1.De procedure
- de dagvaarding met producties 1 tot en met 3
- de mondelinge behandeling, gehouden op 28 juli 2020
- de pleitnota van [gedaagde] .
2.De feiten
Yes everyone blames the coach. The coach did something wrong and we lost before the game started. He sold the game for $ 100.000, that’s why we lost against Italy. If you don’t believe, you can ask the players”.
3.Het geschil
I, mr. [gedaagde] , thereto ordered by Dutch Regional Court in Gelderland the Netherlands, state that I regret any remarks I made on mr. [eiser] regarding selling a game at the 1994 Wold Cup (game against Italy). These remarks are ontrue en false. Mr. [eiser] is a great coach, and my statements on this have no basis and are damaging for/to his good name and position. I publicly apologize to Clemens [eiser] ”,
4.De beoordeling