2.16.De Engelstalige vertaling van het vonnis van het Harju County Court bevat op pagina 18 en 19 het volgende:
“(…)There is no dispute between the parties about such facts that:
on 29.12.2011 the plaintiff gave the defendant a gift of money in the total amount of 282 600 euros;
on 03.01.2012, the defendant concluded in the Netherlands, at the office of the notary public of Rotterdam Mag T.C.B.M. Langerwerf, a statement of transfer of the apartment ownership No. JK-2011TL03236.01, according to which the defendant acquired under the purchase and sales contract entered into on 22.12.2011 the title to the apartment ownership, i.e. the right to use the apartment and its accessories, situated at [adres] , [plaats 1] , the Netherlands (entered in the Dutch cadastral register of Den Haag, section AD, complex code 4427-A, apartment index 5);
the defendant paid for the title of the acquired apartment ownership using money received from the plaintiff as a gift;
the apartment situated at [adres] , [plaats 1] , the Netherlands was selected, and the purchase and sale transaction was prepared by the plaintiff;
on 03.01.2012 the defendant granted in the Netherlands, at the office of the notary public of Rotterdam Mag T.C.B.M. Langerwerf, the defendant a general power of attorney No. JK-201 1TL03236.01, by which the defendant transferred the plaintiff all necessary rights of representation such that the plaintiff could act in the best interests of the principal in a situation, in which the principal cannot himself be acting in his best interests, or where acting in his best interests could be complicated; the power of attorney is valid in the Netherlands and beyond the Netherlands;
in his letter of 06.02.2013, the defendant has confirmed that the power of attorney granted to the plaintiff has been revoked, and has claimed through the attorney A.P. Van Oosten that the original be returned;
besides the payment orders dated 29.11.2011, which evidence the fact of donation of the sum of 282 600 euros, the plaintiff and the defendant have not concluded any contract of donations on donating the sum of 282 600 euros, executed in a format reproducible in writing, which would show on which conditions on 29.12.20 11 the plaintiff donated the defendant the total amount of 282 600 euros;
the plaintiff has returned the defendant the general power of attorney No. JK 201 1TL03236.0l, granted by the defendant to the plaintiff on 03.01.2012;
at present the plaintiff lives in the apartment owned by the defendant, situated at [adres] , [plaats 1] , the Netherlands;
on 20.03.2013 the plaintiff has sent the defendant an e-mail, in which she asks the defendant to return the plaintiff the money owned by the plaintiff, and the defendant has received this e-mail message;
through her contractual representative the plaintiff sent the defendant on 30.01.2014 an e-mail, in which she states that she withdraws from the contract of donation concluded between the parties, the object of which is a donation of 282 600 euros made to the defendant for purchasing a house in the Netherlands, and that she asks that the donated sum be returned, and the defendant has received this e-mail message;
in clause 13 of the statement of claim the plaintiff has declared that she withdraws from the contract of donation concluded between the parties, the object of which is a donation of 282 600 euros made to the defendant for purchasing a house in the Netherlands, and that she asks that the donated sum be returned, and the defendant has received the statement of claim and the declaration of withdrawal contained therein;
in the procedural document of 17.03.2014 the plaintiff has declared that she withdraws from the contract of donation concluded between the parties, the object of which is a donation of 282 600 euros made to the defendant for purchasing a house in the Netherlands, because on 14.02.2014 the defendant failed to visit the plaintiff at the hospital where the plaintiff was taken after she arrived at Tallinn, having fallen down at the Amsterdam airport, and the defendant has received the statement of claim and the declaration of withdrawal contained therein.(…)”