Sąd Okręgowy(
Circuit Court) in Nowy Sącz(Polen) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
Cumulative judgement of Sąd Rejonowy (District Court) in Nowy Targvan 18 maart 2016 (II K 345/15) (
hierna: verzamelvonnis 1), onherroepelijk geworden op 12 april 2016, bestaande uit:
District Court Katowicevan 22 december 2008 (VIII K 225/08);
District Court Myslowicevan 8 juni 2011 (II K 109/11);
District Court Bielsko-Bialavan 31 mei 2010 (IX K 1288/10);
District Court Katowicevan 22 juni 2010 (IV K 678/10);
District Court Katowicevan 8 juni 2011 (III K 153/11);
Military Garrison Courtin Gdynia van 6 december 2011 (Sg 34/11);
District Court Katowicevan 6 juni 2014 (V K 185/14);
District Court Nowy Targvan 6 februari 2015 (II K 1147/14).
Cumulative judgement of Sąd Rejonowy (District Court) in Nowy Targvan 19 juli 2017 (II K 215/17) (
hierna: verzamelvonnis 2), onherroepelijk geworden op 27 juli 2017, bestaande uit:
District Court Katowicevan 9 mei 2013 (III K 706/12);
District Court Katowicevan 14 juni 2013 (V K 203/13);
District Court Katowicevan 25 juli 2013 (V K 280/13).
4.Weigeringsgrond als bedoeld in artikel 12 OLW
vonnis a:
As stated above, this judgment became final and binding on 04.03.2009.
vonnis b:
vonnis c:
vonnis d:
vonnis e:
but he did not appear at the court hearing on 08.06.2011 when the judgment was made. (…) [opgeëiste persoon] did not use a defence lawyer in this case, neither a court-appointed nor one appointed by himself.
vonnis f:
vonnis g:
Have there been any earlier hearings in this case, in which the merits of the case, including the guilt of the wanted person were discussed? If the answer is yes, did mr. [opgeëiste persoon] appear at these earlier hearings?
If the answer is no, could you please indicate whether or not mr. [opgeëiste persoon] had given a mandate to a lawyer in this case?
If the answers on questions 1a and 1b are no, I would like to ask you whether or not mr. [opgeëiste persoon] will be granted the possibility UNCONDITIONALLY to request a retrial or lodge an appeal against the decision with ref. II K 1147/14?
vonnis h:
Have there been any earlier hearings in this case, in which the merits of the case, including the guilt of the wanted person were discussed? If the answer is yes, did mr. [opgeëiste persoon] appear at these earlier hearings?
If the answer is no, could you please indicate whether or not mr. [opgeëiste persoon] had given a mandate to a lawyer in this case?
If the answers on questions 1a and 1b are no, i would like to ask you whether or not mr. [opgeëiste persoon] will be granted the possibility UNCONDITIONALLY to request a retrial or lodge an appeal against the decision of the District Court in Nowy Targ of 19 July 2017?”