2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
- een vonnis van 23 april 2009 van the Court of Law Filiasi;
- een vonnis van 23 juni 2011 van the Court of Law Craiova.
The decision shall be submitted personally, with no delay, after surrender; and:
- when the decision is being submitted to it, the person concerned shall be expressly informed of the right to re-judge the case or to remedy, in which it has the right tob e present and which allows the circumstances of the case, inclusively new evidence, tob e re-examined and which may lead tot he cancellation of the initial decision; and
- the person concerned shall be informed of the time when he may request the re-judge of the case or promotion of a remedy, which is of 1 month.”
medeplegen van in de woning bij een ander in gebruik wederrechtelijk binnendringen.
Artikel 11 van de OLW