2.5.Het Support Team van Maersk A/S stuurt op 22 november 2021 een ontvangstbevestiging in reactie op een verzoek van [persoon A] van 21 november 2021. Het verzoek van [persoon A] is weergegeven in de ontvangstbevestiging van Maersk. In voormeld verzoek schrijft [persoon A] onder meer:
“As recently agreed with the Forwarding Agent Cargo Shipping Integration - see the attached Guarantee Letter for your information - all Maersk Charges related to shipments [nummer 1] and [nummer 2] have been transferred to our company Global IE Agency, and this is already visible in Maersk's System as reported to us by Cargo Shipping Integration.
Cargo Shipping Integration asked us to take care of Maersk's charges which will be directly paid to Maersk's bank account, and the Agent's Fees to the Agent's bank account. As soon as both payments are completed, Cargo Shipping Integration will hand over all Cargo Documentation to us including the original Bill of Ladings of both shipments, immediately and without any condition.
We, Global IE Agency, have accepted to do so, but prior payment execution we need Maersk to confirm the following:
-We will execute the payment of the Agent Fees withing 24 hours from now and will send the transaction confirmation to Cargo Shipping Integration and a copy to Maersk by email. Could Maersk confirm and assure us that after payment of the Agent Fees, Cargo Shipping Integration will have no right in Maersk's System to modify the shipping Instructions, or change the nominated consignee of the Bill of Lading details in both shipments [nummer 1] and [nummer 2] .
-We will execute the payment of Maersk's Charges this week and will send the transaction confirmation to Maersk and a copy to Cargo Shipping Integration by email. Could Maersk confirm and assure us that after payment of Maersk's charges, Maersk will oblige Cargo Shipping Integration to hand over all Cargo Documentation to us including the original Bill of Ladings of both shipments [nummer 1] and [nummer 2] , immediately and without any condition.
-Could you send please send us the Bank Account details where Maersk's charge must be paid, and let us know what are the deadlines.”
In reactie op de ontvangstbevestiging stuurt CSI op dezelfde dag aan Maersk c.s. een mail met in kopie [persoon A] waarin zij onder meer het volgende schrijft:
“Release of the original bills will be released to Global IE Agency on under our instruction once payment is received in and the funds are cleared in our bank account we will have no objections if Global IE Agency fulfill their obligations to keep to the agreements as to our letter of guarantee a and Cargo Shipping Intergration Pty Ltd will send a written concern for bills to be released to Global IE Agency once we are totally satisfied with everything.
Once Maersk Lines receive payment from Global IE Agency for both invoices for all the charges and as well as accepting the amendment fees Maersk accounts department needs to advise us so that we may send Maersk our concern to release the said set of bills directly to the paying party Global le Agency.”
Vervolgens stuurt [persoon A] op dezelfde dag in reactie op voorgaande berichten per mail aan Maersk c.s. met in kopie CSI het volgende bericht:
“With reference to our previous correspondence under case number [dossiernummer] , we, Global IE Agency accept to take over Maersk charges related to shipments [nummer 1] and [nummer 2] , and the Agent Fees as requested by the Forwarding Agent Cargo Shipping Integration in the Letter of Guarantee that you received already.As soon as these charges have been paid to Maersk, and the Agent Fees to Cargo Shipping Integration, we will send all transaction confirmations to Maersk with Mr [persoon B] , Manager Director of Cargo Shipping Integration on copy. Then, without any condition and immediately, will Maersk will release both Bill of Ladings ( [nummer 1] and [nummer 2] ) to our company Global IE Agency, including all required Cargo Documentation.”