1.De procedure
- de dagvaarding van 28 april 2016;
- de akte overlegging producties, met producties;
- de conclusie van antwoord, met producties;
- het tussenvonnis van 14 september 2016;
- de op 22 maart 2017 gehouden comparitie, het daarvan opgemaakte proces-verbaal en de daarin vermelde stukken.
2.De feiten
Cunico) (the
Third MD) and as trustee of 10% of the shares of Cunico (the
Trustee) respectively.
IMR) to subscribe for shares in Cunico and a (verbal) offer on behalf of BSGR Holdings Coöperatief U.A. (
BSGR) for the same. Furthermore, Cunico has received a request from IMR to make available certain information to enable IMR to perform a limited due diligence exercise with a specified scope, separately attached hereto (
Due Diligence Scope).
Issue Process) that will be further outlined in a detailed process letter (the
Process Letter); and
Cunico) we hereby invite each of you to submit a definitive, fully financed and binding offer to subscribe for newly to be issued shares in the capital of Cunico against payment in cash (the
Binding Offer), subject to the terms and conditions of this letter.
Contributing Shareholder), would result in a full dilution of the other shareholder (
Diluted Shareholder), such that after the share issue the Diluted Shareholder would hold less than 1% of the total issued share capital.
Transaction Documentation) which will be provided to you under a separate cover.
Monday 12 October 12.00hrs CET(…).
Due Diligence). (…).
Structure:the issuance of new shares in the capital of Cunico shall take place directly to one of the current shareholders. If your Binding Offer envisages a different structure to be put in place at closing, you must detail such structure in your Binding Offer. (…).
Subscription amount:your Binding Offer should state the aggregate subscription amount in cash (
Subscription amount) that you are prepared to pay and the number of shares you wish to receive in consideration thereof (which shall determine the level of dilution for the other shareholder). The Subscription Amount should exceed an amount of USD 100 million in order for your Binding Offer to be validly admitted to the process and considered by Cunico. (…).
Earn-Out:Your Binding Offer should contain details of your proposal for the arrangement pursuant to which you would, if you were to be selected as the Contributing Shareholder, compensate the Diluted Shareholder, in the form of an earn-out as described above, or otherwise.
Transaction Documentation:Your Binding Offer should contain a confirmation that you are willing and ready to execute the Transaction Documentation that will be presented to you separately. Any proposed modifications to the proposed Transaction Documentation will be viewed negatively. Your Binding offer should assume that no representations and warranties will be given to the Contributing Shareholder as part of the Transaction.
Internal approvals:Your Binding Offer should include a confirmation of all required internal approvals, including authorisation of your company’s board of directors or equivalent governing body, which should be obtained prior to submission of your Binding Offer. Your Binding Offer should state explicitly that all necessary approvals have been obtained by you or any of your affiliates who will be a party to the deed of issuance and that the Binding Offer is not subject to financing, additional corporate approvals, additional due diligence or any other condition.
advance paymentszijn tijdig gedaan.
Process Letter), please find attached drafts of the Transaction Documentation referred to in the Process Letter.
Cunico), we kindly request you to review the Transaction Documentation and to let us know whether you have any comments. (…)
17:00 CET on Wednesday 14 October in order for us to be able to circulate a final set of the Transaction Documents on Thursday morning.
23:59 CET today, 15 October 2015, in accordance with the process laid out in the Process Letter.
Transaction Documentationbehorende
Letter of Undertaking(hierna: LoU) bij de OK-functionarissen ingediend.
Process Letter) sets out the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Company has invited both IMR and BSGR to submit a binding offer to subscribe for newly to be issued shares in the capital of the Company against payment in cash (a
Binding Offer). The Binding Offer shall be made on the basis that all shares which will be issued in this respect will be issued to only one of the shareholders (the
Transaction). The Transaction will result in one shareholder holding more than 99% of the total issued share capital of the Company (the
Contributing Shareholder), thereby almost fully diluting the other shareholder (the
Diluted Shareholder).
rechtbank) 5 million as set out in the Process Letter);
vernietiging) of this undertaking, or to invoke its invalidity (
nietigheid) on any ground whatsoever and whether or not by way of defence, or to request amendment (
wijziging) of this agreement under Section 6:230 of the Dutch Civil Code.
Objections Letter.
Objections Letterluidt, voor zover hier van belang:
Process Letter”) specifically.
First IMR Offer”), which is still valid to date. The First IMR Offer followed earlier requests for emergency financing from you. These requests too, IMR was willing to adhere to, as communicated to you by email and in person.
controlled auction– where a company is put up for sale by its existing shareholders – is
notwhat this is about. Rather the parties are dealing with an emergency funding situation (which IMR is willing to resolve in either a proportional or dilutive fashion). Where in a
controlled auctionthe existing shareholders and the company, in principle, are at liberty to make all kinds of demands towards the prospective third parties, this does not apply to the company vis-à-vis its current shareholders.
notcause disproportionate damage to shareholder’s interest. The Process Letter shows that you
de factoassert to be the owner of the company rather than its shareholders.
Second IMR Offer”), is made under the express reservation of all rights, in case IMR is diluted as a result of this process and/or the exclusion of its pre-emptive rights.
rechtbank) and I envisage the next steps in the process with respect to the issue of new Cunico shares (as referred to in the Process Letter that is known to you).
ultimately on Friday 30 October 2015.
rechtbank) e-mails (…) BSGR Coop is in the process of gathering and putting together the additional information, which you shall receive today as requested.
onlycondition that would be accepted by Cunico/yourselves. Mr. [naam 3] stated that all other conditions would need to be met by IMR. This further emphasized the meaning and importance of the conditions of the Process Letter.
waive its rights under its shareholders loan agreement(…).
for both partiesunder the Process Letter.
Cunico”), BSGR Holdings Cooperatief U.A. (“
BSGR Coop”) would like to make International Mineral Resources N.V. (“
IMR”) the following offer, subject to BSGR Coop’s final bid (which includes the offer below) being fully accepted by Cunico, Mr. [naam 2] and Mr. [naam 1] .
19h CET today, we will have to take our final decision under the Process Letter to elect the Contributing Shareholder. In connection therewith we are giving you a final opportunity, in view of the changed circumstances (less cash required for survival of the company in a revised and “slimmed” business plan), to reconfirm your original bid with only such amendments as are required to take into account the aforementioned changed circumstances. In this respect I note that PwC has indicated that, in order to provide its auditor statement on a continuity basis, a firm commitment is required to contribute, by way of share capital, at least USD 75 million (such commitment to be fully backed by cash collateral or equivalent evidence of certainty of funds). Should you provide us with a reconfirmed offer we would expect that its terms would include similar terms as before in respect of the earn-out arrangement to compensate the Diluted Shareholder, save for elements resulting from the changed circumstances. Any reconfirmed offer from BSGR must also be delivered to us before
before 19h CET today, with any
upfront paymentto be available in cash
at Cunico’s bank account ultimately tomorrow.
Contributing Shareholderaandelen uitgegeven. IMR heeft die aandelen diezelfde dag nog doorgeleverd aan haar moedervennootschap Summerside Investments S.á.r.l. (hierna: Summerside). De aandeelhoudersverhoudingen bij Cunico zijn sedertdien als volgt: BSGR 9,89%; IMR 9,89%; Summerside 80,22%.
shareholder loan(aandeelhouderslening) per 29 februari 2016 op USD 101.522.620,00. BSGR Coöperatief en BSGR Limited duiden deze twee vorderingen gezamenlijk aan als de Vorderingen.
3.Het geschil
shareholder loan(aandeelhouderslening), die per 29 februari 2016 USD 101.522.620,00 bedraagt.
4.De beoordeling
shareholder loanstelt de rechtbank het volgende voorop.
Contributing Shareholder), als gevolg waarvan het belang in Cunico van de andere aandeelhouder (de
Diluted Shareholder) aanzienlijk zou afnemen (‘verwateren’). Dat proces voorzag voorts in een zekere vrijheid van de OK-functionarissen om naar bevind van zaken te (blijven) handelen. BSGR Coöperatief heeft zich steeds achter het besluit van de OK-functionarissen geschaard. IMR heeft zich daartegen, in elk geval aanvankelijk, verzet omdat zij andere uitwegen voor Cunico zag.
Binding Offerte doen. Daarbij hebben zij uitdrukkelijk aandacht gevraagd voor de
Transaction Documentation: “Your Binding Offer should contain confirmation that you are willing and ready to execute the Transaction Documentation that will be presented to you separately. Any proposed modifications to the proposed Transaction Documentation will be viewed negatively”. De (concept)
Transaction Documentationvolgde enkele dagen later. BSGR Coöperatief heeft vervolgens, op 15 oktober 2015, een bod en de door haar ondertekende LoU bij de OK-functionarissen ingediend.
shareholder loans(aandeelhoudersleningen). Aan de zijde van BSGR Coöperatief en BSGR Limited was daarvan alleen sprake bij laatstgenoemde (al was zij dan geen aandeelhouder). Cunico en IMR hebben gewezen op aan IMR gerichte e-mailberichten op papier van BSGR Limited van [naam 4] (hierna: [naam 4] ), destijds bestuurder van zowel BSGR Coöperatief als BSGR Limited. Die e-mailberichten uit mei 2015 betreffen de mogelijke oplossingen van de problemen bij Cunico. Cunico en IMR hebben voorts gewezen op attachment 4 van het bod van BSGR Coöperatief (
Resolutionsvan de
Boardvan BSGR Coöperatief en
Members’ Resolutionsvan BSGR Limited). Beide besluiten dateren van 15 oktober 2015, zijn mede ondertekend door [naam 4] en strekken ertoe dat BSGR Coöperatief een
Binding Offerindient. Cunico en IMR hebben ten slotte gewezen op het antwoord van BSGR Coöperatief op de volgende vraag van de OK-functionarissen: “Could you please confirm whether the execution of your Binding Offer does not require any legally required approvals, filings or legally required notices?” Dat antwoord luidt, voor zover hier van belang: “All internal approvals and consents required in order to execute the bid submitted by BSGR on October 15, 2015 “Bid”) have been obtained (please see attached Annex 1 (…)”. Die Annex (de
Minutes of the Meetingvan de
Boardvan BSGR Limited van 15 oktober 2015) luidt, voor zover hier van belang:
waivers of rights.
waiveronder (c) in de weg staat aan de onderhavige vorderingen. Naar het oordeel van de rechtbank is dat niet het geval. Aangenomen al dat deze
waiver, fundamenteel en verstrekkend als zij is, rechtens houdbaar is, dient er geen enkele twijfel aan te (kunnen) bestaan dat de onderhavige vorderingen daaronder vallen. De
waiverschiet in elk geval in zoverre tekort. Zij richt zich eerst en vooral op het biedingsproces (“All claims or rights of legal actions (…) in connection with the execution, amendment or termination of the Transaction process, including but not limited to any actions and decisions required to obtain, accept or reject and execute the Binding Offer of IMR or BSGR”). Zij richt zich niet, althans niet voldoende uitdrukkelijk, op vorderingen die weliswaar in het biedingsproces zijn betrokken, maar daar op zichzelf geheel en al buiten staan. BSGR Coöperatief en BSGR worden derhalve in hun vorderingen ontvangen.
waiveronder (b).
Binding Offerte doen. BSGR Coöperatief en IMR hebben beide op die uitnodiging gereageerd. BSGR Coöperatief heeft een bod en de door haar ondertekende LoU bij de OK-functionarissen ingediend. Dat heeft zij, naar moet worden aangenomen, weloverwogen gedaan. Enig voorbehoud heeft zij niet gemaakt, enige voorwaarde heeft zij niet gesteld. De OK-functionarissen hebben op het bod van BSGR Coöperatief niet afwijzend gereageerd. Aldus hebben BSGR Coöperatief en BSGR Limited, gelet ook op artikel 4.1 van de LoU, afstand gedaan van de
shareholder loanin de zin van artikel 6:160 BW.
shareholder loandiende te doen. In het aangepaste bod maakten zij van die wens een voorwaarde. Daarmee kwamen zij echter niet, althans niet voldoende duidelijk, terug van hun eigen
waiver. BSGR Coöperatief en BSGR hebben aldus definitief afstand gedaan van hun
shareholder loan, althans Cunico heeft dat redelijkerwijs uit haar verklaringen en gedragingen mogen concluderen in de zin van artikel 3:35 BW.
waivervan hun
shareholder loanworden gehouden.