I also want to have the meeting my concern is it is called an appraisal meeting and not a meeting to mediate. The concern I have is that this implies disciplinary action is to be taken or that my file will be updated. In this regard I think it is better to allow me to find to understand exactly what the process is here and check with the works council.”
“to make clear what you have tot do to change your behaviour (…) To be blunt we expect you to change your behavior in a way that helps you and MSF. One of the agreements we have made concerns the meeting with those persons that have been affected by this behavior and to çlean the air’. (…)
if those meetings cannot be hold due to the fact that you have doubts or feel uncomfartable by this, this would ultimately mean that we cannot move forward and were have a stand still as to progress which we find not acceptable in this situation.”
felt it was not balanced. (…) At the start of the process I was informed it was a mediation when I agreed to the first discussion with [naam 3] , in the mail below you seem now to be indicating otherwise. You state: “we expect you to change your behavior” this is in no way neutral or helpful. I will now discuss with the works council to understand what the process should be.”
to come to an agreement how to proceed in the future in regards to your performance. We are of the opinion that these kind of meetings in regards to your behavior and performance as an employee are a normal and integral part of a normal relationship with your employer”.
final warning” gegeven. [naam 1] heeft onder meer het volgende geschreven:
till you wrote your mail I understood I had been involved in a mediation process. I had raised concerns about the quality of the mediation delivered and its lack of impartiality.”Hij heeft herhaald dat zijn verzoek om inschakeling van een externe mediator redelijk is en dat dit bevestigd is door zijn juridisch adviseur. Volgens [verweerder] zou de inschakeling van een mediator een waardevolle stap zijn
“to solve the relevant points of discussion we have, or seem to have”. Volgens [verweerder] heeft hij [naam 2] gevraagd welke specifieke klachten waren geuit “
and she said the discussions were confidential and was vague on what exactly were the issues that needed to be addressed.”