Rechtbank den Haag
1.De feiten in conventie en in reconventie
Just speak to Mr. [E.], he will send letter that i can represent him. [but from my own side, I will just represent him to complete the deal and smoothly make the transfer, after the transfer I will request him to find someone else to represent him as I have my own work.]”
Should completion of the Transaction not take place on or before July, 16, 2014, without these Heads of Agreement being dissolved, the Seller and the Purchaser shall discuss the possibility to extend this arrangement.”
(1.) Any obligation by SSO to pay Partners any commission is subject to the definite transfer of the Shares by SSO to the Purchaser being executed prior to 31 October 2014.
The action to mr [E.] will be done by Frans van Spengler next week. Frans is in the lead in this process.”
That is exactly what I don’t like Mr. [E.]’s style, no reply to people always. This is the reason that I decided not to work for/with him any more (…)
The deal to purchase all the common shares of (…) ADO Den Haag from SSO and HP came to a successful completion, although the payment of transfer shares takes longer than expected due to Chinese rule of foreign investment. During the entire acquisition process UVS [vzr: ‘United Vansen’] always kept Dong Dao and Sports Media Corporation informed about further steps and decision makings.”
2.Het geschil
primair€ 990.000 en
subsidiair€ 700.000,- een en ander te vermeerderen met de wettelijke handelsrente en € 7.000,- ter zake van buitengerechtelijke incassokosten en met de proceskosten, waarin begrepen de beslagkosten van € 1.948,75.