2.5.Schlumberger c.s. en ITT Controls c.s. hebben een vaststellingsovereenkomst gesloten, door ITT Controls c.s. ondertekend op 22 april 2021 en door Schlumberger c.s. ondertekend op 27, 28, respectievelijk 30 april 2021 (hierna: de Vaststellingsovereenkomst). ITT Controls heeft op 3 mei 2021 een afschrift van de ondertekende Vaststellingsovereenkomst van Schlumberger c.s. ontvangen. In de Vaststellingsovereenkomst is – voor zover van belang – opgenomen:
a. The preliminary relief judge of the District Court of The Hague rendered a judgment in summary proceedings on 29 March 2021 in the case (…).
The Parties have already settled with each other the amounts to which they were ordered in paragraph 5.5 and 5.6 of the judgment referred to above under a); and that ITT Controls has already transferred the difference in the amount of €2,479.70 to the trust account of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP;
ITT Controls in all other respects wishes to comply with the judgment voluntarily;
The need for further proceedings has thus been removed and Schlumberger therefore wishes to withdraw the proceedings on the merits which were commenced with the service of the writ of summons on 25 November 2020;
That the Parties thus wish to resolve their dispute amicably and are therefore prepared, insofar as necessary in deviation from the legal relationship existing between them, to establish their legal relationship as follows, respectively the following rights and obligations.
1. ITT Controls B.V. is obliged to comply with the obligations and prohibitions as mentioned in judgment in paragraph 5.1 up to and including 5.3 of the above mentioned judgment under a).
2. The penalty mentioned in paragraph 5.4 of the above mentioned judgment under a) is converted into a fine, that is to say that ITT Controls in case of non-compliance with the obligations and prohibitions mentioned in Article 1 owes a fine of € 1,000.- (…) per day, including a part of a day, with a maximum of € 500,000.- (…) in total.
4. With due observance of the above provisions, the Parties declare that they have nothing further to claim from each other and that they grant each other full and irrevocable discharge in respect of the dispute which was decided in the judgment referred to under a) above.
6. All disputes which may arise between the Parties as a result of this agreement or of further agreements and other acts in connection with this agreement, such as, for example, but not exclusively, wrongful acts, wrongful payments and unjust enrichment, shall be settled by the District Court in The Hague, except in so far as mandatory rules of jurisdiction would prevent this choice.