If the detained person is surrendered to the Romanian authorities at Henri Coanda Airport from Bucharest, he shall be initially accommodated at Rahova Penitentiary from Bucharest for the quarantine period of 21 days, in a room with a minimum space of 3 square meters.
(…)Considering the amount of punishment, he shall probably serve his imprisonment punishment in the semi-open regime. Concerning his domicile, he shall probably initially serve his punishment in Satu Mare Penitentiary.
The detention rooms from Satu Mare Penitentiary are equipped with a specific furniture, heating installations and hygienic-sanitary utilities so that every detainee has permanent access to drinking water, hot water, sanitary groups and installations tor the physiological needs, whenever necessary, under hygiene and privacy conditions.
The detention rooms are arranged to allow natural and artificial lighting and ventilation. Windows of 1.40 m2 (1080 mm/1300 mm) are used for the ventilation of the rooms. One or two tables for serving meals, shelves tor storing products, coat racks and benches are mounted in every room and shelves for storing clothing and footwear in the bathroom. The other long use goods are kept in the warehouse of the penitentiary where the detainees have access according to the established program.
The main characteristics of the semi-open regime:
The detainees have access to walking yards (daily), clubs, sports ground, gym, church, classrooms and other spaces tor exercising their rights.
The semi-open regime provides the detainees many opportunities such as:
the possibility to walk unaccompanied in areas inside the detention place on routes established by the penitentiary administration;
the possibility to organize the free time available, under supervision, in compliance with the program established by the administration.
The doors of the rooms are open all day in the semi-open regime. The persons have all-day access to walking yards with special places for smoking, based on the program approved by the unit management.
Telephones tor the use of detainees are installed on the hallways of detention sections and in walking yards, having available 10 daily telephone calls, with a maximum cumulated duration of 60 minutes, electronic documentation and information points, where detainees can verify the prison situation (number of credits, educational activities attended, legal situation, etc.).
The convicted persons serving the punishment in a semi-open regime can work and carry out educational, cultural, therapeutic, psychological counselling and social assistance, mora/ and religious, educational training and professional formation activities, outside the penitentiary, under supervision.
Also, within the semi-open regime, the detainees benefit from 5 visits per month with a maximum duration of 2 hours. The detainees are entitled to weekly buy from commercial points inside the penitentiary, within the limit of ¾ of the national minimum gross wage, food products, fruits, vegetables, sparkling water, refreshing beverages, cigarettes and other goods similar to those allowed to be received.
The educational, psychological and social assistance programs and activities with detainees from the semi-open regime are carried out based on the recommendations from the individualized evaluation and educational and therapeutic intervention plan, in groups, in spaces inside the detention place, which remain open during the day, as well as outside the detention place. The detainees from the semiopen regime are accompanied and supervised by unarmed staff outside the detention place.
Concerning the performance of work activities, we mention that the administration of the detention place takes the necessary measures for identifying the possibilities to ensure the use at work of several detainees as high as possible. Concerning the type of execution regime, the detainees may be requested to work, considering their qualification, skills and abilities, age, health condition, safety measures, as well as programs for supporting their professional formation.
The detainees can be used at work activities in spaces inside or outside the penitentiary and the use at work of detainees is carried out in compliance with the selection and work distribution procedure and criteria, safety measures specific to each execution regime, elaboration of organization and operation documents of work points, preparation and equipment of workplaces, security and health measures at work, elaboration of work record documents and granting the rights for the work carried out.
The work carried out by detainees aims to maintain and increase their capacity to earn their living after liberation and obtain income and the work duration is 8 hours per day and not more than 40 hours per week, with exceptions provided by the labour law.
Therefore, the detainees serving the punishments in a semi-open regime can spend their free time outside the detention room, during the entire day. They only have to go to their rooms for serving their meals and half an hour before the evening call. In conclusion, besides the time for taking part in activities and programs and exercising the rights, this category of detainees can spend the free time outside the detention room, outdoors, practically using the detention room only for resting or for different administrative and maintenance activities of individual hygiene.
Considering the perspective of implementing the measures from the "2020 - 2025 action plan for enforcing the pilot-decision Rezmives and others against Romania, as well as the decisions issued in the group of cases Bragadireanu against Romania and the current trend registered by the detainees found in the custody of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, following the criminal policies adopted by the Romanian state, the National Administration of Penitentiariesguarantees the minimum individual space of 3 square meters during the entire execution of the punishment, including the bed and related furniture, without the space for the sanitary group.