction in January 2009 of definitive antidumping duties on imports into the EU of certain steel fasteners of Chinese origin, it was noted that the statistics indicated an increased traffic in such goods, under headings liable to antidumping duties, in 2009/2010, from China to Malaysia (GTA stats):
- 2008: 14 125 tons – 19 137 661 €,
- 2009: 60 981 tons - 54 578 243 €,
- 2010 (4 months): 32 604 tons - 28 390 481 €
and from Malaysia to the EU (COMEXT stats):
- 2008: 12 627,7 tons - 22 600 750 €,
- 2009: 32712 tons - 38 965 000 €,
- 2010 (3 months): 21 027 tons.- 22 175 000 €”
3. In de uitnodiging voor de bespreking tussen OLAF en MITI op 13 oktober 2011 staat onder meer het volgende:
2.2. Information from the Malaysian authorities.
In the light of the information provided by the MS, OLAF sent a request for assistance on 26/08/10 to the.Malaysian authorities. Following this request the Malaysian authorities provided OLAF with a certain number of tables concerning the transhipment of Chinese steel fasteners through Malaysia.