12 juni 2018
inspecteurvan de
Belastingdienst/Kantoor Arnhem(hierna: de Inspecteur)
[Z](hierna: belanghebbende)
1.Ontstaan en loop van het geding
Status and Subordination) is an irrevocable stipulation
(derdenbeding)for the benefit of the creditors referred to in paragraph (iii) of Condition 3 (
Winding-up) and each such creditor may rely on and enforce this Condition 2 (
Status and Subordination) under Section 6:253 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Winding-up), save for such obligations as may be preferred by provisions of law that are both mandatory and of general application.
Winding-up) have been reimbursed or paid in full and the Holders irrevocably waive their right to be treated equally with all such creditors of the Issuer in such circumstances.
Deferral of Payments
(Compulsory Payments), by giving not less than 10 Business Days’ notice prior to the relevant Deferred Coupon Satisfaction Date to the Holders in accordance with Condition 16 (
Notices) and to the Agent and the Calculation Agent (which notices shall be irrevocable), defer all or part of any Payment (including in relation to any Payment previously deferred) that is due on such date in respect of the Securities.
“Arrears of Interest”, which, at the option of the Issuer (but subject as described in Condition 4(b) (
Compulsory Payments)), may be paid by the Issuer (in whole but not in part) at any time by giving not less than 10 Business Days’ notice prior to the relevant Deferred Coupon Payment Date to the Holders in accordance with Condition 16 (
Notices) and to the Agent and the Calculation Agent (which notices shall be irrevocable) informing them of its election to so satisfy such Payment and specifying the relevant Deferred Coupon Satisfaction Date.
Compulsory Payments
Winding-up), Condition 6(b) (
Optional Redemption by the Issuer), Condition 6(c) (
Redemption for Taxation Reasons), Condition 6(d) (
Redemption for Accounting Reasons) or Condition 6(e) (
Redemption for Rating Reasons).
Coupon Payment Dates
Coupon Rate
“First Fixed Coupon Rate”) will be 4.875 per cent. per annum.
“Second Fixed Coupon Rate”) shall be the rate calculated by the Calculation Agent to be aggregate of (1) the arithmetic mean of the bid and offered rates for the annual fixed leg (calculated on a 30/360 day count fraction basis (as construed in accordance with the ISDA Definitions)) of a fixed-for-floating Euro interest rate swap transaction which has a term equal to a period of 5 years from, and including, the First Call Date and which is in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Securities then outstanding that is representative of a single transaction in the swap market two business days prior to the beginning of the Second Fixed Rate Period with an acknowledged dealer of good credit in the swap market, and where the floating leg, calculated on an Actual/360 day count basis (as construed in accordance with the ISDA Definitions) is for a period of 6 months and which appears on Reuters screen […] (the
“Reset Screen Page”) designated “ISDAFIX2” under the heading “EURIBOR BASIS” and above caption “11.00 AM Frankfurt time”(as such headings and captions may appear from time to time) as of 11.00 a.m. (Brussels time) on the second Business Day (the
“Reset Coupon Determination Date”) prior to the beginning of the Second Fixed Rate Period (the
“5 year Swap Rate”) and (2) 2.90 per cent.
“Floating Coupon Rate”) will be determined by the Calculation Agent on the following basis:
“Determination Date”).
11:00 a.m. (Brussels time) on the Determination Date to prime banks in the Euro zone interbank market for a period equal to the relevant Coupon Period and in an amount that is representative for
a single transaction in that market at that time; and
provided, however, thatif the Calculation Agent is unable to determine a rate of (as the case may be) an arithmetic mean in accordance with the above provisions in relation to any Coupon Period, the Floating Coupon Rate applicable to the Securities during such Coupon Period will be the sum of 3.90 per cent. per annum and the rate of (as the case may be) arithmetic mean last determined in relation to the Securities in respect of the last preceding Coupon Period for which a Coupon Rate is available.
No Maturity Date
Redemption and Purchase).
Redemption for Rating Reasons
“Rating Event”) then the Securities will be redeemable, at the option of the Issuer, in the whole but not in part.
“Enforcement Event”) occurs:
Deferral of Payments), default is made in the payment of any amount in respect of the Securities on the due date for payment thereof within 14 days after the date upon which such amount became due; or
Non-payment), the Holder of such Security may, at its discretion and, subject to any applicable laws, without further notice, institute proceedings for the Winding-up of the Issuer in The Netherlands (but not elsewhere) and/or prove in any Winding-up of the Issuer, but may take no other action in respect of such default and, in the case of paragraph (b) (
Winding-up), the Securities will immediately become due and repayable at their principal amount together with accrued interest and any Arrears of Interest and/or prove in the Winding-up of the Issuer, subject always to the ranking provided in Condition 2 (
Status and Subordination).
Enforcement Events), a Holder shall otherwise have no right to accelerate payment of any Security in the case of an Enforcement Event.
Enforcement Events), any Holder may at its discretion and without further notice institute such proceedings against the Issuer as it may think fit to enforce any term or condition binding on the Issuer under the Agency Agreement or the Securities
provided thatthe Issuer shall not by virtue of the institution of any such proceedings be obliged to pay any sum or sums, in cash or otherwise, sooner than the same would otherwise have been payable by it.
3.Het geschil, de standpunten en conclusies van partijen
4.Beoordeling van het geschil
“The securities bear interest from, and including, the Issue Date”) en 6 (Redemption and Purchase) onder (a) No Maturity Date (
“The securities are perpetual securities and have no fixed maturity date.”). De perpe\ tual securities voldoen ook aan de voorwaarde van artikel 7A:1808, eerste lid BW, hetgeen blijkt uit de in onderdeel 6 van de Terms and Conditions onder (b) tot en met (e) beschreven situaties waarin belanghebbende tot aflossing gerechtigd is, en van welke mogelijkheden belanghebbende op 21 november 2013 ook daadwerkelijk gebruik heeft gemaakt (2.9.). Dat – zoals de Inspecteur heeft gesteld – op de perpetual securities niet het bepaalde in artikel 7A:1809 BW van toepassing is, staat aan voorgaande conclusie niet in de weg aangezien – zoals de Rechtbank met juistheid heeft geoordeeld – die bepaling geen dwingend recht vormt. Bovendien wijst het Hof in dit verband op het bepaalde in onderdeel 9 van de Terms and Conditions (Enforcement Events). Zoals uit onderdeel 9 (i) volgt, worden ingeval van faillissement of ontbinding en vereffening van het vermogen van belanghebbende de perpetual securities tegen het bedrag van de hoofdsom vermeerderd met eventuele achterstallige rente direct opeisbaar (
“immediately become due and repayable at their principal amount together with accrued intrest and any Arrears of Interest”), terwijl in geval van niet-betaling van de renten, anders dan bedoeld in onderdeel 4 (a) van de Terms and Conditions, de houders van de perpetual securities jegens belanghebbende gerechtigd zijn haar ontbinding en vereffening in rechte te vorderen.
“shall remain due”) en in geval van vrijwillige aflossing van de perpetual securities door belanghebbende, of in geval van ontbinding en vereffening van haar vermogen, op grond van onderdeel 4 (b) (Compulsory Payments) belanghebbende verplicht is tot betaling van die eerder gepasseerde rente.
- bevestigt de uitspraak van de Rechtbank;
- veroordeelt de Inspecteur in de proceskosten aan de zijde van belanghebbende, vastgesteld op € 1.002, en
- bepaalt dat van de Inspecteur op het moment dat deze uitspraak onherroepelijk is komen vast te staan een griffierecht zal worden geheven van € 501.