6. de rechtspersoon naar buitenlands recht
7. de rechtspersoon naar buitenlands recht
1.De procedure
- de incidentele conclusie van eis houdende exceptie van onbevoegdheid, met producties
- de conclusie van antwoord in het incident, met producties
2.De feiten, voor zover van belang in het incident
“to preserve and protect the competitive conditions in the Brazilian market of orange acquisition for frozen concentrated orange juice processing”.Cargill Agrícola heeft de schikking op 30 november 2016 geaccepteerd en getekend. Daarbij behoorde een erkenning van de feiten die waren opgenomen in Annex 1 bij de TCC (‘description of conduct’), waarin onder meer staat:
3.Het geschil
4.De beoordeling
prima facie-oordeel).
.Volgens Comcitrus was Cargill Juice die ‘party abroad’. Aldus steeds Comcitrus.
based on the prevailing market”dan wel “
according to market parameters” en die prijs doorgaf aan Cargill Citrus in Brazilië. Aldus steeds Cargill c.s.
“ Among the various evidence gathered through the search and seizure, there are emails exchanged between competing SLCC processors with exchanges of information, including orange purchase prices, and separate documents.”Ook de door Cargill Agrícola erkende feiten (in Annex 1 van de TCC) hebben alleen betrekking op de inkoop van sinaasappels op de Braziliaanse markt en niet op de verkoop van de FCOJ. Als de FCOJ al wordt genoemd in de CADE-stukken, heeft dat alleen betrekking op de verwerking van de sinaasappels, die overigens ook in Brazilië plaatsvond, en niet op de verkoop van de FCOJ in Nederland.
“The collusive conduct was a purchase cartel in the Brazilian market for the purchase of oranges for processing frozen concentrated orange juice.”
“The companies or entities within an economic group de facto and de jure, that violate the economic order, shall be jointly liable”.
“The companies and their entities, de facto and de jure, shall be jointly and severally liable when at least one of them engages in violations of the economic order”.
“legitimizes the inclusion of companies within the economic group in the defendant’s position if their conduct is deemed illegal and anticompetitive”, aiming “to extend the scope of antitrust legislation, allowing for robust and efficient defense of economic order”.
“Brazilian legislation has sought to transcend formalities in holding offenders accountable.”This is why it is essential to inquire, when assessing joint liability in an economic group,
“which decisionmaking center engaged in the conduct, irrespective of the individual (natural or legal) who executed it”,as
“antitrust violations do not adhere to formalities but rather to the reality of the market.”This expressively overruled the Reporting Commissioner Márcio de Oliveira Júnior’s Opinion in the case which held that it was not possible
“to attribute the responsibility for an offense committed by just one of the companies to the entire group.”
“[t]here are indications in the records that Coca-Cola influences the market relationship of its franchisees [including Spal], both with input suppliers and within the retail channel”, and further observed that “the selection of input suppliers for franchisees must undergo Coca-Cola's scrutiny.”
“when at least one of them commits an offense against economic order. ”