arrest van 15 september 2020
Buergofol GmbH,
[naam bedrijf] B.V.,
Het geding
De beoordeling van het hoger beroep
(…) Bedankt voor je aanbieding. We willen graag de samenwerking aangaan met Buergofol voor de DUO hard films, echter hebben we nog wel een aantal opmerkingen op je aanbieding:
Jullie algemene en verkoopvoorwaarden zijn niet van toepassing. Nederlands recht is van toepassing. (…)”
(…) Gesproken met Buergofol over je voorstel: Zij kunnen niet anders werken dan met Duits recht, dit in verband met productaansprakelijkheid en factoring systeem welke door Buergofol gebruikt worden.”
Should any disputes arise from and/of in connection with this document, the German version is deemed to be valid The BUEGOFOL GmbH Terms and Conditions of trade are also deemed to have been agreed to with legal validity.”
Can you inform how much temperature the heat resisting lacker can handle? We see that our sealing plates get very quick dirty. Please inform.”
Thank you for your call yesterday. We are absolutely not happy with this development. End of the week we get an other shipment which is probably just printed. If the ink is setting of to our sealing plates, because of the short time between printing at Buergofol and production at our plant, we have major costs for cleaning and replacing the Teflon layers in the sealing device. I think it’s logical that we keep Buergofol responsible for the costs. What is your normal time for drying the ink so you can guarantee you don’t have this problem? How can we speed up the drying of the inks?”
first of all, you can do nothing! Here we are facing a problem due to the actual low temperatures. As this is usually minus 6°C sometimes minus 10°C, the core temperatureinside the reel cools down. Two days on a cold truck while shipping are not helpful. (…) To increase this temperature you need some time. As it is rigid, it will take maybe 48h in warehouse in warm enviroment to become warm again. It went from the truck directly to the line without the possibility to increase the temperature. This harmed the surface treatment and caused the problems on the line. We have re-scheduled our production planning for this product so that in future we will store the product longer here, minimum 48 houres in an special air-condtioned and humidity controlled stockroom and if possible, ship the product earlier to the costumer,to give more time for increasing the temperature of the reels. The next deliveries will be safe from our side, but we need your cooperation, too (…)”
It’s getting a huge problem overhere. We need to clean our sealing tool once a day and the Teflon layer is getting damaged by all the cleaning. Therefor we have also sealing problems to get a proper seal. It is necessary that you or someone else is coming over to explain the problems and advise how to handle this. Also we need to find a solution how to prevent this. This can’t move on any longer. (…)”
Thank you for your visit. You have seen that there are major problems with the topweb of Buergofol on our packing machines. The sealing plates were dirty and you can confirm it is the heat resistant lacquer which is on top of the film. The cause of setting of is unclear. Buergofol delivered some orders with less drying time than 48 hours. That could be a reason, but you said the residue would be different in that case. So there could be an other problem with the lacquer. You will investigate the residue which is on the sealing plates. We can’t say when it exactly started, but we can confirm that we didn’t see this problem in the first weeks while producing with your films.
we now obtained the first results of our ink supplier as a result of his lab research. He is mentioning and looks the hardening process had not finished – 48 hours at 15° C – and will be the main reason for the contamination. But due the cold temperature in January there was no chance to dry during transport in your storage, too. (…) We are currently checking our production processes at the moment and optimize. (…) Furthermore, we will over the next week, create a list containing the order numbers and roll numbers can cause deposits. But understand for the future, we will never do an earlier delivery when we not have 48 hours hardening time in house even when we be late in deliveries. (…)”
(…) we compared the outside temperature of the weather reports from November to February 2015 of all of our deliveries of Duo hard to all of our customers in Netherland. The production of the same days as well as the deliveries caused not any complain with other customer in Netherland. We ask them how they stored it after arrival.
We are getting frustrated about this issue. We still don’t have a solution. Today we received a big complaint from a customer about mold because of bad sealing. You can investigate about temperatures, but we concluded weeks ago that Buergofol didn’t work with the drying time which was needed. I don’t want further examination over here. I want good stock of all the films. It’s good that we find out the cause, but one thing is for sure: the cause is at Buergofol. You know which orders didn’t have enough drying time, give me the details and we throw them away when you delivered new stock of those items. We can’t wait any longer. Our management is pushing me to come with solutions. This problem is costing approx. 10.000 euro each week. We reported the problem end of week 6 and we are five weeks further. We produced last week on an other production line. The sealing plates of that line needed to be cleaned two times! So the problem is not getting smaller. My proposal is that you procedure of each design new stock and that you take our stock back. That is the only way to make sure that we can close the problems we have now. (…)”
(…) I guess there is really no reason for complaining of your side. We wait for 6 weeks now for some basic information about your complain. You have to provide in detail which roll, which picture was did cause the problems, when.
To have this information now and checking everything it seems too, there could be the a not proper handling of our supply in [geintimeerde] . On each roll there is a sentence, “please take care of storage the roll in your warehouse in a temperature of an minimum of 15 °°. Please provide us information about the warehouse location, temperature too. (…) I cannot accept your opinion Buergofol films is the cause of the trouble. (…)”
“(…) Hinweis:
“(…) Folgendes wurde besprochen:
(…) The visit of [hoofd technische dienst][ [hoofd technische dienst] , hof]
was helpful for finding out the cause, but it keeps very difficult. It is clear that [geintimeerde] isn’t doing anything wrong, but it is unclear what the cause of the set off is. (…) [hoofd technische dienst] thinks it will be better for [geintimeerde] to clean the plates of our production lines in advance 2-3 times a week, other wise the damage is the set off is too big for our plates. For doing that, we have to make arrangements about the extra costs [geintimeerde] is facing for the cleaning. It takes about an hour each time and we calculate with € 300 an hour for the productionline including all the people on the line. Can you make me a proposal how we can arrange a proper deal for the costs? (…)”
(…) I will not discuss your proposal it is a stiff, but I will accept. (…) We still have to find out the reason the contamination. [hoofd technische dienst][ [hoofd technische dienst] , hof]
is working on.”
I think we could track the root cause of the problem. (…) First of all I would like to draw your attention to the result of the analysis of retain samples by an external laboratory you: the resonance curve of an infrared radiation spectrometer provides evidence for the existence of free isocyanate bands at a wave number of 2.270. From this fact a wrong mixing proportion in conjunction with the applied two components system – lacquer and curing agent – can be deduced. This aberration was not identifiable. I would like to emphasize that it does not have any effect on the quality of the product; the printing is not affected either. The only effect is the contamination of the sealing plates. I am sorry. Consequently current situation is a matter of an operator error against existing detailed working instruction that addresses the mixing ratio. Furthermore I would like to inform you about the initiated corrective procedure in order to avoid a repetition of the same error: (…) On the other side we worked with the result of your tests in another way and we suppose a certain influence of the tools teflon as well. Nevertheless this is not the root cause. (…)”
[geintimeerde] wants to have a certain moment when we can pack with only good films. As far as we can determine now, good films are the only films which are produced from the beginning (exact date please) of April. The last time [geintimeerde] will produce with designs which aren’t produced after the beginning of April, is 17th of July. So end of week 29. In week 30 we want to start with only good films, a new set of plates and a good product. (…)”
The contamination is still there. Since August 17th we don’t use material which is produced before April 1st, except the slow movers 13721 and 13726. We had to clean our plates on August 20, August 24 and August 31. Today they look like attached.. The slowmovers[folies waarvan [geintimeerde] een kleine hoeveelheid per week verwerkt, hof]
can’t cause this with a few 100 meters I guess, so the problem is still there. [geintimeerde] has to think how to move on, because this problem is taking 8 months already, we are done with it.”
(…) This is not a situation you should live with and I know that you can not . But the contamination is really caused by the slow movers. (…) I have also attached two internal protokolls from tests we’ve done here with and for [geintimeerde] products with your parameters that shows that the product is working.
(…) I think we are on the right track and that we can stop it soon. I need the lab analyse from the “dirt” for verification. (…)”
(…) Alles wordt geregeld ook de oplossingen , dat is ook de reden dat zij komen. Do not worry!! (…)”
Guarantee the right lacquer composition due to automatic dosing – done (...)”
(…) As mentioned here below we are looking forward with Buergofol. The conditions:
We want very quickly the new quality on the production line with design 13729 (highest volume), can you prepare that? For example 5.000 rm. Then we can see if the new quality doesn’t have any other negative effects. You can invoice that (€600/1.000rm) volume under the condition ‘no cure, no pay’.
If the first productions works, we expect after our GO, that you can replace our complete stock in 3 weeks.
(…) Wie am Vortag vereinbart waren wir am nächsten Morgen gegen 06:30h wieder in der Production. Von der technischen Abteilung wurden wir informiert, das in der Nacht gegen 04:00h die Siegelplatten gereinigt werden mussten. (…) [inkoper][ [inkoper] , hof]
der zu diesem Gespräch mit der Technik dazukam meinte an der Optik der Siegelnähte zu erkennen, dass es sich um Ablagerunger der Folie handelt. Die konnten wir anhand der Packungen vom Vortag widerlegen. Der Ableistungsleiter Technik empfahl [inkoper] die Platten jetzt direkt zu tauschen (…). Hier haben wir unsere Hilfe angeboten, die wird auch angenommen und wir werden die Siegelplatten zur Teflonisierung bei Nicepac von [geintimeerde] erhalten. Nach Einsetzen der neuen unbenutzen Siegelplatten war bei einigen Nutzen kein ausreichender Siegeldruck vorhanden (…). Ingesamt wurde das Werkzeug viermal geöffnet (…). Allerdings ohne Erfolg. (…).”
We started with cleaned sealplates Wednesday morning. In the night of Wednesday to Thursday the plates were already cleaned again because of the contamination. The plates which where in the machine had already a big amount of cleaning, so this could be the explanation of the quick contamination (affected Teflon). We didn’t start with complete new sealplates, because otherwise it was logical the plates were still ok after two days testing. (…) The more the plates are cleaned, the faster the contamination builds up. Since this first test is failed and Buergofol is still convinced that this new quality shouldn’t contaminate we are open to plan a second test. But you have to understand that the second test will be the last chance to proof Buergofol solved the problem. We are already a year further with the problems, the costs are still counting. (…) The second test must have the following conditions:
Payment of € 15.000 to [geintimeerde]
Start with new sealplates (not cleaned or revised)
Starting up together with technicians Buergofol
Producing with the new quality for at last 4 weeks
Result must be after at least 4 weeks that the sealplates are completely clean.
[geintimeerde] orders for the new testing period each design for at least 4 weeks stock. Price for this order is similar as we calculated the last test order.
Buergofol takes the stock back which is oversupplied in the last period
All new productions will be made in the new quality, because we don’t see any negative effects.
As discussed this morning on the phone, please let me summarize our teamwork as follows:
Some adjustments on your email:
The next trial willstartin week 3. We do a test of 4 weeks.
If the second trial is a success then I can confirm that 30.000 is the maximum amount of compensation. (…)
The coating of the new sealplates I don’t understand completely. Who made the agreement you will do that? (…)”
Einzige kleine Auffäklligkeit das bei Packung C sich die Siegelnaht verjüngte, dies kann man in meinen Augen vernachlässigen da es hier um nicht mal einen mm geht.”
I don’t have good news. Where there was Friday morning already a little contamination, there was Monday morning already a big contamination. We were producing for 3-4 days, so the results were even worse then with the old quality. (…) we are still in the situation that we have to clean our sealplates each time and have each time risk of poor sealing and perhaps quality issues with our customer. I have plannend a meeting with the management how to move on with this situation. (…) Maybe you can give your opinion already how to move on? (…)”
Wat je v/d platen afgeschraapt hebt en apart gehouden in plastic zakjes, kun je dit direct opsturen naar [plant manager] (…).? Zodoende verliezen we geen tijd denk ik (…)!”
Zie onderstaand het laatste nieuws ivm lopend onderzoek (…) Nadere informatie volgt nog. (…)
(…) Beginning of February 2016 we started with a complete new stock and revised seal plates (done by Nicepack). Unfortunately after four days the seal plates had to be cleaned again. And again after three days. Because of this latest developments [geintimeerde] decided to switch to an other supplier for the duo hard films. [geintimeerde] doesn’t have trust in Buergofol that they will solve the quality issues. [geintimeerde] gave Buergofol multiple changes to recover the problem but Buergofol didn’t succeed. (…)”
(…) Dat het bij de verwerking tot kontaminatie van de Sealplaten aan uw verpakkingsmachine komt, is een technisch probleem dat bij nieuwe producten als bij-effekt optreden kan. Dit risiko en de bijbehorende kosten, ook bij u, hebben wij kompleet, zoals afgesproken, voor onze rekening genomen en betaald. Deze problematik treedt echter na 5 maanden alleen nog maar binnen uw onderneming op en niet meer bij onze andere klanten. De reden hiervan is onbekend. (…) Onbegrijpelijk voor ons is dat u in November nog meerdere grotere produktie-orders besteld heeft, hoewel de kontaminatie bekend was. Hieruit sluit ik dat het verweringsnadeel ook van uw kant niet als (…) een groot probleem ingeschat werd. (…)”
(…) As set out in our previous messages we hold any outstanding purchase orders of packaging as cancelled. (…)”
4. Conclusies
Buergofol gebruikt een polyurethaanlak, ter bescherming van de bedrukking en de folie, in een samenstelling die niet geschikt is voor het verwerken op Multivac machines.
Het schoonmaken van sealplaten gebeurt niet tijdens productieruns. Sealplaten moeten schoon blijven tijdens productie. Bij onderhoud van machines of bij wisselingen van formaten worden sealplaten nagekeken en eventueel chemisch gereinigd (zie verklaringen van de personen die werken met Duo Hard folies en/of Multivac machines).
De mate van schoonmaken zoals bij [geintimeerde] noodzakelijk was, hoort niet op te treden en is ongebruikelijk bij het werken van Duo Hard folies.
Sealplaten worden normaliter niet mechanisch gereinigd omdat dit kan leiden tot kleine beschadigingen die leiden tot inconsistente kwaliteit van de verpakkingen en kaasproducten. Na mechanisch reinigen moeten sealplaten gereviseerd worden.
[geintimeerde] Holland heeft extra kosten moeten maken voor reiniging van sealplaten, wat leidde tot productieverlies waardoor productie ingehaald moest worden en heeft last gehad van klachten van klanten.”
tevoren over en weer aan elkaar toe te zendenakten in te gaan op de door de wederpartij voorgedragen personen en op eventuele bezwaren tegen benoeming van bepaalde personen, dan wel mee te delen dat partijen zich op dit punt refereren aan het oordeel van het hof en voorts in te gaan op door de wederpartij voorgestelde vragen en/of tegen bepaalde vragen aangevoerde bezwaren. Ten slotte worden partijen verzocht zich in hun akten uit te laten over de hoogte van het nog op te geven voorschotbedrag.