3.3De rechtbank overweegt als volgt. Uit de laatste update van het AIDA rapport7 blijkt dat asielzoekers in 2020 door het gebrek aan opvangcapaciteit geen toegang hadden tot opvangcentra en systematisch in detentie werden geplaatst:
“In 2020, all applicants rescued at sea and disembarked in Malta were automatically detained without any form of individualised assessment. As a result, vulnerable applicants, including minors, were also de facto detained upon arrival. Newly arrived asylum-seekers were detained under different legal regimes, largely depending on their nationality. Applicants coming from a country listed in the Act’s safe country of origin list were generally detained under the recast Reception Conditions Directive, without the possibility to effectively challenge their detention. Other applicants were detained under either national public health legislation or under no legal regime at all but on a de facto basis. Both situations were declared illegal by the Matlese courts. Applicants detained in the latter two scenarios were generally released when space was made available in the open reception centres, often after several months of arbitrary detention. Moreover, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, access to detention was severely restricted for all entities, including NGOs, for several weeks, leaving detained applicants without any information or counsel regarding their situation. The Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture visited Malta in September 2020 and confirmed the systematic arbitrary detention of all asylum-seekers without any access to information or effective remedy, in conditions that were described as “institutional neglect.”
Dit volgt ook uit pagina 74 van het AIDA-rapport 2020:
“Depending on their nationalities, applicants are either detained under the Reception Conditions Directive, or the Health Regulations. In 2020, the vast majority of applicants were detained, without any legal ground, on the basis that there was no space available in reception centres
Daarnaast blijkt uit het CPT-rapport dat de detentieomstandigheden schrijnend en erbarmelijk zijn. Dit volgt onder meer uit punten 85 tot en met 91:
“86. In 2020, however, the CPT’s delegation witnessed an immigration system that was struggling to cope; a system that purely “contained” migrants who had essentially been forgotten, within poor conditions of detention and regimes, which verged on institutional mass neglect by the authorities. (…)
6 zie de arresten van het Hof van Justitie van 21 januari 2011, M.S.S. tegen België en Griekenland, ECLI:CE:ECHR:2011:0121JUD003069609, en 19 maart 2019, Jawo tegen Duitsland, ECLI:EU:C:2019:218, punt 91-93
7 Pagina 12 van het AIDA-rapport 2020.
87. The Covid-19 pandemic has served only to push a strained immigration reception and detention system to the point of breaking. Most migrants appeared to have no lawful basis for their detention and were held in severely overcrowded facilities under extremely poor living conditions, offered no purposeful activities, and with an absence of regular and clear information being imparted to them. Moreover, the lack of information was exacerbated by the restricted contacts with the outside world (limited access to telephone communication and no NGOs or external organisations visiting the places of detention since March 2020). The long lock-down and quarantine of migrants of all ages, along with poor conditions, have resulted in mass neglect and instilled a deep frustration in migrants, at times exploding into violent riots.”
Uit deze rapporten, volgt naar het oordeel van de rechtbank, dat de situatie in 2020 ten aanzien van het risico op detentie en de detentieomstandigheden is verslechterd ten opzichte van 2019, alleen al vanwege de ontstane problemen in verband met de COVID-19 pandemie. Verweerder wordt dan ook niet gevolgd in de stelling dat het meest recente AIDA-rapport geen verslechtering bevat ten opzichte van het AIDA-rapport 2019.
Verweerder kan dan ook niet volstaan met een verwijzing naar de uitspraak van de Afdeling, nu de Afdeling voornoemde rapporten niet heeft betrokken en evenmin de na die uitspraak getroffen interim measure.