A: I think they did it as a protection
B: Oww
A: Because if they look on all of our hard drives, there is nothing. Because no one
keeps anything on the C drive. Everything is kept on the server.
B: Right. And the C drive is your own computer.
A: Yes.
B: Oh.
A: So they will find nothing. When they dismantled all of our computers
B: right....
A: and copied them, they'll find nothing.
B: Ahhhh, ok. (...)
A: I have in my uhmm I guess in my....where all my work is, I have a file called
[H] and that's the one that they're looking for.
B: Ahh...
A: I didn't realize. I mean I can't remember all this shit! And ehh...
B: Yeah I seem to... you know... press for another (NTV)
A: But they didn't really ask, you know...
B: years ago
A: Yeah, but if they find that, everything is there! All the contracts,....
B: Right...
A: from the [F] ...
B: Right....
A: All the invoices...... everything! All the....my letters to the company in [naam 1] of
[naam 2] to wire the funds either back to us and there is one........and they haven't
asked me what it is....but when they do....I can tell them what it is. There is one
transfer that goes from [naam 1] of [naam 2] to [betrokkene 5] in [D] . And that
is to buy a piece of property in [omschrijving] . Obviously it doesn't say for [betrokkene 6]
on it...
B: Mmmm
A: But that property was bought and that was his payoff for the [F] . But I
could never figure out how they did it.
B: Mmmm
A: Because, and I lost that paper. One day [betrokkene 7] came to me, with the provision
sales agreement from this [G] .
B: Right.
A: And he goes... he's, you know, this is my payoff for [betrokkene 6] . And I am
reading the sales contract and I said, yeah, but in who's name...who is buying it,
you know?
B: Right,
A: Do you want me to put [betrokkene 6] name on it? (Lacht)
B: Yeah
A: You know, like that I joked. So he was gonna put his name on it. But then he said
no he doesn't....and then he was thinking about it: in a foundation and this and that
and that... and then he didn't do it. And I sent the 300.000 (driehonderd duizend)
dollars to [betrokkene 5] in [D] . And with the reference 'purchase [G]
'. And that was the same SMP (fon) (?) that he came to me when
he said to me that is was for [betrokkene 6] . But that is what is in my computer.
B: Yeah
A: Well it doesn't say [betrokkene 6] .
A: (NTV) Interesting, find out from Kadaster, whose name it went into.
B: yeah, haha.”