1.De procedure
- de dagvaarding van 6 september 2023, met producties 1 tot en met 8;
- de akte houdende overlegging producties, tevens akte houdende wijziging van eis van de zijde van Deymann, met aanvullende producties 9 tot en met 11;
- de e-mail van mr. Van Zuethem van 13 september 2023, met één bijlage.
- de mondelinge behandeling op 18 september 2023.
- de spreekaantekeningen van mr. Van Zuethem;
- de spreekaantekeningen van mr. Van Haandel;
2.De feiten
Volksbank Haren/EMS, branch office of Ostfriesische Volksbank AG,[…]
,waiving and renouncing all rights and defences, conferred on guarantors, and in particular the provisions of the articles 7:852 and 7:855 Dutch Civil Code, hereby irrevocably declares to bind itself as surety to and in favour of
Decoil Rotterdam B.V.(…) (the Creditor), by way of security for the true and proper payment by
Reederei Deymann(…) (the Principal Debtor) of the amount the Principal Debtor may be found to be indebted to the Creditor by virtue of a judgment (which is not or no longer subject to appeal) rendered against the Principal Debtor by a competent court of law having jurisdiction in the matter hereinafter mentioned, […], in respect of the principal amount, interest and costs of suit relating to a claim at present estimated by the Creditor at
€ 681,500,--for
claims as described in the arrest petition dated 16th of June 2023[het rekest dat heeft geleid tot het in 2.8 bedoelde beslag; toevoeging Voorzieningenrechter]
€ 847,800.--(in word:
Eight hundred and fourty-seven thousand and eight hundred Euro)for the purpose of the release from and/or the prevention of a prejudgment attachment of
the thank barge “Doris Deymann” and/or any other assets of the principal debtoron account of the above-mentioned claim(s).
3.Het geschil
4.De beoordeling