The Brăila Court(Roemenië) en strekt tot de aanhouding en overlevering van:
2.Identiteit van de opgeëiste persoon
3.Grondslag en inhoud van het EAB
criminal sentence No. 2911 of 21.11.2014 of the Brăila Court which became final on 12.01.2015 by means of waiving the appeal.
4.Weigeringsgronden als bedoeld in artikel 11 OLW en artikel 12 OLW
- for the hearing of 21.02.2014, the summons was served on the Defendant’s father on 05.12.2013;
- (…)
- for the hearing of 25.04.2014, the summons was served on 04.04.2014 on the Defendant’s grandfather (at one of the addressed) and on 03.04.2014 it was served on the Defendant’s mother (at the second address);
- for the hearing of 23.05.2014, the summons was served on 12.05.2014 on the Defendant’s father and on 09.05.2014 is was served on the Defendant’s mother;
- for the hearing of 20.06.2014, the summons was served on 03.06.2014 on the Defendant’s both mother and father (at those two addresses); (…)
- for the hearing of 26.09.2014, the summons was served on 30.06.2014 on the defendant’s mother (…) while on 01.07.2014 the summons was served on the Defendant’s grandfather;
- for the hearing on 24.10.2014 (…) the summons was served on the mother on 06.10.2014 and on the father on 07.10.2014;
- for the hearing of 14.11.2014 (…) it was also served on the Defendant’s mother on 04.11.2014 (…);
- s. 257 (Means of service) par. 1:Calling a person before the criminal investigation body or the Court shall be made by written summons.
- s. 258 (Contents of the summons) par. 1:The summons is individual;
- s. 260 (Service of summons) par. 1:The summons is served to the summoned person, anywhere he/she may found, and he/she shall sign the acknowledgement of receipt.
- s. 261 (Service of summons on the persons) par. 1:Should the summoned person not be found at home,the agent is then serving the summons on the spouse, on a relative or on any other person who is living together with the summons person,or on a person who usually receives the correspondence of the summoned person.
8.Toepasselijke wetsbepalingen
[opgeëiste persoon]aan
the Brăila Court(Roemenië) ten behoeve van de tenuitvoerlegging van de vrijheidsstraf, te ondergaan op het grondgebied van de uitvaardigende lidstaat, wegens de feiten waarvoor zijn overlevering wordt verzocht.