Vilnius Regional Court(Litouwen), hierna: de uitvaardigende justitiële autoriteit en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3. Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
the District Court of Vilnius Cityvan 27 januari 2023
(kenmerk: 1-56 716/2023),in hoger beroep beoordeeld door
the Vilnius Regional Courtbij arrest van 4 oktober 2023
(kenmerk: IA-227/574/2023).
the District Court of Vilnius Cityvan 28 mei 2021
(kenmerk: 1-236-1100/2021.Uit de aanvullende informatie van de uitvaardigende justitiële autoriteit van 31 juli 2024 blijkt dat deze zaak in hoger beroep is beoordeeld door
the Vilnius Regional Courtbij arrest van (mogelijk) 21 september 2021.
final combined penaltyopgelegd, te weten een vrijheidsstraf voor de duur van 9 jaar en 6 maanden. In het EAB wordt de overlevering verzocht ten behoeve van de tenuitvoerlegging van deze (gehele) straf, door de opgeëiste persoon te ondergaan op het grondgebied van de uitvaardigende lidstaat.
- diefstal, waarbij de schuldige zich de toegang tot de plaats van het misdrijf heeft verschaft
door middel van braak, meermalen gepleegd; en
- diefstal.
5.Weigeringsgrond als bedoeld in artikel 12 OLW
Vilnius City District Court, dat op 21 september 2021 een behandeling in hoger beroep heeft plaatsgevonden bij de
Vilnius Regional Courten dat het gewezen arrest definitief is geworden op 12 oktober 2021. Uit de aanvullende informatie van 31 juli 2024 blijkt dat de opgeëiste persoon hoger beroep heeft ingesteld omdat hij het niet eens was met de kwalificatie van het strafbare feit. De opgeëiste persoon was niet aanwezig bij de procedure die geleid heeft tot het arrest.
court noticeverzonden waarin het tijdstip en plaats van de zitting in hoger beroep stond vermeld. In dit geval (waarbij de opgeëiste persoon zelf hoger beroep instelde omdat hij het niet eens was met de kwalificatie) volstond een dergelijke
court notice. Deze
court noticewerd ook naar de advocaat die voor hem in eerste aanleg optrad, gestuurd. Uit niets blijkt dat dit adres inmiddels (tussen mei en september 2021, eerste aanleg en behandeling in hoger beroep) gewijzigd was.
District Court of Vilnius Cityen dat in hoger beroep op 4 oktober 2023 arrest is gewezen door de
Vilnius Regional Courtwaardoor het vonnis in eerste aanleg definitief is geworden. In het arrest in hoger beroep zijn de
merits of the casedefinitief vastgesteld.
rulingvan de
Vilnius City District Courtvan
rulingis vervolgens verzonden naar de gevangenis waar de opgeëiste persoon op dat moment uit anderen hoofde verbleef. Vervolgens is bij de
rulingvan de
Vilnius Regional Courtvan 24 maart 2023 een advocaat aangewezen die gedurende de procedure in hoger beroep aanwezig is geweest.
6.Artikel 11: detentieomstandigheden.
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment(hierna: CPT) in Litouwen bezoeken gebracht aan de detentie-instellingen van Alytus Prison; Marijampolé Prison; Pravieniskes 2nd Prison en de Vilnius Prison, nu het dit nodig vond gezien de zorgelijke bevindingen in 2021 (rapport van 23 februari 2023). Recent heeft dit tot een aanvullend CPT-rapport geleid, waarin wederom zorgen zijn opgetekend. Het CPT heeft hierbij de Litouwse autoriteiten gemaand binnen 3 maanden maatregelen te nemen, bij gebreke waarvan een zogenaamde “public statement” uitgegeven zal worden.
1. (…)
The visit was considered by the Committee “to be required in the circumstances” (cf. Article 7, paragraph 1, of the Convention) and its objective was to examine the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee formulated in the report on the periodic visit carried out in 2021, in particular as regards widespread inter-prisoner violence as well as the abundance of illegal drugs combined with a lack of targeted strategies to help the large numbers of prisoners using drugs. (…)
9. The findings of the 2024 visit set out in this report indicate that the Lithuanian authorities have taken a number of steps to address the above-mentioned problems. However, the situation observed in the four prisons visited demonstrates that with legal and organisational changes alone only partial progress can be made. It is clear that substantial financial resources must now be committed in order to finally and fully address these problems. With a view to achieve a genuine reform of the Lithuanian prison system, far greater resources are needed to accelerate the reconstruction of prisons from dormitory-type to cellular-type accommodation and, most importantly, to significantly increase staffing levels. A substantially larger custodial staff presence in detention areas is required to significantly reduce inter-prisoner violence and to prevent illegal drugs from being smuggled into prison, traded and consumed. The Lithuanian authorities must demonstrate concrete and sustained efforts to tackle these challenging issues if they are to persuade the Committee not to resort to a public statement under the procedure enshrined in Article 10, paragraph 2 of the Convention establishing the CPT.
30. As during previous visits, the CPT delegation received many credible allegations of inter-prisoner violence, including stabbings with sharp objects, beatings, scaldings, bullying and other forms of psychological pressure, extortion, and coercion to commit new crimes and disciplinary offenses. Such allegations were received from prisoners accommodated across different units within all the prisons visited.
34. In every prison the delegation found medical records of injuries indicative of inter-prisoner violence majority of which were, however, explained away by the prisoners concerned as “an accident”.
43. The delegation interviewed the majority of the prisoners whose injuries were recorded during the first six weeks of 2024 (in some cases, injuries were still visible). Only a small number of them admitted having been attacked by another inmate. Many more were not willing to talk openly about the circumstances surrounding the injury. They explained to the delegation that according to the unwritten rules amongst inmates, a prisoner was not allowed to complain about physical violence and that it was not only forbidden to name a perpetrator(s) but even to suggest that there was any physical violence to begin with. After explaining this, the prisoners interviewed continued to state that the injuries they had sustained had been caused by “an accident” – falling down the stairs, walking into a door, slipping in the shower, falling off a bed – all the while smiling ambiguously.
49. (…) The “division of labour” amongst castes was seemingly that prisoners from the lowest caste, the “untouchables”, were usually the ones using drugs and transferring them inside the prison,39 and the highest caste prisoners were the ones organising the ingress of illicit drugs into a prison and controlling their sale inside (see more about the characteristics of different castes in the chapter below). (…)
55. Furthermore, the Committee notes that the rules of the informal prisoner hierarchy forbid any “cooperation” with the authorities which, inter alia means that prisoners who wish to get treatment for their addiction in the rehabilitation centre automatically fall within the lowest caste, the “untouchables”, having signed a statement that they don’t support informal prisoner hierarchy. It is therefore unsurprising that, as during the 2021 visit, a number of interviewed prisoners said that they were reluctant to take part in rehabilitation programmes
65. During interviews with prisoners from the lowest and rather numerous caste (the “untouchables”), the delegation inquired about the impact of their status on their daily lives. Such prisoners explained that they were not allowed “to have an opinion, to raise our voice, to hit an inmate from a higher caste, or to physically resist when being hit by an inmate from a higher caste”. Further, they said that they had to stand guard outside the unit for hours every day and inform other inmates when they saw prison staff approaching the (unstaffed) unit55 (the delegation witnessed this numerous times in all prisons visited). Additionally, some prisoners said that they had to give up their place in the queue at the doctor’s office to highest caste prisoners, others that they had to take the blame for disciplinary violations committed by the highest caste prisoners (so that the latter did not lose their status, and the benefits, of being ‘well-behaved’ prisoners).
70. The Committee has repeatedly recommended that the Lithuanian authorities adopt a targeted strategy to fight informal prisoner hierarchy; such an octopoid phenomenon which has permeated all areas of prison life for decades can only be overcome through joint effort and centralised leadership. In light of the findings of the 2024 visit, the CPT once again calls upon the Lithuanian authorities to adopt a dedicated strategy to counter the informal prisoner hierarchy, which should be based on the latest research.
74. The Committee sees a very clear link between the findings regarding inter-prisoner violence and the widespread presence of illicit drugs with the numbers of the custodial staff present in accommodation areas. The numbers are totally inadequate to ensure the duty of prison staff to protect prisoners from other inmates who might wish to cause them harm, or to prevent the influx of illicit drugs into the prisons and their sale, once inside. Furthermore, such staffing numbers do not allow the establishment of any meaningful contact between custodial staff and prisoners, to which the Lithuanian authorities allege to aspire, and which would lead to a better staff understanding of prisoners, assisting them with daily issues, motivating them to engage in positive activities, and, most importantly, earning their trust, which is so visibly absent at present. Sufficient staffing levels is a foundation for establishing genuine dynamic security, which is still woefully lacking in Lithuanian prisons.
12 februari tot 22 februari 2024 begrijpen in relatie tot de door de Litouwse autoriteiten bij brieven van 5 maart 2024 en 3 april 2024 aangekondigde maatregelen om het geweld tussen gedetineerden en de negatieve gevolgen van het kastensysteem tegen te gaan?
uiterlijk 14 dagen vóór 1 november 2024(het verstrijken van de verlengde beslistermijn) weer op zitting moet worden aangebracht – teneinde de officier van justitie in gelegenheid te stellen de hiervoor onder 5. en 6. genoemde vragen voor te leggen aan de uitvaardigende justitiële autoriteit;