1.De procedure
Ter zitting waren aanwezig:
2.De feiten
5.1. verklaart zich onbevoegd ten aanzien van de vorderingen gebaseerd op de Uniemerken van PVH;
4.5. PVH heeft gesteld dat met de in het geding zijnde advertenties inbreuk wordt gemaakt op haar Uniemerken, haar Beneluxmerken en haar auteursrechten. (…) Op de Uniemerkenrechtelijke grondslag wordt verder niet ingegaan aangezien de voorzieningenrechter zich (…) niet bevoegd acht. (…)
With respect to the identifying data, Facebook confirms that is has produced the available identifying data for this ads that contain the Tommy Hilfiger word mark, were targeted or served on users in Benelux, and purchased by a page that had been opened within one week of purchasing the ad.
In your email, you claim that because PVH’s brand protection team is based in Amsterdam, all of the ads that the team reported necessarily must have been targeted to Benelux users. As we explained during our last call last week, that assumption is incorrect. Over 90% of the ads that PVH reported to Facebook were reported through Facebook’s Commerce and IP tool which surfaces ads solely for reporting purposes, regardless of where the ads are targeted and/or the reporter is located. (…) And in any event, Facebook’s confirms that only 10 of the reported ads were targeted to or had any impressions in the Benelux region. As such, Facebook has fully complied with its obligations to provide identifying data.
(…) Facebook Netherlands B.V.’s main activities are the provision of sales support and marketing services to the Facebook group. (…) Facebook Netherlands does not operate, control, or host content available on Facebook Service.”
To determine which of the ads that PVH claimed were infringing (…) were shown to users in Benelux, Facebook ran a query across all the advertisements (…) In total, Facebook determined that ten advertisements were targeted or actually served to users in the Benelux.”
Kan Facebook, of kunnen haar gebruikers, uitsluiten dat advertenties op Facebook en Instagram (…)beschikbaar zijn voor gebruikers in de Benelux?”
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