7.3Artikel 10 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens (EVRM)
Als zou zijn voldaan aan de delictsomschrijving van smaad, laster of belediging, moet de strafrechter ook beoordelen of de uitlating valt binnen de grenzen van de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Daarbij is artikel 10 van het EVRM van belang, waarin het recht op vrijheid van meningsuiting is neergelegd.
Voor de uitleg over grenzen van de vrijheid van meningsuiting in Nederland moet de rechter putten uit de rechtspraak in verband met artikel 10 van het EVRM. In deze zaak is dat in het bijzonder de uitspraak van de Grote Kamer van het Europees hof voor de rechten van de mens (EHRM) in de zaak van Morice tegen Frankrijk (2936/10).
Daarin zijn met name de volgende overwegingen van belang:
132. The specific status of lawyers gives them a central position in the administration of justice as intermediaries between the public and the courts. They therefore play a key role in ensuring that the courts, whose mission is fundamental in a State based on the rule of law, enjoy public confidence (…). However, for members of the public to have confidence in the administration of justice they must have confidence in the ability of the legal profession to provide effective representation (…).
133. That special role of lawyers, as independent professionals, in the administration of justice entails a number of duties, particularly with regard to their conduct (…). Whilst they are subject to restrictions on their professional conduct, which must be discreet, honest and dignified, they also enjoy exclusive rights and privileges that may vary from one jurisdiction to another – among them, usually, a certain latitude regarding arguments used in court (…).
134. Consequently, freedom of expression is applicable also to lawyers. It encompasses not only the substance of the ideas and information expressed but also the form in which they are conveyed (…). Lawyers are thus entitled, in particular, to comment in public on the administration of justice, provided that their criticism does not overstep certain bounds (…). Those bounds lie in the usual restrictions on the conduct of members of the Bar (…), as reflected in the ten basic principles enumerated by the CCBE for European lawyers, with their particular reference to “dignity”,“honour” and “integrity” and to “respect for (...) the fair administration of justice” (…). Such rules contribute to the protection of the judiciary from gratuitous and unfounded attacks, which may be driven solely by a wish or strategy to ensure that the judicial debate is pursued in the media or to settle a score with the judges handling the particular case.
135. The question of freedom of expression is related to the independence of the legal profession, which is crucial for the effective functioning of the fair administration of justice (…). It is only in exceptional cases that restriction – even by way of a lenient criminal penalty – of defence counsel’s freedom of expression can be accepted as necessary in a democratic society (…).
137. As regards, firstly, the issue of “conduct in the courtroom”, since the lawyer’s freedom of expression may raise a question as to his client’s right to a fair trial, the principle of fairness thus also militates in favour of a free and even forceful exchange of argument between the parties (…). Lawyers have the duty to “defend their clients’ interests zealously” (…).
138. Turning now to remarks made outside the courtroom, the Court reiterates that the defence of a client may be pursued by means of an appearance on the television news or a statement in the press, and through such channels the lawyer may inform the public about shortcomings that are likely to undermine pre-trial proceedings (…). The Court takes the view, in this connection, that a lawyer cannot be held responsible for everything published in the form of an “interview”, in particular where the press has edited the statements and he or she has denied making certain remarks (…). [I]t also [has] found that lawyers could not justifiably be held responsible for the actions of the press (…). Similarly, where a case is widely covered in the media on account of the seriousness of the facts and the individuals
likely to be implicated, a lawyer cannot be penalised for breaching the secrecy of the judicial investigation where he or she has merely made personal comments on information which is already known to the journalists and which they intend to report, with or without those comments. Nevertheless, when making public statements, a lawyer is not exempted from his duty of prudence in relation to the secrecy of a pending judicial investigation (…).
139. Lawyers cannot, moreover, make remarks that are so serious that they overstep the permissible expression of comments without a sound factual basis (…), nor can they proffer insults (…) The Court assesses remarks in their general context, in particular to ascertain whether they can be regarded as misleading or as a gratuitous personal attack (…) and to ensure that the expressions used had a sufficiently close connection with the facts of the case (…).
Kort samengevat wijst het EHRM op de bijzondere positie en taak van advocaten in een democratische en rechtstatelijke samenleving (overweging 132); zij moeten hun cliënt effectief kunnen bijstaan en daarbij komt hun – overeenkomstig de voor hen geldende gedragsregels ten aanzien van discretie, integriteit en waardigheid – een met de nodige prudentie te gebruiken vrijheid van meningsuiting toe (overwegingen 133-135). De rol van de staat bij de beoordeling van hetgeen een advocaat ten behoeve van de cliënt naar voren brengt is zeer beperkt. Daarbij maakt het EHRM verschil tussen uitspraken binnen (overweging 137) en buiten de rechtszaal. Voor wat over uitlatingen buiten de rechtszaal (in bijv. de vorm van een interview) wordt gepubliceerd kan, gelet op eigen onderzoek door, en de eigen verantwoordelijkheid van de media, de advocaat niet ten volle verantwoordelijk worden gehouden. Wel moet een advocaat zich – zeker als het om ernstige beschuldigingen gaat – onthouden van beweringen die niet met feiten onderbouwd zijn of die opzettelijk beledigend zijn (overwegingen 138-139).