2.14.Bij brief van 25 januari 2013 heeft TenneT, voor zover van belang, het volgende aan [eiseres] geschreven:
TenneT refers to the decision of the court of appeal of the 15th of Januari 2013. Because of this decision TenneT withdraws the e-mail of TenneT to [eiseres] of 18th February 2012 and withdraws the letter of TenneT to [eiseres] dated 6th of March 2012.
(…). The conclusion of the (re)assessment is that TenneT has not received suitable information to verify if whether products mentioned in the provided references fulfil the requirements stated in the technical description of the specific category of the qualification system.
Suitability requirement of the qualification system: references
4. For the qualification system, TenneT employs the following division into categories of substation automation and protection equipment:
Category 1: substation automation equipment for TenneT TSO B.V., more specific different types of bay controllers
Category 2: substation automation equipment for TenneT TSO GmbH, more specific all equipment for the Substation Automation System (SAS)
Category 3: substation automation equipment for TenneT TSO B.V. and TenneT TSO GmbH
Category 4: substation automation equipment for TenneT TSO B.V. for the future program
“secondary renovations 150/110kV substations 2013”, more specific different types of bay controllers in a simplified version
Category 5: substation automation equipment for TenneT TSO B.V. for circuit breaker branches (e.g. 3/2 branch of 4/3 branch)
Category 6: protection equipment for high voltage substations
The delivery of substation automation and protection equipment may include (for all categories):
- programming of bay controllers and/or protection relays
- support in case of commissioning bay controllers and/or protection relays
- maintenance and services in case of disturbances
- all possible services related to the operation of substation automation and protection equipment
For each category the qualification system consists a technical description of all requirements to qualify in the at question 2.1.2 attached document (word document QS SSA PROT specifications for each lot 20111227).
5. One of the conditions to qualify is that tenderers deliver three references (question 3.3.5. of the Qualification System) for each category. It is explicitly mentioned that all references for a category must be comparable to the nature of the contract as described under the aforementioned question 2.1.2 and within the scope of the technical description for that category. To verify whether the tenderer is able to deliver the equipment in the specific category according to the technical description for that category, TenneT requires references from which clearly can be concluded that the tenderer has successfully supplied products that fulfil the technical description for the specific category. According to the decision of the court of appeal of the 15th of January 2013 this assessment method is in accordance with the European procurement Directive and Dutch procurement law.
6. [eiseres] submitted an application for the categories 1 up to 5 and including.
7. [eiseres] provided eleven (11) references and stated that each of these references relate to the categories 1,2,3,4 and 5 and one (1) reference that relates to categories 1,2 and 3. As stated in the aforementioned question 3.3.5 all references for a category must be comparable to the nature of the contract as described under question 2.1.2 and within the scope of the technical description for that category. Since the required substation automation equipment and the solutions and the requirements of each category are different, it is necessary that [eiseres] explicitly states which reference refers to which category. [eiseres] failed to explicitly state which reference refers to which category. Therefore we would like [eiseres] to provide for each reference the information that is necessary to conclude that the reference is comparable to the nature of the contract for that specific category, as described under question 2.1.2 and within the scope of the technical description for that category.
9. With respect to the products to which the references refer, [eiseres] did not provide enough information about the characteristics of the products that were supplied in those cases. Therefore it was not possible for TenneT to verify whether the delivered products, mentioned in the references, fulfilled the requirements of the technical description of the specific category (mentioned in chapter 2.1.2. of the qualification system), and therefore [eiseres] has not proven that it has succefully supplied products that fulfilled the requirements set by TenneT.
10. For qualification it is necessary to receive more suitable information about the products to which the references of [eiseres] refer to. Information with which TenneT will be able to verify whether the products mentioned in the references fulfilled the requirements of the technical descriptions of the categories 1,2,3,4 and 5. TenneT emphasises that it is important to be able to conclude
that the products/systems that has been delivered to the specific principals fulfil the requirements of the technical descriptions of the categories 1,2,3,4 and 5, because TenneT only wants to buy ‘proven technology”. It is not enough that the products/systems to which the references refer can or could (by further adjustments, modifications or different settings) fulfil the requirements of the technical description of each category and it is not enough to explicitly state that the mentioned products (can) fulfil the mentioned requirements.
11. As stated before, please explicitly state which reference refers to category 1.
13. Please provide further and suitable documentation, in any format (for example technical reports of independent institutes, technical product handbooks, system manual, product documentation, commercial product brochures e.a.) that [eiseres] wishes to submit, based on which TenneT can assess that the products to which the references of [eiseres] refer and which products were delivered to the respective clients, fulfil the aforementioned requirements of the technical description of category 1.
14. As already mentioned, please explicitly state which reference refers to category 2.
22. Please provide further and suitable documentation, in any format (for example technical reports of independent institutes, technical product handbooks, system manual, product documentation, commercial product brochures e.a.) that [eiseres] wishes to submit, based on which TenneT can assess that the products to which the references of [eiseres] refer and which products were delivered to the respective clients, fulfil the aforementioned requirements of the technical description of category 2.
23. Category 3 is a combination of category 1 and 2 and therefore TenneT refers to the above mentioned statements and requested information. Qualification for category 1 and 2 leads to qualification for category 3.
24. As stated before, please explicitly state which reference refers to category 4.
26. Category 4 consists the same requirements as category 1, but without the requirement of a modular assembly. TenneT requests [eiseres] to prove that the products of the references which are related to category 4 fulfil the requirements as listed in paragraph 13 above.
27. As stated before, please explicitly state which reference refers to category 5. TenneT requests references to a contract where [eiseres] supplied substation automation equipment for circuit breakers branches (e.g. 3/2 branch of 4/3 branch) separately.
28. For the products of category 5 TenneT has the same requirements as in category 1. TenneT requests [eiseres] to prove that the products of the references which are related to category 5 fulfil the requirements as listed in paragraph 13 above.
29. Based on the published requirements it was not possible to qualify [eiseres]. [eiseres] did not fulfil the conditions to qualify (yet). Nevertheless it is still possible for [eiseres] to qualify.
30. For qualification it is necessary that [eiseres] states explicitly
within 5 workdayswhich reference refers to which category.
31. Furthermore [eiseres] has to provide more suitable documentation and information, as detailed before in this letter,
also within 5 workdays, about the products to which the references of [eiseres] refer, so that it is possible for TenneT to verify whether these products fulfil the requirements of the technical description of the specific category.
32. If it is not possible to provide suitable documentation based on which TenneT can conclude that the references are comparable to the nature of the contract for each category – as described under question 2.1.2 and within the scope of the technical description for that category – it is possible for [eiseres] to request Kema, or any other recognised European body or institute which comply with applicable European standards, to test and to assess whether the products to which the references of [eiseres] refer to fulfil the requirements of the technical description of the categories 1 up to 5 of the Qualification System Substantion Automation and Protection Equipment of TenneT. (…).