1.Ontstaan en loop van het geding
UPON TRUSTduring the Trust Period to pay appropriate or apply the whole or such part of the income of the Trust Fund as the Trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit to or for the maintenance or otherwise for the benefit of all or such one or more exclusive of the other or others of the Beneficiaries in such shares and proportions of more than one and generally in such manner as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit
THETrustees may by declaration in writing made at any time or times during the
THETrustees shall have power at any time or times during the Trust Period to add to
[naam 3]and on his death retirement or
[belanghebbende]shall be the Protector
NOTWITHSTANDINGanything herein contained and in particular anything
[belanghebbende] [betrokkene 1]
[betrokkene 1]
prima facieopinion is that the Deed of Trust excludes the
any person(my italics). The Trustees
A) (ii) Beneficiaries’ rights to information under a Jersey law discretionary trust
“Trustee may refuse to make disclosure”and states as follows:
“the accounts of the trust”which was construed widely by the Royal Court of Jersey in
West v Lazard Brothers (Jersey) Limited([1987-88 JLR 414]) to include “all accounts, vouchers, coupons, documents, and correspondence relating to the administration of the trust property or otherwise to the execution of the trust, including a full inventory of the trust assets and all dealings relating to any real property, (as defined in Re Londonderry’s Settlement [1965] Ch 918 where the kind of information to which beneficiaries are entitled is set out)”.
Schmidt v. Rosewood Trust Limited [2003] 2 AC 709 (“Schmidt v. Rosewood”), delivered in March 2003 on an appeal from the courts of the Isle of Man, considers the approach to be taken to the question of disclosure of information by trustees to beneficiaries.
In re B Settlement[2011 JLR 236] it was held that on an application by a beneficiary for the disclosure of trust documents, there was a strong presumption in favour of disclosure but the court had an overriding discretion to withhold documents if it would be in the best interests of the beneficiaries as a whole.”
Spellson v George(1987) NSWLR 300; een beslissing van the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Powell J), onder meer het volgende:].
In re Cowinin 1886) that no beneficiary (and least of all a discretionary object) has any entitlement as of right to disclosure of anything which can plausibly be described as a trust document. Especially when there are issues as to personal or commercial confidentiality, the court may have to balance the competing interests of different beneficiaries, the trustees themselves, and third parties. Disclosure may have to be limited and safeguards may have to be put in place. Evaluation of the claims of a beneficiary (and especially of a discretionary object) may be an important part of the balancing exercise which the court has to perform on the materials placed before it. In many cases the court may have no difficulty in concluding that an applicant with no more than a theoretical possibility of benefit ought not to be
- de overlegging van jaarstukken van de Trust sedert de oprichting daarvan,
- de vraag van de inspecteur welke vermogensbestanddelen wanneer en voor welke waarde in de trust zijn ingebracht, en
- de vraag wanneer belanghebbende de uitkering uit de Trust van € 136.135 heeft ontvangen met bewijs daarvan en het daarop betrekking hebbende besluit van de trustee.
3.Geschil in hoger beroep
4.Beoordeling van het geschil
relates to or forms part of the accounts of the trust’wordt een uitzondering op het non-disclosure recht van de trustee gemaakt ten aanzien van een beneficiary niet zijnde een ‘charity’.
was a strong presumption in favour of disclosurebut the court had an overriding discretion to withhold documents if it would be in the best interests of the beneficiaries as a whole” (cursivering door het Hof). Deze uitspraak bevestigt het beeld dat een beneficiary in beginsel recht heeft op de jaarstukken van de trust.
Overige vermogensrechten