1.De procedure
- het tussenvonnis van 30 oktober 2019
- de akte overlegging bewijsstukken en wijziging eis ex art. 130 Rv van Affco c.s.
- het proces-verbaal van comparitie van 30 januari 2020
- de reactie op het proces-verbaal van mr. Hordijk van 10 februari 2020.
2.De feiten
Claims for compensation for damages against us[Advanced Cooling, rb]
under the contract or under the law are restricted to intention and gross negligence. In case of gross negligence, we can only be made liable up to a maximum of 100% of the contract value. A liability for loss of production and loss of profit is excluded.”
will make advance payments to the Contractor[Arni, rb]
(or the Sub-Contractor[Advanced Cooling, rb]
) to purchase and construct certain plant and materials, including the Freezer, for the Contract Works, whether or not such plant and materials are on or off site, (such latter plant and materials being referred to in this Deed as the “Off-Site Plant and Materials”). (…)
Following our discussion earlier today, I’ve put together the down-payment bailment letter.
As an alternative we could split the first down of 400k into a 50-50 option. It means a further first down of 200k and the next 200k against shipping docs from the first shipment. We will present a weekly update on the progress of production and goods can be even inspected before shipment at your upcoming visit. (…)”.
Dear [naam], Please find in the attached file the letter that we discussed on the bailment. Also enclosed I’ve added the revised invoice on the downpayment.” De aangehechte factuur ter hoogte van € 200.000,-- is gericht aan SPM en gestuurd op briefpapier van Advanced Chilling. Deze factuur is door SPM betaald door storting van genoemd bedrag op de bankrekening van Advanced Chilling.
As discussed earlier this week, during our telephone conversation, we talked about invoicing SPM for a further amount of 10% of the total project value.
Please find in the attached file the revised bailment list, where we declared 50% of the total value of materials. As discussed (…) all component parts are in production now. (…) We would appreciate the payment of our next invoice, representing 20% of the total contract value, this invoice is also attached. (…)” De bailment list sluit op € 907.700,--.
The bank account has changed since the last payment, so please make SPM aware that the payment has to be done in the orange marked section!
IBAN: NL 68 KNAB 0256 9164 70 (…)”
[naam] a thought. You bring the contract under by Dutch Freezer Service. (This is a Secured Company outside the Advanced structure) DFS can buy the materials from the bailment list from AFS. So your materials are secured. This give you a Garantie that the materials are for SPM. (…)” Iets later in de tijd heeft [gedaagde] aan Wirtenberger geappt op diens vraag of de goederen onder de Bailment Deed veilig zijn:
As I wrote to you, Advanced has them under its custody.”
As discussed last week, we’ve checked the status of the parts that are mentioned in the so-called bailment list. To be able to get these materials to the “safe side” we need to receive a minimal payment of € 75.000,--. This money will be spent on payments towards suppliers, that are “holding” the goods at present moment. By doing these payments we’ll be able to get all materials into the DFS warehouse. (…)” Van deze e-mail heeft [gedaagde 2] geen kopie gekregen.
It’s a fact that Advanced Cooling & Freezing Systems BV most likely will be declared bankrupt today (…).
Mr. [gedaagde 2] (owner of Advanced Cooling & Freezing Systems BV) has a problem with a client in Russia, that had cancelled the order for the carton box freezer delivery. He demanded that the parts that were produced would be used in another project the fastest possible way, because the financial losses would mean the end of the company. This implicates that we all (staff of Advanced Food Systems BV) would be out of jobs.
“(…) Contrary to the (false and fraudulent) information [gedaagde] and you have provided to my clients in the past, Advanced Cooling was never able to build a Carton Box Freezer (since it was a sales contract vehicle only), and neither Cooling nor Food ever held any parts and materials as bailee for AFFCO, since all parts and materials are still with third party suppliers.
3.De vordering in beide zaken
4.Het verweer in beide zaken
5.De beoordeling in beide zaken
Rechtsmacht en toepasselijk recht
- i) een verplichting aangaat namens de vennootschap terwijl hij weet of redelijkerwijs behoort te begrijpen dat de vennootschap deze verplichting niet zal kunnen nakomen en geen verhaal zal bieden voor de ten gevolge van de wanprestatie te lijden schade dan wel
- ii) heeft bewerkstelligd of toegelaten dat de vennootschap haar wettelijke of contractuele verplichtingen niet nakomt en daardoor aan haar wederpartij schade berokkent.