uitspraak van de meervoudige kamer van 8 december 2020 op het hoger beroep van:
burgemeester en wethouders van Veenendaal, appellant
de Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM)
Q-Park Operations Netherlands B.V. (Q-Park), te Maastricht
Procesverloop in hoger beroep
Uitspraak van de rechtbank
Beoordeling van het geschil in hoger beroep
TenderNed, (ECLI:EU:C:2019:932).
TenderNedpreciseert het HvJEU zijn rechtspraak over de vraag wanneer een activiteit van een overheidsinstantie een economische activiteit is die toepassing van de mededingingsregels rechtvaardigt. Het HvJEU overweegt onder meer (in punt 16) dat hiertoe moet worden onderzocht “whether the activities at issue are connected, by their nature, their aim and the rules to which they are subject, with the excercise of public powers”. En (in punt 18): “Thus, as noted in paragraph 38 of the judgment of 12 July 2012,
Compass-Datenbank, (C-138/11, EU:C:2012:449), in so far as a public entity carries on an economic activity, since that activity is not connected to the excercise of its public powers, that entity, in relation to that activity, acts as un undertaking, while, if that same economic activity cannot, however, be separated from other activities connected with the exercise of public powers, the activities exercised by that entity as a whole remain activities connected with the exercise of those public powers”. En (in punt 44): “that two activities can be considered not able to be separated when one of them would be rendered largely useless in the absence of the other (see, to that effect, judgment of 12 July 2012,
Compass-Datenbank, C-138/11, EU:C:2012:449, paragraph 41) or where those two activities are closely linked (see, to that effect, judgment of 26 March 2009,
Selex Sistemi Integrati v. Commission,C-113/07 P, EU:C:2009:191, paragraphs 76 and 77)”.