1.Het procesverloop
2.De feiten
The contract of employment
High speed- although you have been urged to drive the Embassy's official cars carefully and calmly, you often drive recklessly and above the permitted speed, including two fines for speeding;
Although we warned all Support Assistants that the reception should never be unstaffed, on 17 July 2019 you did not pay attention to the fact that there was no one to answer the door, leaving the Ambassador waiting outside for over ten minutes. Even though it is not your sole responsibility, you should, before leaving, ensure that someone else can take over the task;
In the first half of 2019, your key ring, with all the Embassy keys, was found by an employee of the Embassy on the outside of the door that gives access to the parking lot. At the time, you were verbally warned that this lack of attention was inadmissible and that it compromised the security of the Chancellery;
On 20 August 2019, your key ring, with the keys to all the Embassy entrance doors, was left on the outside of the door that gives access to the parking lot again. This means that for a second time you were inattentive, compromising once again the security of the Embassy's premises. At the time, you received a written warning;
On 11 September 2019, you engaged in a heated discussion in front of the Official Residence in Wassenaar, with a passerby who was walking his dog. This happened during your working hours and while you drove one of the official cars. You said that the passerby made his displeasure with the way you were driving clear to you, which, in his opinion, would be at a faster speed than permitted. You were annoyed that the man wanted to take a photograph of the license plate. According to your own account, you got out of the car, shouted at the passerby and tried to take the phone out of his hand, getting extremely annoyed. Regardless of the cause of the incident, aggressive, threatening and disrespectful attitudes of any Embassy employee during office hours and especially while driving an official car are inadmissible. In that position, you were representing the Embassy, and with your disrespectful and aggressive attitude, you denigrated the image of the Embassy and the Brazilian Government. You have been verbally warned and have also received a written letter;
On 4 December 2019, you damaged an official Embassy car due to lack of attention and neglect. You were warned and asked to drive in a careful and responsible manner;
On 10 December 2019, you damaged another official Embassy vehicle for the same reasons as the previous incident. You were inattentive and negligent. Again you were asked to be more attentive and committed your work;
On 12 December, you drove the Ambassador to the wrong address when you were supposed to take her to an official event. Due to the mistake, the Ambassador was unable to attend the event. The correct address had been given in writing by the secretariat of the Embassy:
On 13 December, when you left to drive the Ambassador to the Official Residence, you left all your keys inside the office and could not return to leave the car and activate the alarm of the Chancellery. You had to go to the residence of a member of the Embassy staff to ask for a key in order to complete the task.
3.Het verzoek
4.Het verweer en het voorwaardelijk tegenverzoek
€ 40.000,00. De Ambassade heeft daartegen verweer gevoerd.
5.De beoordeling
Stcrt.2015/12685) zijn daarvoor nadere regels gesteld (Ontslagregeling).
Kamerstukken II 2013/14, 33818, 3, p. 45).
ernstig en duurzaamverstoorde arbeidsverhouding. Dat daarvan sprake is, is door de Ambassade naar het oordeel van de kantonrechter onvoldoende onderbouwd, te meer nu de werknemer gemotiveerd heeft betwist dat daarvan sprake is en heeft gesteld graag terug te willen keren in zijn functie zodra hij is hersteld. Het feit dat de werknemer in zijn verweerschrift omstandigheden in een ander perspectief plaats dan de Ambassade, leidt, anders dan de Ambassade heeft betoogd, evenmin tot de conclusie dat de arbeidsverhouding is verstoord.
Kamerstukken I, 2018-2019, 35 074, nr. 9, p. 59). De cumulatiegrond is voor die gevallen bedoeld waarin voortzetting van het dienstverband in redelijkheid niet meer van de werkgever gevergd kan worden, waarbij de werkgever dat niet kan baseren op omstandigheden uit één enkele ontslaggrond, maar dit wel kan motiveren en onderbouwen met omstandigheden uit meerdere ontslaggronden samen (
Kamerstukken I, 2018-2019, 35 074, F, pag. 26). Daarbij kan het bijvoorbeeld gaan om verwijtbaar handelen van de werknemer gecombineerd met onvoldoende functioneren en/of een verstoorde arbeidsverhouding (
Kamerstukken I, 2018-2019, 35 074, nr. 3, pag. 52).