2.15.KPN en Tele2 hebben in maart/april 2009 onderhandeld over een vaststellingsovereenkomst. In dat kader hebben zij per e-mail diverse wijzigingsvoorstellen gedaan. Daarin zijn de meest recente wijzigingen onderstreept weergegeven. Daar waar in deze correspondentie en de gesloten overeenkomst wordt gesproken over het WPC-II besluit, wordt gedoeld op het latere WPC-IIa besluit.
a. a) Op 8 april 2009 om 18:27 uur heeft KPN een (nieuwe) versie van het concept van de vaststellingsovereenkomst naar Tele2 gezonden. Daarbij is onder meer meegedeeld dat in art. 1.5 de gewijzigde afspraken inzake WPC zijn opgenomen. Deze houden in dat in art. 1.5 een nieuw sub b is toegevoegd, onder vernummering van de daarop volgende onderdelen. De tekst van art. 1.5 sub b luidt in de toegezonden versie van de als volgt:
5. 5.
In respect of the issue referred to under I in the preamble, the parties agree as follows
b. If the condition set out under a above is not met, then KPN undertakes to provide originating and terminating voice services and MDF line services to Tele2 during the current regulation period (January 1. 2009 - January 1. 2012) at tariffs that are no higher than the price caps as set in OPTA's September 27. 2006 WPCI decision as applicable from July 1. 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services). Tele2 also undertakes to provide FTA services to KPN at tariffs equal to the tariffs charged by KPN during the current regulation period (January 1. 2009 - January 1. 2012)."
Art. 1.5 sub c luidt in deze versie:
b.c.Should for any service the price caps set in OPTA's forthcoming WPC II decision be lower than, or equal to, the tariffs applicable to KPN in accordance with the price caps set in OPTA's September 27,2006 WPC I decision as applicable from July 1, 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services), then (i) Tele2 agrees not to appeal OPTA's WPC II decision in respect of that service, and (ii) KPN shall charge Tele2 and Tele2 will pay an amount equal to the difference that Tele2 would have paid under the WPC I tariffs and the lower WPC II tariffs, subject to a maximum of € 1 mln (one million euro), excluding VAT, not later than December 30, 2011."
b) Op 8 april 2009 om 19:12 uur heeft Tele2 onder meer het volgende aan KPN meegedeeld:
"Als ik het goed zie heeft KPN het issue getracht op te lossen door van ons nu reciprociteit te eisen op het moment dat een of andere marktpartij toch beroep instelt tegen WPC II. Allemaal zelfs nog los van de uitkomst van een dergelijk beroep.
Ik dacht het niet. Dit is op geen enkele manier zo besproken en ik zie ook helemaal niet hoe hiermee het non-discriminatie risico - want daar ging het KPN toch om - gediend is. Volgens mij zijn er maar een paar MP's die zich verzetten tegen reciprociteit. Alle andere partijen kunnen dan met hun eigen reciprociteit hetzelfde opeisen, althans op grond van deze paragraaf.
volgt de tekst van art. 1.5 sub b zoals hiervoor weergegeven, rb]
Het zal KPN niet verbazen dat Tele2 niet akkoord gaat. Ik ga akkoord als de bovenstaande paragraaf er als volgt uitziet:
If the condition set out under a above is not met, then KPN undertakes to provide originating and terminating voice services and MDF line services to Tele2 during the current regulation period at tariffs that are no higher than the price caps as set in OPTA's September 27, 2006 WPC I decision as applicable from July 1, 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services.
Met de 1 mio terugbetaling uit nu 4 c (was 4 b) moet dit voldoende zijn."
c) Bij e-mail van 9 april 2009 om 18:34 uur heeft KPN meegedeeld dat zij akkoord gaat met de door Tele2 voorgestelde wijziging van de laatste zin in art. 1.5 sub b. KPN heeft Tele2 verzocht te bevestigen dat de tekst daarmee is vastgesteld zodat het document ondertekend kan worden.
d) Bij e-mail van 10 april 2009 om 10:48 uur heeft Tele2 aan KPN meegedeeld dat zij nog een paar laatste opmerkingen bij het concept heeft en voor de zekerheid heeft opgenomen dat indien ACM lagere tarieven vaststelt voor een aantal diensten KPN deze ook daadwerkelijk hanteert.
e) Bij e-mail van 10 april 2009 om 12:09 uur heeft KPN aan Tele2 meegedeeld dat art. 1.5 sub c (i) is aangepast naar aanleiding van een voorstel van KPN waarmee Tele2 akkoord is gegaan. De tekst van art. 1.5 sub c luidt in de bij deze e-mail toegezonden versie:
"c._Should for any service the price caps set in OPTA's forthcoming WPC II decision be lower than, or equal to, the tariffs applicable to KPN in accordance with the price caps set in OPTA's September 27, 2006 WPC I decision as applicable from July 1, 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services), then:
i.(1)KPN will apply these lower tariffs vis-a-vis Tele2
notwithstanding its right to appeal to such a decision in respect of that service and without prejudice to the provisions mentioned under b above,
ii(ii)Tele2 agrees not to appeal OPTA's WPC II decision in respect of that service, and
iii.(iii)KPN shall charge Tele2 and Tele2 will pay an amount equal to the difference that Tele2 would have paid under the WPC I tariffs and the lower WPC II tariffs, subject to a maximum of € 1 mln (one million euro), excluding VAT, not later than December 30,2011."
In de op 10 april 2009 gesloten vaststellingsovereenkomst (hierna: de Vaststellingsovereenkomst) is onder meer het volgende opgenomen:
Further to its December 19, 2008 market analysis decisions, OPTA is now in the process of making the wholesale price caps for the current regulation period (January 1, 2009 - January . 1, 2012) operational and preparing the WPC II decision. Market parties, including KPN and Tele2, are involved in this process through an industry group. At the same time, KPN and Tele2 have entered into bilateral consultations on the wholesale price caps for the current regulation period.
J. The parties are willing, for reasons of their own, to undertake towards one another that they will accept settlement in a single transaction of the above-mentioned matters in order to end any uncertainty or dispute regarding that which is valid between them by law, and in order to avoid proceedings which will prove very expensive for them both, without such willingness being interpreted as an obligation, of whatever nature, to accept such settlement.
K. The parties have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of an amicable settlement regarding the above-mentioned facts and circumstances and wish to bring an end to these matters, while retaining their respective positions in this regard, waiving all possible rights and defences.
Declare that they have agreed as follows:
Article 1
In respect of the issue referred to under I in the preamble, the parties agree as follows:
KPN undertakes to provide voice services and MDF services during the current regulation period (January 1, 2009 - January 1, 2012) in accordance with the voice arrangement and the MDF arrangement set out in the annex to the explanation to cost prices presented by KPN to the Industry Group WPC II on January 21, 2009, provided that (i) all market parties waive their right of appeal against OPTA's forthcoming WPC II decision, and (ii) the 5 % arrangement set out in the voice arrangement for KPN Terminating traffic only applies to traffic originating from end users on any of the Tele2 networks (with net codes TL2F, TEL2 and VSTL).
If the condition set out under a. above is not met, then KPN undertakes to provide originating and terminating voice services and MDF line services to Tele2 during the current regulation period (January 1, 2009 - January 1, 2012) at tariffs that are no higher than the price caps as set in OPTA's September 27, 2006 WPC I decision as applicable from July 1, 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services).
Should for any service the price caps set in OPTA's forthcoming WPC II decision be lower than, or equal to, the tariff applicable to KPN in accordance with the price caps set in OPTA's September 27, 2006 WPC I decision as applicable from July 1, 2008 (Annex B for voice services and Annex A for other services), then;
i. KPN will apply these lower tariffs vis-à-vis Tele2 notwithstanding its right to appeal to such a decision in respect of that service and without prejudice to the provisions mentioned under b above,
ii. Tele2 agrees not to appeal OPTA's WPC II decision in respect of that service, and
iii. KPN shall charge Tele2 and Tele2 will pay an amount equal to the difference that Tele2 would have paid under the WPC I tariffs and the lower WPC II tariffs, subject to a maximum of € 1 mln (one million euro), excluding VAT, not later than December 30, 2011.
KPN agrees to inform Tele2 of any price agreements that are made with other wholesale customers that are more favourable than the agreement set out above under a for voice and MDF services covered by the WPC II decision for which a non-discrimination obligation is applicable. In such a case, KPN shall provide these services to Tele2 at the same conditions and tariffs in a non-discriminatory way."