1.Het verloop van het geding in eerste aanleg
2.Het geding in hoger beroep
3.De feiten
till disposal of petition.
herein to return custody of
prayer clause b”.
is directed to produce the minor child [kind 1] on the next date i.e. 27.3.2018.
) on the next date i.e. 27.3.2018.
We direct the Family Court that the matter shall be tried and disposed of uninfluenced by any of the observations and findings in the impugned judgment. We also direct the parties to cooperate with the disposal of the matter, as directed by the High Court.”
Skype access” tussen de vrouw en [kind 1] mogelijk te maken:
is directed to comply with the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court to bring the child for access to the children complex as per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court and ensure that physical and meaningful access is given to the mother.”
The respondent has challenged the territorial jurisdiction of this Court. (…) The present matter is expedited and time bound. Again it will take time to decide the issue of jurisdiction. So, it will be just and proper to decide the present application along with the main petition.
4.De omvang van het geschil
5.De motivering van de beslissing
wenstte erkennen, doet daaraan niet af.