8.2.3.Reference projects
The Candidate must submit two (2) reference projects, using Annex B ‘Model Reference Projects’ of this Selection Guide:
Reference project 1: one (1) delivery reference for Military Conditioned Containers with TEMPEST;
Reference project 2: one (1) maintenance reference for (at least) preventive and corrective maintenance on Civil and/or Military Conditioned Containers.
For the two (2) reference projects the Candidate must fulfil the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements in order to submit a valid Candidature. The Candidate must make use of Annex B of this Selection Guide to substantiate their compliancy without changing the format and complete this Annex as requested. Candidates should be aware that other, separate brochures and/or annexes etc. whether or not to demonstrate compliancy, will not be taken into consideration by the Contracting Authority in assessing the reference projects; these will be put aside.
The information submitted in Annex B ‘Model Reference Projects’ of this Selection Guide must include sufficiently detailed explanations of the respective reference projects to give the Contracting Authority a clear impression of the reference projects and to enable the Contracting Authority to assess the reference projects. To this end, if possible, use should be made of ‘hard, verifiable data’ (e.g. euro amounts, number of Containers delivered).
It is not allowed to submit more than one (1) reference project for each reference. In case more than one (1) reference project is submitted for a single reference, only the first reference project will be taken into consideration as part of the Candidature. For this project the maximum number of reference projects to be submitted as part of the eligibility requirements is two (2).
General eligibility requirements:
The following general eligibility requirements are applicable to all the reference projects:
The presented reference projects each consist of a single contract with a single principal. It is
not allowed to submit a reference project existing of multiple orders in oneframework
The Candidate must use Annex B to substantiate their compliancy to the reference projects. Additional information, e.g. separate brochures and annexes etc., will not be taken in consideration as part of the Candidature.
*Strike through that which does not apply
Reference project 1: Experience with the production and delivery of Military Conditioned Containers with TEMPEST
Reference project is submitted by
Eligibility requirements and selection criteria (max. 2 A4-size pages, incl. visual aids)
The reference project consists of Military
Conditioned Containers
A metal construction which is compliant with ISO 668, ISO 1496 and ISO 1161. Inside
the metal construction the air temperature, air flow, air intake and air humidity can be controlled in accordance with MIL-STD 1472. Provide details resp. see also general eligibility requirements and section provision of substantiating documents. Accompany all explanations with supporting visual aids. See also the list of definitions for reference projects.
This specific Military Conditioned Container with TEMPEST has been tested and inspected.
The metal construction, cables and filters provide protection against leakage of compromising emissions (TEMPEST) in accordance with SDIP 27 and SDIP 29. Provide
details resp. see general eligibility requirements and section provision of substantiating documents. Accompany all explanations with supporting visual aids. See also the list of definitions for reference projects.
The date of signature of the production and delivery agreement is ≥01-01-2005
Enter the date of signature and the (actual or expected) completion date, excluding any optional extension(s).